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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History


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Just a small announcement:


No new remixers will be able to join, unless another remixer currently on board has to leave the project for whatever reason. What you're looking at on the main page is essentially what the finished project will look like.

Please note that any remixers currently involved may still take advantage of the "extra alternate song" rule, as outlined in the first post.

This is it, folks! Now the work really begins. ;)

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so we can't drop out without feeling guilty anymore ? 8O


Anyhow, I notice that topics in the Site projects portion of the forums don't get posted in as much as they would if they were in Gen disc or even WIP. I know it is because a lot of people really don't notice it anymore, but it sorta sucks when it comes to they "hype" department. Oh well, at least you know good ol' Arek is here watchin this. Keep up the good work guys.

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so we can't drop out without feeling guilty anymore ? 8O

Exactly. :P

Actually, I've already been thinking of potential replacements JUST IN CASE, so if someone needs to drop out, it shouldn't be that big of a deal. But why would you drop out now, PriZ? You've been rocking faces off. :D

Since my song went so well(IMHO) and although I now added the real piano and still need to do some really minor adjustments, you can count me in for replacement.

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XMark has a WIP of his Sylphis song up over at the forums. Go check it out!

EDIT: I also just took a look and counted the days left to get a WIP of your song in if you haven't already; you have twenty days to do so. If you do not, you will be publicly scorned and humiliated, so don't let that happen! :P If you aren't sure if you've submitted a WIP, check the current song status list at the forums. Remember, WIPs don't have to be anything definite; just a minute or two of some decent ideas and material. Keep workin'! :)

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Speaking of the status list, I've updated it a bit. I am open to discussing a possible exemption if you feel you won't have a WIP ready by August 1st, but I'm not being lax about it, so prepare a good excuse. :P

I've also decided to minimize the amount of information in the first post, as most of the information is available on the website now. Makes the post easier to edit, too. :P

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OK, this is the last post I make from Switzerland. I will be on vacation in Germany for a little bit more than three weeks now, so I am not able to work on my mixes in that time. I have internet there, though, and will check out the forums when I got the time :)

My train will depart in a few hours and I need some rest, so CU l8er!

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I think you guys should take off my ability to check out WIP's now that I am not involved in this, that is if you haven't already. I just don't feel right being able to view them even if I basically cut myself from doing any music.

Already done, Arek. Don't worry about it; I think Christian has Beat The Angel well-covered. ;) Maybe someone will want to pick up Walking on Tethe'alla as an alternate track?

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Hey, I know I haven't kept up on this thread, but I just wanted to post my WiP here. Kyle was kind enough to host it for me.


There's some tuning issues cause my guitar won't intonate right for me right now. I'm getting a new Bridge for my Gibson that should (hopefully) take care of this.

I'll redo the drums, which I played in with my keyboard and quantized all to hell. I'm not digging the snare sound, I'll go back to my normal one next revision.

A few guitar errors here and there. This is very rough. I dig the wah (did I overdo it?) however.

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