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The PCReMix Initiative ~ Let's put the PC in OC ReMix!

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Where's Descent? Three games with a couple of expansion packs = lots of music to pick from.

Seriously? No Descent? One of my favorite series ever, and nothing?

I know! It's a grave injustice that there's just two remixes of the series, quality remixes though they might be. It needs to be rectified.

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

I was thinking the same about OCR, so count me in! I probably won't finish it, and it won't be accepted either (3xOsc mix only atm), but let me claim Dirty Split Theme by Matthew Brown. Yeah, I know, freeware games ... but I like it.

Edited by Krakozhia
Posted (edited)

Just had a stray thought for music idea: the game Sapiens. It was a shareware game I played that came with a cd called Galaxy of Games III, where you're a neanderthal-ish person trying to survive in a world filled with bears, wolves, and rival tribes, some who want to trade with you and some who want anyone who isn't wearing one of their funny hats to be dead; had some really good beats and tribal feels to it. I could easily imagine it getting remixed into some sort of techno-ey or ethnic remix. I'll see if I can find it.

EDIT: Well, I found tons of places where you could download the game, but only

. Anyone who wanted to remix it would probably be better off just downloading the game and listening to it in its originality, lol, but that'll at least give you a taste of it. Edited by Melbu Frahma

EDIT: Well, I found tons of places where you could download the game, but only

. Anyone who wanted to remix it would probably be better off just downloading the game and listening to it in its originality, lol, but that'll at least give you a taste of it.

Looking at the video description, it's an Atari ST game.

I'm hoping to get to render & wip-threadize my updated Deus Ex track from PRC199 soon, ish.


Looking at the video description, it's an Atari ST game.

It was also released for Windows, though, and the soundtrack's the exact same.

Or are we doing PC-exclusives? I didn't see that in the first post, but I might've missed it. :tomatoface:


That's been discussed a couple of times in the thread already, though I don't recall what Archangel thought. In my opinion a tribute to PC game music on OCR, the mix should be from a game that gets posted as a DOS or Windows game. That'd make sense (again IMO) if the game was first released on PC, or the soundtrack was distinct for the PC version.

Not that posting on OCR always worked like that, there was a Prelude mix early on that got posted as a FF5 ReMix to get a first FF5 ReMix on the site, and recently a Fallout 3 ReMix was marked as a PS3 game to get a first PS3 ReMix.

I personallt think ports should not count. There's a lot that I've played on PC that I'd like to remix some day (Pinball Dreams/Fantasies/Illusions, Zeliard, Slipheed) but are originally from Amiga or PC8001 or arcades or something. That wouldn't really feel like a tribute to PC games for me.


  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm afraid I have no free time to contribute to this just now, but wanted to at least chime in and say that I support it. Old PC games need love. Methinks that out of the PC games already represented on OCR, several of them are by me, hehe. Such as...

The 7th Guest

Grim Fandango

Day of the Tentacle

Commander Keen 4

Commander Keen 5

Doom 2

Duke Nukem 3D

Jazz Jackrabbit 2


Wolfenstein 3D

And let's see... I've also covered Myst, Riven, some Monkey Island stuff, Medal of Honor... but of course, there are oodles of excellent compositions from all of the above that need more lovin', so have at it folks! Best of luck to y'all in this endeavor, I'm looking forward to hearing what comes out of it!


So, I just had an idea.

Why not make the Initiative into a compo of some kind - or at least make an offshot of the Initiative into one? Ask all competitors to pick a track from a PC game 2000 and earlier, and use that in a round-robin competition similar to the Mega Man and Street Fighter compos? It might be a bit tougher to manage - you might run into tracks from wildly different games that would be nigh-impossible to combine - but it'd definitely be a good way to get people interested in and working with old-school PC tunes.

It's a thought.


I have to say that this is a really interesting point, that there hasn't been a lot of PC ReMixing. I keep meaning to cut my teeth on my first mix on some sort of console RPG, but this thread makes me remember a lot of great games from way back when.

I'd like to state my intention to do a mix of "SuvwI' van bom" from Star Trek: Klingon, a Win95 game. Raucous vocal piece, so I think I could actually pull it off with my current production skillset.

I'd like to state my intention to do a mix of "SuvwI' van bom" from Star Trek: Klingon, a Win95 game. Raucous vocal piece, so I think I could actually pull it off with my current production skillset.

I vaguely remember playing that game on my friend's computer - think I remember the source, too. *checks* Yeah, I remember it now - that track really stood out.

Cool beans - good luck, whenever you get around to doing it!

I vaguely remember playing that game on my friend's computer - think I remember the source, too. *checks* Yeah, I remember it now - that track really stood out.

Yeah I used to love it and in fact tried to recently emulate Windows 95 on my Mac just so I could play it. Was struggling with all kinds of sound driver issues when I realized that they have the whole game on YouTube since it was really nothing but hyperlinked video clips.

Posted (edited)

edit: I put my Deus Ex - UNATCO mix up on the WiP boards. Please take a listen! :)

I'd like to state my intention to do a mix of "SuvwI' van bom" from Star Trek: Klingon, a Win95 game. Raucous vocal piece, so I think I could actually pull it off with my current production skillset.

That sounds pretty awesome!

The latest People's Remixing Competition has a source track from Jazz Jackrabbit 2.


Edited by evktalo
  • 4 weeks later...

Why haven't I seen this before. Countless nostalgic tracks from my favorite childhood PC games still echo inside me, and they NEED to be done justice in OCR, props to Archangel for starting this thing!!

Only problem is.. There are way too few tracks on there! Is it too late to chime in on this project or what? What's the situation, Archangel? I wanna hav moar pc music on there:ocrgreen:

  • 5 weeks later...

This is an excellent idea, I love old PC game music.

I'm currently on / off working on a remix of a tune from Ultima Online - I wasted too many of my hours playing that game haha - it had awesome music though.

Duke Nukem 3d is also on my list of games I want to remix and I really ought to update my System Shock 2 remix now my production skills have improved as well, but it wasn't really suitable for OCR as it relied heavily on sampling the original - it's always a tough one cause personally I often just kind of want an updated version of the original tune.

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