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All I can get is a crappy black and white choppy mess, seems like I would need better video capture software.

I have found Debut to be pretty exceptional, especially for a free download, although it can be a resource hog if you're struggling on that end.

I dunno if this is considered on topic or not, but has anyone heard of the Tim Tang Test?

I got through the first 50 levels a few years ago. Some of them have changed since, and I haven't given it another shot, but it's an excellent, mind-bending devourer of time.

Just remembered another team fortress 2 one. During a payload map was fighting another hunstman sniper in an adjacent room. We both popped around the corner at the same time and fired - causing our arrows to collide in mid air and fall to the ground. I got him right after that. This is one I actually DO have on video.

Sounds like you were using the machinegun to stay airborne here - which means you weren't actually fighting the final final boss. Picky, I know, but I thought I'd point it out :tomatoface:

Big giant face-sphere of death? Or was there an even worse fate than Hell that I somehow missed. Because I'm not going back to find out. I don't know how I was so patient in my youth, but I can't even fathom repeating that feat a second time.


- Played and done alright in a lot of PC FPS games (some old videos, as Nutritious mentioned)

- Am still a generally nice person and "retro gamer" despite having dabbled with the dark arts above :)

- Been playing quite a bit of NEStalgia this year and me and my guild have earned a little respect for doing relatively difficult PvE stuff (beating hard bosses often with small and/or unusual party compositions etc., more videos), also won a PvP tournament for the first time this weekend yay


I'm not certain on all of my gaming feats, which most of them probably are not the greatest. But I do remember the most fun I've had gameing and I call it a feat.

I got two other friends and we got 3 TV's together in one room. We all put in a Megaman X and all three of us did megaman X 1-6 in one sitting. It was a colaboration effort though. We didn't each beat MMX 1-6, we all helped each other out. It was an absolute blast.

Another thing I pride myself on which, yet again, isn't super impressive, is that I have beat all Metal Gear Solids with no kill runs. Two of them I did no kill run first thing.

Posted (edited)
- Played and done alright in a lot of PC FPS games (some old videos, as Nutritious mentioned)

- Am still a generally nice person and "retro gamer" despite having dabbled with the dark arts above :)

- Been playing quite a bit of NEStalgia this year and me and my guild have earned a little respect for doing relatively difficult PvE stuff (beating hard bosses often with small and/or unusual party compositions etc., more videos), also won a PvP tournament for the first time this weekend yay

Oh jesus. I'd never heard of NEStalgia before. I clicked the link and almost shit my pants. I think that game caters to every possible addiction mechanism that exists within me. I dare not play it. The consequences would never be the same.

Aaaand relevant to the thread: I beat level 20 again in Dr. Mario just now, fucked up in level 21 after setting myself up to win, threw the controller at the NES like the mature grow'd-ass man that I am, and the level just kinda reset and allowed me to try it again. And I beat it. I love the NES.

Edited by ectogemia

Things I'm most proud of:

-beating sephiroth in kingdom hearts I (seriously epic boss fight, too bad in KH2 he was a pushover)

-finishing ninja gaiden I/II (xbox) on the hardest difficulty

-getting through all halo game campaigns on legendary with a friend (halo reach = OMGWTFHAX)

Things I'm not so proud of:

-failing the tutorial mission of MSG2

-losing first time duel in red dead redemption to some nobody

-getting raped by Lu Bu in every dynasty warriors so hard every time

-never legitimately beating a mario game...

Things I'm most proud of:

-beating sephiroth in kingdom hearts I (seriously epic boss fight, too bad in KH2 he was a pushover)

Funny, I never could beat him in KH2 :(

I got the sense it was very systematic but I never took the time to get it down.

Funny, I never could beat him in KH2 :(

I got the sense it was very systematic but I never took the time to get it down.

The system was, "spam Trinity Limit"

  • 1 year later...

Currently I'm working on 100%'ing Super Meat Boy. When I do that, that'll be my biggest accomplishment.

It's hard to pick a #1 accomplishment, but when I was about 7-8 or so, I beat Operation Neptune, the entire game, without ever getting hurt or firing a single shot. (maybe I got hurt once or twice... it's been a long time.)


-getting through all halo game campaigns on legendary with a friend (halo reach = OMGWTFHAX)

It was pretty hard on single player, but I actually thought Halo 3 was harder than Reach.

I've beaten Cod 4, WaW, MW2 and 3 and Black Ops on Veteran difficulty. WAAAY harder than you might think if you've never played the campaign modes. It's seriously brutal at times.


Arcade: Beating the X-Men game all by myself


- beating Startropics with no assistance

- beating Bionic Commando with only one call to the Nintendo Game Counselors

- beating Zelda 2


- beating FF3(6)

- beating A Link to the Past in one run-through



I mean, I beat Mario Kart Double Dash literally over 5 times.

I'm a master at Mario Kart. I beat Mario Kart Wii really quickly, but I never went back to beat it again because I wasn't a ginormous fan of it. It was great, but Double Dash is the best. I think I beat Mario Kart 64 as well. Ah, my childhood... I grew up with the 64 and GCN.

Super Mario Kart was nearly impossible for me. I only played it for old school gaming reasons and just for the fact it was cool to play it. It was really hard for me and my friends, though, lol.

I never was able to do Mario Kart 7. The controls always bothered me. They were too different, and I had a hard time handling the racers. I nearly beat it, though.

Posted (edited)

unlocking some medals in ace combat 6, platinum ace (no damage) sharpshooter (gunfighting only)

older but i remember a 3 hearts run and a green armor run in Lttp.

Edited by Doulifée

Getting all A's in Sonic Adventure 2 only to get one friggin remade level of the original Sonic.

Soloing the Streets of Rage games.

Losing count of how many times i beat FFVII. I'm pretty sure i just started number 11 today. (Square having me as lead creative director, or some other bs title, for the FFVII remake? I can recite the entire game's dialogue by heart...almost)

Playing this piece of garbage and almost beating it:



* Beating IWBTG on Very Hard

* 150 Stars in Mario 64 DS

* 100%ing (getting all the CDs and everything) Wario 4 in less than two or three hours (one playthrough, etc) (it was a while ago, I forgot)


.. I'm not very proficient in most games.


Faced pro-gamer Triforce of Empire Arcadia and we froze Tetris Attack on VS. Mode.

Beaten numerous #1 ranked teams in 3v3 & 4v4 in Warcraft 3 on ladder.

Got all of the Goldeneye 007 unlocks legitimately!


I mean, I beat Mario Kart Double Dash literally over 5 times.

I'm a master at Mario Kart. I beat Mario Kart Wii really quickly, but I never went back to beat it again because I wasn't a ginormous fan of it. It was great, but Double Dash is the best. I think I beat Mario Kart 64 as well. Ah, my childhood... I grew up with the 64 and GCN.

Super Mario Kart was nearly impossible for me. I only played it for old school gaming reasons and just for the fact it was cool to play it. It was really hard for me and my friends, though, lol.

I never was able to do Mario Kart 7. The controls always bothered me. They were too different, and I had a hard time handling the racers. I nearly beat it, though.

I HATED Double Dash. The item frequencies were so messed up in Double Dash, you could perform near flawlessly or flawlessly in 150cc and get screwed by an assault of lightning/blue shells. I remember one race I was so far ahead on Toad's Highway that at the end I got hit by 3 blue shells in a row on the final stretch and almost lost. I was about to go ballistic if I lost that race.

I HATED Double Dash. The item frequencies were so messed up in Double Dash, you could perform near flawlessly or flawlessly in 150cc and get screwed by an assault of lightning/blue shells. I remember one race I was so far ahead on Toad's Highway that at the end I got hit by 3 blue shells in a row on the final stretch and almost lost. I was about to go ballistic if I lost that race.

Lol, that happens in ALL Mario Kart games. I'm a master at Double Dash. That's the one I'm best at, honestly.


I beat Ninja Gaiden 1-3 after a 6-hour marathon. I had to use an emulator, because it was nearly impossible to play and beat it on the NES. I came pretty close when I was a kid, but I just couldn't pull it off.

100% on DKCR. Fuck that game, I'm never playing it again!


I can beat Battletoads on the NES without using any continues or mega warps. I can beat

. I can also clear Clinger Winger in one attempt but I don't have video of that at present.

Not sure how great an accomplishment it really is but I can beat all eight Robot Masters in Mega Man 9 with just the Mega Buster.

I found all the Chocograph treasures in Final Fantasy IX without using a guide of any kind.

I can beat the level 130 Feral Chaos at the end of Dissidia duodecim's story mode with a


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