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Haven't played (or even heard of) the other games, but I'm in love with VVVVVV. And this is a new 2.0 release that has a level editor and a stage made by Minecraft creator Notch, too.

Too bad this bundle had to come out right before Otakon, so I won't be paying as much as I have past bundles, but I'm still gonna pay above the average and show my support.

I tried to get this and the paypal button didn't work -- anyone have this issue? o_o

I ignore paypal and use amazon payment... since I trust Amazon more than Paypal.

Try putting in less than a dollar (for kicks, I put in a penny). It is both hilarious and heartbreaking.

Aw what, they want to give the whole penny to the developers? Are they trying to raise money for the developers or for charity? :<

EDIT: Ok, I got the pack, and I finished Vvvvv already in 2;30 hours or so. I wanted to ask how is everyone else splitting up their donations? Are you giving more to the developers, or are you giving only to the charity? Or a split of both? I thought since it was for charity that most of the cash should go to charity, it only made sense that way. xD


Bumping this because they've added maybe 5 more games to the bundle, people who donated enough are getting the games retro-actively too! Including Braid!

Special note: Go to your unique humble URL they emailed to you.. There you will find new download links and a Steam key, if you paid enough to begin with

edit2: 6 games, not 5

edit3: Started up Revenge of the Titans and went afk with my wireless headphones to cook dinner... Wondered why I suddenly started to feel sickly ill, and later realized that the game was pumpin' the music from A Clockwork Orange!


Nice! Steel Storm was a nice add earlier, I'm probably looking forward to play it more than the original five games (although all are interesting). But getting the bundle #2 games too, that's pretty cool.

Already bought it earlier for a bit more than the Linux average. I think I directed a bit over dollar to Child's Play and a bit over dollar as a tip to Wolfire, who put the bundles together, but don't have a game from themselves in this time around, so that's the only way they're getting any money (back) from this.

Re: charity, I read the Wikipedia page earlier, and the bundles are about selling indie games, the charity thing is more of a nice opportunity to raise some money to them as well. It's definitely cool that you can give most or all the money to them though. I think the bundles together have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars already for the charities.



The Humble "INDY" Bundle?! A bundle of Indiana Jones'? My own Harrison Ford?! SWEET.

Humor aside, I got the 2nd bundle last year and was NOT disappointed. Ended up getting 10 games for 5-10 bucks. (At the time, all I had to spend, digital wise.) Thinking of getting this one, but I am DEFINITELY paying more than last time.


Hey uh, another game is in it. It's zombie atom smasher, I already owned it, yet haven't played it. My brother has and said he really likes it.

So yea. Chock one more up for HIB. Those guy know how to make people happy. The past indie bundles never got this big.


These bundles are the gift that keeps on giving, I already had #1 and #2 but to have not one but two additional games added to #3 is pretty cool! As usual I already had about half the games but it's always nice to give a little bit more to the developers.


... well shit, the other games look great, but I can't DL them (all the links in my URL are dead :neutral:). Seems they closed shop before I got wind of it. Why am I always late to the party when it comes to these things?

*grumble* Oh well, I paid for the five games, so I suppose I shouldn't complain about missing out on the other seven.


If you paid for the games before the bundle #2 games became available, you should be entitled to them. They should be downloadable indefinitely (I haven't even downloaded my Frozenbyte bundle games yet). Same goes for the two bonus games. Sounds like you have some sort of an error, you should message their support.


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