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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History

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Grr, I wan't a 360 so I can play Vesperia. :puppyeyes:

I should get a copy of Vesperia now and wait until 360s are like $100. Would be a hell of a wait though.

I don't have a PS2 yet and I want Abyss and Legendia. Dunno if that's going to happen any time soon...

EDIT: So...I was going over the track list for the project...and I saw this:

Reuben Kee - Forest of the Treant (My Secret Forest) *COMPRETE*

"COMPRETE"...lol engrish


I wouldn't even have a 360 if it weren't for having to save for a vehicle for two years, and then get something substantially cheaper, which freed me, among other things, to splurge on an HDTV and use the subsequent gift card on a 360. :D

But yeah, Vesperia is awesome. My brother is about 30 hours in. So you know what that means... cue Red Ring of Death! 'tis okay, had a replacement plan from Best Buy, and managed to upgrade to an Elite in the process. And get the save data. :)

I'm really looking forward to the completion of this project, I know you guys and gals have worked hard on this for a long time. All us non-musical types really appreciate it.


I apologize for my lack of activity. I'm training for a new job and have been pretty wiped out these past few weeks, but I am at least watching this thread and the forums. I've been trying to get in touch with djp, but I have no idea what, if anything, is going on with the website. I'm not sure we'll be hitting our target release date, but we will see. Larry, if you can let djp know that I'm waiting to hear from him on the site (I've emailed him several times so far), I'd appreciate it.


So I moved, and also gave Seb some time to do some stuff before he finished last cello part. I have Vista now running on this computer with my old hard drive, therefore most of my shit I have the fun time of reorganizing and reinstalling.

Will be doing that this week and will hopefully be finished real soon. Sorry for the delay! Moving across the country can do that I guess.


So I just looked at the first page of this thread, and there's only 1 song remaining! I'm so excited! Oh, I know "it's out when it's out"...BUT I'M STILL SO EXCITED!

So I moved, and also gave Seb some time to do some stuff before he finished last cello part. I have Vista now running on this computer with my old hard drive, therefore most of my shit I have the fun time of reorganizing and reinstalling.

Will be doing that this week and will hopefully be finished real soon. Sorry for the delay! Moving across the country can do that I guess.

Are you gonna do a collab with Prot lol.

('Cause you should. :3)

Actually, we decided to do the entire OST for Ratatosk. So, yeah, whenever we get through with all 30+ tracks for that, we're golden!

P.S. i jus kidding!

I remember talk of people doing Ratatosk tracks "if they felt like it", but it'd only be like, another 10 tracks or something. As a kind of bonus.

So you can pay the $63 download fee for the project tracks, right?

That and so I can, you know, find out what happens after Tales of Symphonia. Although, I seriously doubt it won't be as awesome a game as the other Tales for the lack of an overworld...I like overworld music...

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