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Amazing tracks. But what the heck is the sound at 1:04 of ElectroCute Bunny? It kills the mood for me as I start wondering why would anyone put it there intentionally.

PS. The bunny-ending in Doom was brilliant :)

It's white noise. It didn't turn out too well I know. But the file I was working on corrupted and I couldn't fix it. :(


As a Machinimist i've been looking for original tracks that i think would suit a series I am currently working on. Hangarmaggeddon is brilliant, I was wondering if i could get permission to use this and perhaps a few more tracks once i've finished downloading for the Series?

Amazing tracks. But what the heck is the sound at 1:04 of ElectroCute Bunny? It kills the mood for me as I start wondering why would anyone put it there intentionally.

PS. The bunny-ending in Doom was brilliant :)

It's white noise. It didn't turn out too well I know. But the file I was working on corrupted and I couldn't fix it. :(

Was that unintentional? I liked that. Thought it fit the transition well.

Amazing tracks. But what the heck is the sound at 1:04 of ElectroCute Bunny? It kills the mood for me as I start wondering why would anyone put it there intentionally.

PS. The bunny-ending in Doom was brilliant :)

It's white noise. It didn't turn out too well I know. But the file I was working on corrupted and I couldn't fix it. :(

Was that unintentional? I liked that. Thought it fit the transition well.

It was intentional, but it didn't turn out too well. I wanted to make it better or just get rid of it, but the file corrupted.


Though i am not much of a game-music fanatic. Atleast, not like i used to be. I Can definitely say that this was all very well done. :) Impressed me most defintely. Also, to fit it. :) The Album covers were just as equally well done.

Fantastic Job.

Best regards


P.S: This has problably been brought up before but; will there ever be a Doom 2 and/or Final Doom: TNT EVilution remix project?

These guys at doomworld were seriously annoying me, so I had to register and reply:


-By: The Orichalcon

deathz0r said:

I'll take your word for it. Anything on OCRemix is garbage anyway.


Uh, ok. And why is this exactly? Have you listened to everything there? Oh I suppose you haven't.

To me, it sounds like you're just a major asshole because they rejected your total horseshit years ago. Actually, I know that's why.

-By: Ralphis

I never really liked the guys at the DoomWorld Forums, aside from SilverWyvern and the other artist guy, who does the "Greenpile."

Aside from those 2, The rest, or atleast most of the DoomWorld Crew was rude to me.

Also. :D That's hilarious, what Ralphis said Deathz0rz. ;) Deathz0rz deserved it, seeing as how he's a massive Arse-Fook.


Okay, I've had this thing downloaded since it was released a few months ago and then I forgot I downloaded it. A few days ago I just discovered it again and I must say it completely rocks!


The pc games magazine: "PC GAMER" has mentioned "The Dark Side of Phobos project" in their mag! And from the looks of it they liked it. Mag number 154 - November 2005 and turn to page 140. (Lower left corner)



"No, it's not a cleverly hacked set of cans that you can play the full game on, but news of a complete remix of the soundtrack to FPS granddaddy, Doom. Heavy rawk is omnipresent in this freely downloadable double-album. The Dark Side of Phobos has been a year in the making, and witnessed almost as many obstacles as the game's marine. Artistic difference's and changes in the team saw the production wane somewhat, but they got back in gear and finally released their magnum opus.

So if you're into powerchords straight from the belly of Satan himself, it's well worth cocking your ear at http://doom.ocremix.org. Go on, it's free and one of the best produced fan efforts we've had the pleasure of plugging in."

powerchords? POWERCHORDS??!?!?!?!?

Think of it this way, . . .

"Chords that have Power!" Enough power to make your ears bleed with sweet delectation into an endless abyss of your own hell.

Damn, I've been away for a while. Is it time for a "Where are they now" or "Behind the Music" episode for this yet? We could talk about my gabling problem, Joker's abusive dependency for powerwheels toys, and mythril nazgul's battle with the bottle and how he triumphed and overcame his addiction and found jesus, . . . man, that would be awsome!

See you guys on VH1, or when we do the reunion album, . . . DOOM 2- "Somewhere over the Phobos"

  • 2 weeks later...
powerchords? POWERCHORDS??!?!?!?!?

Everyone knows that powerchords = satan. The writer was just using the most synonymous term available.

Power chords are awesome. AC/DC, the most awesome band ever (obviously) are pretty much all power chords.

But I just joined to say that this album is pretty good, and my favorite track is Mystery Meat.

  • 4 weeks later...

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