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  1. I really love & am motivated by all the (earnest) answers provided so far.
  2. Most of the same reasons apply for me as well; I'll add that, because I'm the admin & owner and what not, I of course know what's in my heart & mind with regard to the site - I know that I intend to keep improving it, will never abandon it outright, and will work to ensure all approved & posted mixes are available on it, forever. That sense of not only permanence - insofar as anything mortal can be permanent - but also continued improvement of the overall context, motivates me quite a bit. I don't necessarily expect it to motivate others, since they can't see inside my head and know for certain what my intentions are, but hopefully 11+ years of perseverance, presence, and incremental improvements are persuasive.


I haven't submitted yet, or plan to for several more months but...

1. OCR is a great platform from which to get noticed. The quality standard the judges maintain make it a real honor to be posted here.

2. Motivation to continue improving, validation (if i were posted, I'd start telling people in real life that I have this hobby), OCR is a consistent source of specific and helpful feedback, the divine superpowers granted to accepted remixers


1. OCR has evolved into a community of very talented people who can give great advise. No matter how good you are, you should always keep learning.

2. After several years of hanging around OCR, I'm now just working on my first VG remix. I'm starting to feel more confident in my remixing skills and I think it's time I give back to the community.


1. Why do you think so many people submit and share their remixes to OCR?

Some do it for the attention. Some do it to prove their musical talent. Some use this place to hone their skills and develop as an artist. Some search for work.

2. Why do YOU do it?

While there is a 2% chance that I will actually pursue a career in music (domestic policy is my forte), it is a hobby for me. If I get posted here, the roadblocks for becoming a legitimate musician are almost completely destroyed.


One: I suppose it would be for more or less the same reasons I will detail in (Two), but you have to have a passion for music, and a love for VGM to want to post on this site, which I assume everyone here working on their craft does.

Two: I want to improve as a musician, hopefully enough to make a living of it - if not at least a lucrative hobby. OCR has a good dose of constructive criticism and the pressures of deadlines and project / remix standards, so learning how to be familiar in an environment where you are not the head-honcho is a good learning experience.

On top of that, there are many songs that are criminally under-listened in the world of VGM so I've taken it upon myself (though I have only made one remix*) to try to broaden the listening base of the general internet, to try and show everyone that there is more to life than Wily Stage 1 and Schala's theme.

*one remix on DJ mokram's Dynamite Headdy "Secret Bonus Point" album, one incomplete remix for Hylian Lemon's Oracle of Seasons album, and one WIP for Prophecy's FF6 remix project.

to get rejected by the judges panel

Well in truth, every OCR remixer or wannabe remixer is a secret hardcore masochist that gets off to seeing big black NOs everywhere.

This is for posted & aspiring OC ReMixers, and I'm interested in your thoughts.

1. Why do you think so many people submit and share their remixes to OCR?

I think that first of all, they want their tributes to be heard.

2. Why do YOU do it?

Well technically the first works I've done for OCR were for an album which didn't have the exact same requirements as a standard OCR remix.

When I'll do it precisely to submit for OCR is gonna be another story, and the Why is simply to share what I've done. Also, the challenge of getting a Yes, which means learning production things and keep doing it, get better and better...

I think such a target is a great way to learn how to work when dealing with other people because normally, when you make music that's not OCR related, you have absolutely no guideline and limits... However, if you make a track for a game compagny, well I figure you need to craft something according to their own standards.


I really like my songs and want to share with people. I'm really loving my stuff. I want people to hear it. I made them cause I loved that game and the music for it. And OCR is the best place to reach gamers, and game music lovers. Here they can share the love togheter for great games and their composer.


lots of things!!

the great thing about ocr imo is its one of the few music communities ive come across that isnt bound to a particular musical identity (artist, label, genre, etc.) and since video game music is a cateogry broad enough to include just about anything it allows you a great deal of freedom to experiment as well as the opportunity to be exposed to things you havent heard before. like if you look at the kind of musicians/listeners here theres such a wide variety of musical backgrounds that in any other context we probably would not have much to do with one another. the site projects pretty much exemplify the variety of styles here, and although they arguably result in albums which are somewhat incohesive (something ive been critical of in the past) theres something to be said for a site where an album dedicated to a single subject can yield hugely different interpretations. somehow having a website that is not fundamentally about music allows for a better musical experience than some other places which are.

also i think ocr's unique definition of "remix" can be really helpful for developing composers/songwriters/etc, like the whole idea of requiring a certain amount of source usage while encouraging variation or originality really forces you to think about establishing motivic coherence in your music while also finding ways to develop or change an idea without losing its character entirely.

also also ALSO i like ocr bc it has a p big audience built in its a great platform for reaching lots of new people


1. I think most people submit to OCR because it's pretty much THE video game remix site...I don't mean to sound like I'm brown-nosing, but there is literally no other video game music site as well-executed as this one. It's a central location for downloading and discovering video game remixes. Your alternatives are to try searching for and sifting through thousands of Newgrounds/Bandcamp/SoundCloud/MySpace pages scattered throughout the nethers of the Internet, which is pretty much what you have to do with doujin sites. So basically, OCR is perfect for artists trying to expose themselves to a considerable, and more importantly, targeted audience.

2. Whenever I send a track to OCR, I am essentially guaranteed four reviews of my work from people I know and respect, plus one from DJP if it gets posted. There are other reasons regarding why I arrange and share music in general, but beyond the aforementioned virtues of the venue, the quality of feedback is the main reason I submit to OCR specifically.


I haven't submitted due to not having the skills of a musician, or at least not yet(maybe some day)

but OCRemix has such a great reputation among the gaming community in my view.

Many people on here are artist's in their chosen musical instrument and with artists they are never satisfied with their skills and are looking to advance, and with OCRemix you have judges who will listen to what they have created and critic it.

And lets face it, many past re-mixers have went on to be game composers so there is a certain goal with submitting here: exposure of their talents.

In all honesty, why wouldn't you submit to OCRemix

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