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So I think we'll just go with a simple story (sort of like the one Neblix suggested below) and focus on making awesome Sonic zone mash-up mixes, while keeping to the same format as the GRMRBs. Most of the feedback I've received is that people just want to make Sonic mixes :smile:

Now I just need to nail down a time-frame. I haven't heard much about preferred times, so I'll probably be sticking to the Spring/early-Summer time-frame I suggested earlier, unless people have other suggestions!

From the list in my first-post we've got around 30 people that are interested (or may be interested), which is great! Granted, who knows how many will actually sign up whenever the compo starts (or how many other people we'll get during recruitment), but I see no problems with at least having the 16-person format, possibly even the 32!

Or get 64 people to sign up, and have this incredibly ironic naming convention for the compo - Sonic 64.

Hah! That would be awesome! I think Sonic 64 would've been even more ironic say 10 years ago, but now that Sonic whores himself out to every console imaginable it might kinda lose it's effect.


Just wonderin, what constitutes as a 'Zone', per-se? Would it be "A Sonic level labeled as 'Zone'", or would it be "any level from any main series Sonic game?"

Also, what about multiplayer/tutorial stages?

Just wonderin, what constitutes as a 'Zone', per-se? Would it be "A Sonic level labeled as 'Zone'", or would it be "any level from any main series Sonic game?"

Also, what about multiplayer/tutorial stages?

I would say "any level from any main series Sonic game". I was calling them "zones" because most of the Sonic levels are labeled zones, like "Green Hill Zone", "Chemical Plant Zone", "Lava Reef Zone", etc. I'm not sure if they kept that naming scheme in the newer sonic games with zones like "Speed Highway", "Rooftop Run", etc. so I'd have to check. But that's what I had in mind.

We'd also need to differentiate between Act 1 or Act 2 of some zones. I think I'd want to limit the compo to one Act per zone, for example if someone picks "Hydrocity Zone Act 1" then the Act 2 theme can't be chosen, because the themes are very similar. Or if you pick a zone with 2 themes, then you could use both or parts of both in your mix? I'm not sure on that. I'll need to investigate to find out how many zones have significantly different themes for Act 1 or Act 2.

And I'd say no to multiplayer/tutorial, special stages, and boss themes. We'd be using just the main zone themes.


Thank you

We'd also need to differentiate between Act 1 or Act 2 of some zones. I think I'd want to limit the compo to one Act per zone, for example if someone picks "Hydrocity Zone Act 1" then the Act 2 theme can't be chosen, because the themes are very similar. Or if you pick a zone with 2 themes, then you could use both or parts of both in your mix? I'm not sure on that. I'll need to investigate to find out how many zones have significantly different themes for Act 1 or Act 2.

I think a foreseeable situation being that one should choose a zone, then work with all that entails. It kinda balances with more source meaning more time spent arranging from the source, but I could see hostility coming from those with singular zone themes.

However, I do see your point, while, say, Sonic 3 usually has the same melody but different rhythm/arrangement between Acts, Sonic CD has very different tracks per act. This could be seen as a sort of cheating, where a Stardust Speedway Bro could have 3 distinct songs to choose from, while a Green Hill Bro could have only 1.

In suffice, it's your choice, bro :) Just throwing my insight on the subject. (I swear I'm not a bro, I just live at the beach)


I think a foreseeable situation being that one should choose a zone, then work with all that entails.

I think that's what I'll probably do. There really aren't any zones I can think of where there is a huge difference between Act 1 & Act 2. Even in Sonic CD the Past, Present, & Future themes are all pretty similar, just different styles/arrangement of the same melody.

I don't think that would be unfair either. In your example, yeah if someone has Green Hill and only 1 source, but they're going against someone with Stardust Speedway (Sonic CD - with three variations), that person can choose how they want to arrange those themes. So it's not like one person is going to have more to work with because both mixers will be mixing all the same themes.

I think that's what I'll probably do. There really aren't any zones I can think of where there is a huge difference between Act 1 & Act 2. Even in Sonic CD the Past, Present, & Future themes are all pretty similar, just different styles/arrangement of the same melody.

I don't think that would be unfair either. In your example, yeah if someone has Green Hill and only 1 source, but they're going against someone with Stardust Speedway (Sonic CD - with three variations), that person can choose how they want to arrange those themes. So it's not like one person is going to have more to work with because both mixers will be mixing all the same themes.

Agreed. If you pick a zone, you should be able to be free to use each,any or all of the Acts. The vast majority use a similar chord structure, and to be honest, all blend into the other really well, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Man, I'm hanging for this to get off the ground:)


Man, I'm hanging for this to get off the ground:)

I know, me too! We could start sooner if people want to! I was mainly waiting because I don't want to conflict a lot with Darke's next Maverick Remix Battle. But we don't know exactly when that will be (probably this Spring) nor how many people would be interested in both that and this compo.

I think that's what I'll probably do. There really aren't any zones I can think of where there is a huge difference between Act 1 & Act 2. Even in Sonic CD the Past, Present, & Future themes are all pretty similar, just different styles/arrangement of the same melody.

I don't think that would be unfair either. In your example, yeah if someone has Green Hill and only 1 source, but they're going against someone with Stardust Speedway (Sonic CD - with three variations), that person can choose how they want to arrange those themes. So it's not like one person is going to have more to work with because both mixers will be mixing all the same themes.

Thanks for clarifying that, SuperiorX!

I was planning to select some sources from Sonic the Hedgehog CD, so that works out very well! :smile:

As for the time to start, well... now, 1 hour from now, tomorrow, or later around May - July -- any of those times would be fine here. :smile:

Agreed. If you pick a zone, you should be able to be free to use each,any or all of the Acts. The vast majority use a similar chord structure, and to be honest, all blend into the other really well, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Man, I'm hanging for this to get off the ground:)

I also recommend having people pick a zone and giving them access to all of the acts. It works better narratively too; if someone picks Hydrocity Act I and someone else picks Hydrocity Act II and they go up against each other, that's kind of silly and a bit boring.

Anytime after the start of May would be perfect for me. I mean, I'll jump in it anytime, but yeah. Just sayin' :)

SuperiorX and DarkeSword - are you guys going to coordinate so this compo doesn't overlap with any Mega Man ones?

SuperiorX and DarkeSword - are you guys going to coordinate so this compo doesn't overlap with any Mega Man ones?

Yeah we're trying to. Darke's got a couple of things planned, but not any definitive start dates yet. I'm pretty flexible as to when I could run mine, but I want to avoid overlap for those mixers that may want to participate in both. It may end up being impossible to completely avoid any overlap though, we may have a week or two where they'd coincide. We'll see. A lot of the people that expressed interest in this compo have never participated in one of the Mega Man compos though (not saying they wouldn't), so I'm not sure ultimately how big of a deal it will be. Plus both my Sonic compo and Darke's next GMRB and GRMRB are both elimination-style compos, so not everyone will be participating the entire time: once you lose you're done :wink:

Yeah we're trying to. Darke's got a couple of things planned, but not any definitive start dates yet. I'm pretty flexible as to when I could run mine, but I want to avoid overlap for those mixers that may want to participate in both. It may end up being impossible to completely avoid any overlap though, we may have a week or two where they'd coincide. We'll see. A lot of the people that expressed interest in this compo have never participated in one of the Mega Man compos though (not saying they wouldn't), so I'm not sure ultimately how big of a deal it will be. Plus both my Sonic compo and Darke's next GMRB and GRMRB are both elimination-style compos, so not everyone will be participating the entire time: once you lose you're done :wink:

Yeah, in elimination-style compos, the last few weeks of overlap only matter if you're one of the finalists, and even then, assuming you have enough participants, you can do like Darke does for the Mega Man compos and do alternating weekly brackets, so that if a finalist happens to be in the Sonic compo, he/she can just ask to me moved to the second bracket.

FYI - I'm really excited about this one.


This seems pretty obvious, but I think it should be established- how will you deal with Sonic CD's US and Japanese soundtracks? Will you allow, say, a Palmtree Panic (US) and a Palmtree Panic (JP), or will there still only be one zone per person? If it's the latter, will they have to choose US/JP or will they be able to

wait for it

use ALL of the tracks

on their and their opponents mixes?

This seems pretty obvious, but I think it should be established- how will you deal with Sonic CD's US and Japanese soundtracks?

That would be the one exception (that I can think of for now at least). They are two completely different soundtracks, so someone could pick Palmtree Panic (US) and someone else could pick Palmtree Panic (JP) if they wanted to. Allowing someone to remix all 6-7 of the sources would be insanity. INSANITY!

That's the only Sonic game I know of that has different soundtracks, so we should be good otherwise. Thanks for bringing that up!


No problem, I was just thinking how odd a situation it would be. Especially since in most cases the songs are of different styles, so the usefulness would be outweighed by it's pointlessness.

Also I am mostly just really excited and I just wanna talk about Sonic songs and I'm excited about Sonic songs.

Yeah we're trying to. Darke's got a couple of things planned, but not any definitive start dates yet. I'm pretty flexible as to when I could run mine, but I want to avoid overlap for those mixers that may want to participate in both.

Another thought - when lining up either your compo or his (pending on who starts what first), either of you could be mindful of who's in what bracket, then place people in a bracket that's the alternate to the weeks that the person is mixing in the other compo.

I hope that's coming across clearer than I think it is.

Another thought - when lining up either your compo or his (pending on who starts what first), either of you could be mindful of who's in what bracket, then place people in a bracket that's the alternate to the weeks that the person is mixing in the other compo.

I hope that's coming across clearer than I think it is.

Yes, it is! And I've thought of that too. I don't think we'll have a ton of overlap, hopefully, but then again who knows.

Also I am mostly just really excited and I just wanna talk about Sonic songs and I'm excited about Sonic songs.

You and me both! And AkumajoBelmont :)!!

Sonic games on Megadrive were my first games, so their soundtracks hold a special place in my heart. They deserve a such compo! :)

Oh yeah, I should check those songs out! I'm pretty sure I know what song I'm applying for, but maybe one could take my metaphorical-musical cake!

Hells yes. I spent so much time when I was younger recording every single track in every Sonic Sound Test to cassette tape. I even drew covers for them and put track listings on the back :)

Hahahaha, that is kinda awesome. Drawing covers, that's dedication!

Oh yeah, I should check those songs out! I'm pretty sure I know what song I'm applying for, but maybe one could take my metaphorical-musical cake!

Nice! Just keep in mind you may not end up with the song you pick. Just like DarkeSword does in the GRMRBs, I'll have people pick their top 5 themes. If anyone picks the same two songs as their #1, then a coin flip will decide who gets what, and the loser will get their #2 (unless that also results in a conflict with someone else's #1, then another coin flip will decide, etc.). Hopefully we won't have too many conflicts like that!

Hahahaha, that is kinda awesome. Drawing covers, that's dedication!

Nice! Just keep in mind you may not end up with the song you pick. Just like DarkeSword does in the GRMRBs, I'll have people pick their top 5 themes. If anyone picks the same two songs as their #1, then a coin flip will decide who gets what, and the loser will get their #2 (unless that also results in a conflict with someone else's #1, then another coin flip will decide, etc.). Hopefully we won't have too many conflicts like that!

You will be surprised how far down you get in those lists of picks.

Let me know if you need help when you're running this thing.

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