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Despite the fact that Congress was supposed to be out of session until the end of January, the Judiciary Committee has just announced plans to come back to continue the markup this coming Wednesday. This is rather unusual and totally unnecessary. But it shows just how desperate Hollywood is to pass this bill as quickly as possible, before the momentum of opposition builds up even further.

And here I thought we had reprieve to go and actually try to convince more people to speak up about this, maybe even bring it up at MAGFest and get all the nerds telling other nerds to go tell other nerds about it.

Its nice that they updated the judiciary calendar with this news. Oh wait, they didn't. I still hope they stream it at least.


This video helped me understand things a little better:

haha...one of my friends doesn't care though because despite being one of the copyright infringing (slightly) kind of people, she says this will help her kick her internet addiction...

Mentioned this to my mom and got told that I sound like a "radical leftist" for making a big deal about the issue. That hurt, in more ways than one... :???:


You're mom's a Republican, and in the pocket of the big businesses that want SOPA passed. Hell, she probably helped write the damn thing.


Mentioned this to my mom and got told that I sound like a "radical leftist" for making a big deal about the issue. That hurt, in more ways than one... :???:

Well, Michele Bachmann is totally against SOPA...and she's not exactly a radical leftist.


You're mom's a Republican, and in the pocket of the big businesses that want SOPA passed. Hell, she probably helped write the damn thing.


Thank you. I needed a good laugh tonight. :)


For all the rest of you legalists out there, I just came across a great piece by Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law professor at Harvard. Some of Tribe's more notable students include Barack Obama and two sitting Supreme Court Justices, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Elena Kagan.

The 23-page paper explains that SOPA is unconstitutional and why.


My dad apparently thinks this is a great idea. And he tells me as a creative person that this could protect me in the future...


Oh don't get me started. I went to dinner tonight with my family trying to talk to them about the importance of SOPA and Protect IP never making their way into our laws, and I ended up finding out that they all became Republicans behind my back and apparently I'm a horrible human being for disliking all the GOP candidates. As a result, I'm fairly certain they're all going to call in support of SOPA.

halp me internet my family are dumb

You Americans really confuse me with the whole Republican/Democrat thing.

It is confusing.

But the point here is SOPA BAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDD!!!!

Stevo, we already know your family are dumb. You've explained this to us on several occasions.

Help may or may not be on the way.

Exactly, yeah, my family is just kinda....yeah.

Doesn't surprise me much. The generation above us don't use much of Youtube and Ocremix and Zophar and all that, so what would they care? It's not their problem, so their old school education is making them think that shit.

As long as they get email and Facebook stalk their kids and grandkids, they don't need much else. Not like they really understood the internet much in the first place...

Uh, if your family gets anywhere near a computer with internet(i.e. Youtube or Facebook), SOPA would adversely affect them as well.


I honestly can't imagine that YouTube will still be around if SOPA passes. Facebook, too, to a lesser extent. Maybe Americans will actually wake up once they can't waste their workdays on Facebook and YouTube anymore and take a stand.

Otherwise, the Supreme Court's been pretty gung ho on protecting free speech as of late, so hopefully they'll overturn SOPA (it's not a matter of the legal question of whether SOPA is unconstitutional -- it absolutely is -- it's a question of politics and, more importantly, money).

It'll take several years to get there, though, but we can all hope for federal court injunctions in the meantime to protect us.

Let's just hope that the damn thing never passes in the first place, though.

EDIT: As for the Republican/Democrat issue in regards to SOPA, the ones on both sides of the aisle actually opposing SOPA are the ones who still stand by their political beliefs and didn't become complete whores who sell out to the highest bidder (Hollywood). Also, there are those who recognize how catastrophically bad SOPA will be for the country and the world and can't be bought out of their stance.

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