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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, does anybody know if (and where) I can get power tabs OR guitar pro tabs for Hangarmaggedon by Evil Horde?

I've basically figured it out, I just need help on the fast bits....

I'd even go for regular paper tabs, if it comes to that.

I've been searching across the internet, but I haven't found anything...


You could send Evilhorde a PM or an email to grab his attention.

Got this email:

i just downloaded the entire album and had to say it is simply amazing, i was initially interested as a doom fan (i am a huge fan of the old games btw) but the music itself holds its own wether the listener is a doom fan or not.

It is only a matter of time till i burn them to cd's and pass em out to all my friends, doom fans and none doom fans alike.

i'ld also like to compliment the album artist (s), all the art is brilliant.

if you can pass this email on to the other artists it would be much appreciated.


  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Hi, does anybody know if (and where) I can get power tabs OR guitar pro tabs for Hangarmaggedon by Evil Horde?

I've basically figured it out, I just need help on the fast bits....

I'd even go for regular paper tabs, if it comes to that.

I've been searching across the internet, but I haven't found anything...

i dont think you will find it anywhere else but here or the artis's sites...

  • 1 month later...


Hangarmageddon - EvilHorde

Darkness Dawning - Elsa Persson, Larsec

The Glass Moon - DJ Carbunk1e, Ryan8bit

Infected Lab - DJ Carbunk1e

Demon Con Gusto - analoq

This Can't Be Good - ArseAssassin

Reprocessed - Beatdrop

They're all really great, and inspiring (no I am not just being nice, I listen to all of the tracks happily). Thank you....:sleepdepriv:



  • 3 weeks later...

My favourite out of OCR's site projects by far.

Ghosts of Mars is by far the best track on it, and the track alone warrants a play of the album every so often.

Only real criticism is that two tracks on Disc 1 are rather loud and ear bending, and also sound a bit wierd (I downloaded the MP3 version of the album) and that Disc 2 doesnt seem as good as the first.

  • 2 months later...

I was curious if anybody out there has the lyrics for the song Darkness Dawning by Larsec: Featuring Elsa Persson. From The Dark Side of Phobos Disk-2 Track-21. I've been listening and writing them down as I go, but I'm not sure if all I have so far is correct, for it's kinda hard to make it all out sometimes. I'm not bad mouthing it at all, I love to song and thats why I wanna read the lyrics, it's just my ear isn't as amazing as it used to be... so if anyone can help, that would be more than amazing.

Thanks in advance ^_^


Night is near, beginning ending

Dawning dark the skies are sending

Cry of black and cry of sorrow

End of light and end of morrow

From without the night is calling

From within the night is mauling

Single sign of darkness dawning

Wretched light of darkness morning

Evil hears and evil watches

Evil knows and evil judges

Brings to bloom the darkest flower

This will be the darkest hour

From the dust and soil awaken

spirits lost and souls forsaken

They will rise from over yonder

They will fly and they will wander

Through the flames I see them coming

Through the flames I see them longing

They have come to end the living

Unforetold and unforgiving

They are here, they crave, they hunger

With the damned the nights grow longer

Twisted limbs and twisted faces

Demons from the darkest places

But have no fear, I've come to save you

Trust in me that's all you can do

I lay to rest your fear and worry

Come to me! Come on, let's hurry!

This is where you find your ending

Welcome to a death so mending

You try to scream, your life is dimming

cause I'm from Hell and DOOM I'm bringing!

  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Wanted to post a quick thanks to the talented composers and remixers who created this fine piece of fan-generated multimedia. This is beyond dedication to a game. This is art.

Doom: The Dark Side of Phobos is my fuel during my workday. Gets me through even the toughest forum threads, heh. Again: my thanks.

<3 OC Remix

-- Scapes

  • 6 months later...

WoW,big thanks to everyone involved,i always loved the doom music but this is something else! i now have a DooM OC remix playlist that i use like coffee in the morning,wake up mr.brain!

These are great songs, but this is like the second collaboration project in a row that I have to manually retag the FLAC files... Would be REALLY nice if the .flacs came pretagged. I don't want MP3s, and if the FLAC files were tagged...


great songs but flacs should have been pretagged. now all the people who listen to flac version of this album don't scrobble the songs properly and don't give it deserved credit

i had to remove flac album from seeding after i downloaded torrent because i wanted to tag them, because i couldn't tag them since the files can't be modified to seed.. and i don't want to have 2 huge duplicates of same thing on my hdd

  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

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