Ethan Rex Posted March 12, 2012 Posted March 12, 2012 And people complain about the generic-ness of everything after 2nd gen... Current gen always has poor design until it is replaced with a new gen in which case it becomes genius. No Exeptions. Quote
Overflow Posted March 12, 2012 Posted March 12, 2012 Current gen always has poor design until it is replaced with a new gen in which case it becomes genius. No Exeptions. QFT 10char Quote
Dexie Posted March 12, 2012 Posted March 12, 2012 And people complain about the generic-ness of everything after 2nd gen... Those people are idiots. Personally, I wasn't fond of most of second gen's designs, it had some really solid ones, then a bunch of lesser interesting things that were leftover from Red/Blue's development. I found third gen to be a great breath of fresh air! Quote
omnipotentBagel Posted March 12, 2012 Posted March 12, 2012 Current gen always has poor design until it is replaced with a new gen in which case it becomes genius. No Exeptions. I dunno, each generation has its low points for sure (although I feel they're perhaps lower in the back half than they were in the classic eras), but as far as current gen being poor designed, I think Krookodile, Chandelure, Volcarona, Carracosta, Galvantula, Hydreigon, and Haxorus are all pretty convincing arguments against that sentiment. All top-tier awesome. There are plenty of other merely good designs as well. I didn't like the starters and there are a number of designs I either don't like altogether (Vanillish...) or feel are just uninteresting (Dwebble, Munna, any of the pure-Fightings, the Monkeys), but it's by no means bad. I did really dislike the starters this time around, though (Smugleaf is okay. I'll probably actually really like it if its Dream World version ever shows up). It's just that Pokemon fans (and gamers in general) seem to only deal in absolutes. Things are either terrible or amazing, there's no room for variety or even mediocrity. Quote
The Damned Posted March 12, 2012 Posted March 12, 2012 I should amend this to include designs, but it's kind of covered in the second part. Making fun of others in the same fanbase is entertaining. Quote
PROTO·DOME Posted March 12, 2012 Posted March 12, 2012 Current gen always has poor design until it is replaced with a new gen in which case it becomes genius. No Exeptions. You have no idea how much this is me you have no idea.Haven't played W/B for this reason. I should play W/B. Quote
Dexie Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 any of the pure-Fightings My Kung-Fu weasel monk glates disapprovingly at you. Quote
omnipotentBagel Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Oh crap, Mienshao is pure fighting, isn't it? Exception made. Mienshao's pretty cool. Quote
Overflow Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Black and White players can download Reshiram or Zekrom, depending on which version you got via mystery gift for a short time. Don't miss out! In other news, I finally 'upgraded' to facebook's new timeline, and I figured if I was gonna do it, I was gonna make it awesome. Here is the result. Quote
Mirby Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 That is easily the most awesome usage of Timeline I've seen yet. Quote
HalcyonSpirit Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 I might just have to steal that (or something like it) when I get "upgraded" as well... Quote
Overflow Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 Haha thanks I kind of based it on this other one I saw, but I feel mine is better. Hey, which out of the DS games would you recommend to a first time pokemon player? Specifically, a 14 year old kid? Black and White are excellent introductions, but SS/HG are also really simple and fun, especially with the pokewalker and your pokemon following you. D/P/P were good too, but don't really compare to the others, imo. Thoughts? Quote
DarkeSword Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 B&W is designed for first-time players. That's probably your best bet. Quote
The Damned Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 Make said 14 year old kid play the original Red and Blue. FORCE them to see the progress the series has gone through over the years. Then they will appreciate the history of the series. Any of the three DS games are good. BW, like DS said, is aimed at being "this is your first game", but suffers from any good post Elite 4 content. Versus Platinum and HGSS, where there is a lot to do and explore. Even the half-assed Kanto in HGSS is still a lot of time to go through. I guess it depends upon how much you think this kid will want to continue. Quote
Overflow Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 Make said 14 year old kid play the original Red and Blue. FORCE them to see the progress the series has gone through over the years. Then they will appreciate the history of the series. Haha, as awesome as that would be I don't think that would happen It's kind of a gamble anyways...she says she has no interested in pokemon so if I even do get it it would be more of a joke/hopeful attempt at getting her to try it. In that regard, B/W would probably be better because they have strong intros which could get someone engaged. Lol, even if I did get it for her she probably wouldn't play it anyways but we've been joking about it so it might be fun to do anyways. Quote
The Damned Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 Sooooo, the covers for the Japanese Black and White 2 cases are out. Again, the Black version looks coolest. Sorry, White versions, it just ain't working out for you. Quote
Overdriven Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 Wait, am I not the only one that thinks Reshiram is cooler than Zekrom? Quote
SuperiorX Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 I dunno, I bought Black last time, so I'll probably buy White 2 this time to be different, unless there is some really compelling reason to get Black 2... Quote
ocre Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 Black Kyurem's color scheme is just a lot more appealing than White Kyurem's. White, Gray, Yellow, Red and Ice Blue? Blegh! Black, Gray, Yellow, Electric Blue and Ice Blue? YES PLEASE. I also like Black Kyurem's mouth better. :3 Quote
SuperiorX Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 I also like Black Kyurem's mouth better. :3 ...that's what she said? Quote
ocre Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 ...that's what she said? Seriously! Look at White Kyurem and tell me you don't see Gible's mouth. Quote
Bleck Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 zekrom is way cooler than reshiram and anyone who disagrees is a big fat doody head Quote
StreetFlare Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 I dunno, each generation has its low points for sure (although I feel they're perhaps lower in the back half than they were in the classic eras), but as far as current gen being poor designed, I think Krookodile, Chandelure, Volcarona, Carracosta, Galvantula, Hydreigon, and Haxorus are all pretty convincing arguments against that sentiment. All top-tier awesome. There are plenty of other merely good designs as well. I didn't like the starters and there are a number of designs I either don't like altogether (Vanillish...) or feel are just uninteresting (Dwebble, Munna, any of the pure-Fightings, the Monkeys), but it's by no means bad.... To this, I have to admit, I agree. Aside for Mienshao, the pure fightings were horrible. Emboar, too. Seriously, another fire-fighting starter? I'd rather Blaziken back. The monkeys, meh. I have no opinion on those. What the Pokemon games need - more Bug types, and more of every other type than Water. I mean, seriously, Water types annoy me, and not just because I specialize in Fire, (Only reason I'm getting White 2 is for the Ice Dragon with Fire moves) but because the type only has two weaknesses, and is ALWAYS the medium difficulty path as a starter. Fire is either the easy one, or the hard one... (Every gen but II and V opened with a rock gym, making the Fire starter the hardest one to work with, but the choice that would always pay off in the end), Water never seems to break ahead, and Grass is the reverse of Fire, with gens II and V making it the hard path, although the Snivy family is a LOT better than the Tepig line, I have to say. (DW ability FTW!) What B/W lacked ruined it for me - a proper battle frontier/chance to rematch the gym leaders with a mixed generation team. (Oh, and the lack of the older legendaries aside for event. I have to travel 45 minutes to a Nintendo-operated store, purely to download coz I'm too cheap to upgrade my battered DSi for a 3DS.) Quote
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