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Maybee it's just me, but I felt as though gen V had a lot of mons with overlooked types (like poison).

Something I always though would be an interesting game changer would be to to dual type attacks. Scald, for instance, could be water/fire.

For the starters, they could have the evolved form be grass/fighting, fire/dark, and water/psychic. It would be in the evolved form, so players would have experience with the game by then, and it also evens the playing field, so to speak. Fire is good against grass, but fighting is good against dark. The two loops keep things interesting, and it also gives the psychic/dark problem a fix (although, by that time the trainer should have other mons to help as well)

Also, regionhoppingregionhoppingregionhoppingregionhopping ( it would be great dlc)

maybee it's just me, but i felt as though gen v had a lot of mons with overlooked types (like poison).

Something i always though would be an interesting game changer would be to to dual type attacks. Scald, for instance, could be water/fire.

For the starters, they could have the evolved form be grass/fighting, fire/dark, and water/psychic. It would be in the evolved form, so players would have experience with the game by then, and it also evens the playing field, so to speak. Fire is good against grass, but fighting is good against dark. The two loops keep things interesting, and it also gives the psychic/dark problem a fix (although, by that time the trainer should have other mons to help as well)

also, regionhoppingregionhoppingregionhoppingregionhopping ( it would be great dlc)




Maybee it's just me, but I felt as though gen V had a lot of mons with overlooked types (like poison).

Something I always though would be an interesting game changer would be to to dual type attacks. Scald, for instance, could be water/fire.

For the starters, they could have the evolved form be grass/fighting, fire/dark, and water/psychic. It would be in the evolved form, so players would have experience with the game by then, and it also evens the playing field, so to speak. Fire is good against grass, but fighting is good against dark. The two loops keep things interesting, and it also gives the psychic/dark problem a fix (although, by that time the trainer should have other mons to help as well)

Also, regionhoppingregionhoppingregionhoppingregionhopping ( it would be great dlc)

That actually sounds like an amazingly fun little idea..............

And yes, region hopping is what we all have been wanting since Gen III.


There you go, all the viable trios of starter types.


Pay attention, though, to the fact that Bug-Psychic-Poison is kind of useless now, as Poison no longer hits Bug for Super Effective damage (since Gen 2 to present), and that Fighting-Dark-Psychic has an immunity in it, so that makes it a bit unbalanced.

Not to mention the obvious Ghost and Dragon trios that are just... no, that's not really balance so much as it is lazy.

But aside from that, there are some viable alternatives.


What if...the three starters are Ghost/Ghost/Ghost, and then turn to Ghost/Fire, Ghost/Grass, and Ghost/Water in their final forms? :U

(On the subject of Dragons, Serperior totally should have been Grass/Dragon :-|)


Eh, maybe, but in first gen that would have left him pretty overpowered, his only weaknesses would have been Rock and Ground, so Earthquake would have been the only reliable way to hurt him. Maybe Bonemarang if you were using Marowak.

These days though, sure, I think you can give a starter the Dragon type. Ice and Dragon moves are sooo much easier to come across, and it wouldn't be any worse than having a Water/Steel starter.

EDIT: I want to push for Rock/Bug/Grass starters, if only because Bug types are my favorite type and I really really want a Bug starter.

What if...the three starters are Ghost/Ghost/Ghost, and then turn to Ghost/Fire, Ghost/Grass, and Ghost/Water in their final forms? :U

(On the subject of Dragons, Serperior totally should have been Grass/Dragon :-|)

That would be fun. Although I'd prefer either Psychic or Dark for the starting type.

And yes, Serperior should have been Grass/Dragon. That said, Charizard and Gyrados also should be remade as Dragon types at this point.......


we all have this conversation every time the topic of a new generation pops up

it will always be fire/water/grass

this will never, ever change, you guys

we all have this conversation every time the topic of a new generation pops up

it will always be fire/water/grass

this will never, ever change, you guys


Also, you will always have a rival that gets the starter that is of the superior type, there will always be a professor, and there will always be a team of bad guys. There are the tropes of the series.

What? What about the ones where you get Meowth and the like? Spin-offs and not part of the main series. Pikachu in Yellow? Bah! Yellow was a rehash of the three games that already existed at that point. It had anime-exclusive characters (Jesse and James) and barely counts, as they only showed up a handful of times for no reason. Simply an attempt to get a connection to the anime, nothing more.

Though, I did once see a (hopefully) satirical time-line of all the Pokémon games.


I'm cool with the Grass - Fire - Water thing. It's traditional, it's the perfect intro pairing, and all three of those elements are practically required for a well balanced team, so they're all useful. What I'm getting sick of is the repetition of dual-typings. Most don't get a secondary type at all and Fire has had three lines of Fire/Fighting? At least Gen IV shook it up a bit with Grass/Ground and Water/Steel, which are unique typings. I liked the proposition of a Fighting-Psychic-Dark dual cycle. All three starters becoming Dragons would be pretty sweet as well. But if I see one more Fire/Fighting starter, I'm gonna be so pissed.

I think its universally agreed that another fire-fighting starter will start riots at this point.........

Wait...what about a Water/Fighting starter, that's based on a firefighter, with a big red helmet and everything?

Wait...what about a Water/Fighting starter, that's based on a firefighter, with a big red helmet and everything?

THAT would be COOL. Because THAT has not been done for three straight games. That has not happened at all yet. Therefore: interesting, viable idea.

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