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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History

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Alright, we need to wrap this up.

Some of you have been sitting on your songs for the entire course of the project, but I've been reluctant to remove you, out of fear that I wouldn't be able to find any replacements that could work quickly enough, or a hope that some of you were pretty close to being done would be finished soon. Well, no more: I have placed 6 songs on "probation", which basically means that, if these songs have no status updates or aren't done and given to me within the next several weeks, they will be axed from the project entirely. No time to find replacements, no time to deal with stragglers who are putting their project song(s) on the back burner for other projects, and no more time to deal with procrastinators. This project will be released this summer, with or without your track on it. We can't hold off anymore. There are certain songs that I would really like to see remixes completed for on the probation list on the first page, but if I don't receive any updates within the next week or two, they're gone. That is the final word.

I will be contacting those of you on the list personally within the next several days. However, if you have something, please don't wait for me: Contact me by PM or email.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to, like maybe, get some people to work on those songs last minute. I'm not voluntering, but i'm sure there may be some people who read the thread, or alreay are finished with songs on the project. Do an announcement!

The project's already been in progress for far too long; we don't need any more development time than is absolutely necessary right now.

watkinzez: Maybe, but he won't answer my emails. :P


Tell me about it. norg won't even respond back to me, even if I sent him PMs very frequently.

I think we're both seeing some kind of irk down the line with people who are pretty much straying away from here :s


Hey everyone, just wanted to say I'm still in the game and very close to finishing my song. Just need a couple closing bars on it.

I hope it'll still be up to par to the project. As it's literally been almost a year in the making and some legacy things are still there from the start.

You're sure that releasing a project, that's still missing tracks, that soon is a good idea? Just a guess.

Any song not done by the upcoming due date, which will be announced this weekend, won't be included on the final project. Not every song is completely imperative to the finished project (much like every song wasn't necessary for the SFII project). I'm going to be pushing everyone for this last month to get their stuff done, and if it's not done by the time the project is set for release, their song's not going to be a part of it.

You're sure that releasing a project, that's still missing tracks, that soon is a good idea? Just a guess.

Any song not done by the upcoming due date, which will be announced this weekend, won't be included on the final project. Not every song is completely imperative to the finished project (much like every song wasn't necessary for the SFII project). I'm going to be pushing everyone for this last month to get their stuff done, and if it's not done by the time the project is set for release, their song's not going to be a part of it.

Kyle said it best. The initial scores for Phantasia and Symphonia were huge to begin with, and his initial plans back then were just to cover 20 of each. No matter what this is still going to be an epic 2-discer. :)


We're "rushing" now because the project has been in progress for over a year, half of the songs are done, and the other half are, for the most part, progressing well enough that I feel most of them can be done in a month. Right now, the project already sounds pretty damn awesome when the tracks are played together (in my oh so humble opinion ;P), so releasing the project even in its current state isn't entirely out of the question. Basically the due date is pushed so soon because a lot of people are getting antsy for release, and certain remixers will hopefully realize that we're getting serious here and need to start wrapping things up. The only leniency I'm giving is to those who joined the project just recently, but that shouldn't deter release.

We're "rushing" now because the project has been in progress for over a year, half of the songs are done, and the other half are, for the most part, progressing well enough that I feel most of them can be done in a month. Right now, the project already sounds pretty damn awesome when the tracks are played together (in my oh so humble opinion ;P), so releasing the project even in its current state isn't entirely out of the question. Basically the due date is pushed so soon because a lot of people are getting antsy for release, and certain remixers will hopefully realize that we're getting serious here and need to start wrapping things up. The only leniency I'm giving is to those who joined the project just recently, but that shouldn't deter release.

i'm not saying i'm against this but c'mon!

don't you just think you're being too harsh on the guys you've hired for the job?


Listen, this project has been in the works for a while. Most of these people were around since the project kicked off last May, and I should know that because I cleared my first track in a month (only to briefly revise it a little later on).

We're lucky for the most part on this considering that Kyle has one of the most user connections anyone can wish for right about now. So be grateful that he's finally going to be able to put this under polish.

We're "rushing" now because the project has been in progress for over a year, half of the songs are done, and the other half are, for the most part, progressing well enough that I feel most of them can be done in a month. Right now, the project already sounds pretty damn awesome when the tracks are played together (in my oh so humble opinion ;P), so releasing the project even in its current state isn't entirely out of the question. Basically the due date is pushed so soon because a lot of people are getting antsy for release, and certain remixers will hopefully realize that we're getting serious here and need to start wrapping things up. The only leniency I'm giving is to those who joined the project just recently, but that shouldn't deter release.

i'm not saying i'm against this but c'mon!

don't you just think you're being too harsh on the guys you've hired for the job?

Rexy's right: It's been quite a long time, and I've been rather lenient over the course of this project. I've gotta be honest: There's one or two remixers who haven't even STARTED their songs yet, and they've been sitting on the project for a year. I should've kicked them off long ago, but I tried to stick with them in the hopes that they'd get something done. Nothing's worked so far, so a final absolute deadline is the only option I have at my disposal right now. I know it's a bit harsh, but I've been nice for way too long now. :P

pu_freak: FotS is the one song that's guaranteed to be done right now, whether house and Paragon are the ones to do it or not. So don't worry there. ;)

EDIT: On another note, due to unfortunate circumstances, AkumajoBelmont has contacted me and let me know that he will be unable to continue work on this project. Ichitootah has also been removed from the project due to inactivity and lack of contact and updates. Raine's theme has graciously been taken up by Sixto, so we won't be losing a song due to the loss of a remixer. Now where'd that guy go to...?

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