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I just want to share, and I also want to know if you've got moments like this.

You probably are familiar with the feeling: you've been playing the same game for a few days in a row, and there's this one thing you've been trying to do. Each time you fail, you get that little bit more frustrated, and at the same time you get that little bit more determined to conquer the frustration. At last, you complete your goal, and you say to yourself, "I did it! And damn me if I ever even try that again!"

I will present my favourite example first. The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time - I only once managed to get the Heart Container Piece earned by finishing the race in Dampe's tomb in the required length of time. I know there's a trick to getting to the goal in time, but I cannot consistently nail the trick. Having gotten that Heart Piece once (and having the data on my N64 cart in case I ever need to show off), I've effectively sworn off ever trying to get it again.

How about you?


I sort of feel that way about getting all of the celestial weapons in FFX. Not that I don't enjoy a challenge but I still have that data on my memory card, who knows if I will ever try it again, maybe!

Sort of similar to your story, I probably found the chocobo racing portion for half of Tidus' weapon the hardest part of the process.


1000/1000 gamer points on Call of Duty 4. I quit the game for three months because of the level where you have to defend yourself at the ferris wheel for like 10 minutes. I couldn't DO IT! On veteran, of course.

An extreme example is the Moldavite Earring on FFXI Online. That took months of multi-hour gaming sessions to finally get a drop. Everyone else I knew got the drop a lot more easily. I even hired thugs to camp for it with me >_> My LS even gave up on helping me with it.

played wow for like twenty minutes

Seconded. Waste of time. Why play a pay-to-play MMO when something like Diablo II has all those same addiction mechanics you crave, but takes like 0.00005% to get your fix of loot and levels?

Also, throughout undergrad, I had this obsession with beating NES games without dying. It sucked all the fun out of the games, but god damn, I honed my NES chops something fierce. Never again. I'd like my nostalgia to be pleasant from now on.

Guild Wars -> Legendary Cartographer title.

Never again. xD Once is VERY enough.

I applaud your patience, good sir. I can't even imaging getting a Cartographer title for any campaign.

As for me, I'd have to say soloing Halo: Reach on Legendary.


Only time I ever got any of my pokemon to level 100 was in Red. Mewtwo, Venusaur, and Mew (got it from some crazy glitch involving Pokemon Stadium that I could never replicate).

Endless elite four grinding.

Only time I ever got any of my pokemon to level 100 was in Red. Mewtwo, Venusaur, and Mew (got it from some crazy glitch involving Pokemon Stadium that I could never replicate).

Endless elite four grinding.

I got all 250* in Gold and Silver; never again.

*I didn't internet at that time, and also didn't subscribe to nintendo power; give me a break

VVVVVV - Veni Vici Vidi took like an hour and 20 minutes for me. Never again.

I do it every time. Even on Flip Mode. It actually gets easier the more you do it, believe it or not. XD

As for something like that for me... I'd have to say beating Ultima on FFXII. Finished it, was all OH THANK GOD, and I will not do that again.

Then again, I've also invested upwards of 108 hours into that so I don't think I'll play it again once I beat it.


Sooo many things, but one thing I can think of right away is getting the highest ranking on this one Floyd mission in Jet Force Gemini. You have to race through this first-person obstacle course, picking up a bunch of items, and blowing up several others, and you have to do everything as smoothly as possible, because you have essentially no margin for error. I flat-out quit playing the game the first time because I got so sick of failing it, and it took me several hours the next time around to finally get through it. Never touching that again.

Never again: Finding ALL hidden flags and Templars in Assassin's Creed. I recall 420 flags + 40 Templars... so dare you if you missed one. :/

hah, I did that on PC so I didn't even have an achievement to drive me on

Played Gears of War for 10 minutes.

This. This is one of THREE games ever to make me motion sick. One is After Burner on NES which is horrible but I collect shitty games/tengen carts. Two was half-life but only because I decided to set head bob to "extreme" just because I could. Fuck you, Gears of War. Fuck you.

Played Dead Rising. Between everything being impossible on an SDTV (money has to go other places before a TV) and the fucking handyman, my save corrupted. Three times. That fucking opening cutscene. THREE TIMES. Pulled Dead Rising out, took it down, traded it in and bought Patapon.

Never caught all 150 pokemon though :<

Legitimate no savestate no hacking playthrough of Mother. Oh holy jesus what was I thinking!? This game is fucking hard, what did I want to prove?!

Legitimate no savestate no hacking playthrough of Mother. Oh holy jesus what was I thinking!? This game is fucking hard, what did I want to prove?!

You've inspired me to resume my playthrough of this.

I think I'm somewhere in Snowball or whatever the town is. It's been too long... ;_;

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