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There's a new Pokémon game, and it's not what ANYONE thought...

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It's Pokémon combined with Nobunaga's Ambition. It's an isometric, turn-based strategic tactics game. Not familiar with that? Think Final Fantasy Tactics.

Yeah, PokéTactics. No one saw that coming.

I'd like to state that I had the idea for a tactics game for Pokémon back in the early 2000s, so Nintendo should have just asked me first. But OK.

People are complaining that it's on the DS, not the 3DS, so it sucks somehow and will never be released outside of Japan for some reason, despite the fact that Pokémon games get released outside of Japan all the time, and Nobunaga's Ambition has had multiple releases around the world.

So any way... yeah, totally did not see that coming.

Well I thought I was saving up for a PSP Vita, but this finally tips the scale in favor of 3DS.

Sweet music too.

People are complaining that it's on the DS, not the 3DS

pro reading comprehension emoticon-0148-yes.gif

(this is, of course, assuming that you already have a DS)


I am somehow disappointed that some of the more important characters and villains are using legendaries and not more common pokémon. And if the samurai theme is supposed to be chronological, then why is Mewtwo there this doesn't make sense I HATE THIS GAME

But yeah, it looks nice. But I performed tragically on my last tactic game, so odds are I won't be playing this one. But it seems like a bundle of nice art is going to come out of this!


To those people who are saying about the 3DS...you do realize that it does play DS games as well as it's own, right? So if the guy doesn't have a DS, then a 3DS might be better for him than buying an old one...I don't know how hardy the 3DS is, but I've snapped the hinges on an original DS, and those were supposed to be indestructable. I've also snapped the hinges on my current DS series unit, a DS lite, which was only supposed to be a temporary replacement as it was, but I've stuck with it...annoyingly.

As for the game...well, it's tempting, but CoroCoro was apparantly hinting at a big 'shocking reveal', (I don't speak or read Japanese, so I don't care about that), so if it isn't this game, which was always going to be revealed at Jump Festa, then it may be the Ruby/Sapphire remake they were hinting at earlier this year...and if that comes out, I'll be able to finish my collection of starter Pokemon...so I'd rather that than this.

As for the game...well, it's tempting, but CoroCoro was apparantly hinting at a big 'shocking reveal', (I don't speak or read Japanese, so I don't care about that), so if it isn't this game, which was always going to be revealed at Jump Festa, then it may be the Ruby/Sapphire remake they were hinting at earlier this year...

Too soon. The announcement and release dates for the remakes haven't followed that closely.

Also, the last time CoroCoro had a big "shocking" thing to reveal, it turned out to be a Mewtwo that you could get on WiFi.

and if that comes out, I'll be able to finish my collection of starter Pokemon...so I'd rather that than this.

Dude, if you want starters, I got them all. Friend Code is in sig, just PM me for what you need and we'll arrange some trading.

To those people who are saying about the 3DS...you do realize that it does play DS games as well as it's own, right? So if the guy doesn't have a DS, then a 3DS might be better for him than buying an old one...I don't know how hardy the 3DS is, but I've snapped the hinges on an original DS, and those were supposed to be indestructable. I've also snapped the hinges on my current DS series unit, a DS lite, which was only supposed to be a temporary replacement as it was, but I've stuck with it...annoyingly.

I am well aware of the backwards compatibility of the 3DS. I am also aware of the relative fragility of DS hinges (mine never broke) and must ask you if you really expect the 3DS's hinges to be any sturdier. I also made allowances for the possibility that Modus did not, in fact, already own a DS, despite my rather heavy condescension.

What kind of rube do you take me for?


Honestly, a genuine cross-over is the last thing I expected from this franchise. I'm not sure if I'll buy a copy if it gets released in the US, but it sure seems interesting enough.

And here I was hoping it was going to be a Pokemon cart racing game.

Because nobody's tired of Mario Kart and it's numerous rip-offs, right?

I am somehow disappointed that some of the more important characters and villains are using legendaries and not more common pokémon. And if the samurai theme is supposed to be chronological, then why is Mewtwo there this doesn't make sense I HATE THIS GAME

Time travel.

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