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I haven't gotten Burning Crusade yet... I didn't really see the point in it unless my Druid was at level 60. It's at 48 right now. That and because I'm lazy. Should I really go out and get it if I don't plan on making a new character just for the sake of trend?

Does anyone here play on a realm other than the one they actually live in? I'm wondering how much lag I'd get trying to play on my old Eastern server from Texas (where we're moving come summer) or Utah (where I'm going to school).

When I used to play it seemed like half my server was from Australia and I knew several people who lived in Europe (I live in Midwest USA) and they never seemed to have any lag issues. A guy from England was considered the best player on my server I think so he must not have lagged much.


I went through WC with 2 Blood Elf pallys. They were pretty good. They rezed eachother when they died.

BTW, I'm a 25 Undead Warrior on the Skullcrusher server.

And yes, /1 General is bizzare at times lol.

I swear, /1. General Chat is like watching a GameFAQs board in real time.


When I used to play it seemed like most people I knew had /1 turned off. I always thought it was a fun channel to watch.

I haven't gotten Burning Crusade yet... I didn't really see the point in it unless my Druid was at level 60. It's at 48 right now. That and because I'm lazy. Should I really go out and get it if I don't plan on making a new character just for the sake of trend?

Unless you plan on switching to jewelcrafting, probably not. Basically all you get with the expansion is new content in Outland, new characters, and jewelcrafting. Other stuff, like flying mounts, are only obtainable and usable in Outland. So if you can't make it to Outland yet, don't bother. Keep in mind though that it'll be a long time before Burning Crusade's price drops, so while it won't directly benefit you to get Burning Crusade until level 58 (when you can first go through the portal), it won't hurt you much either.


Just got back into it, after 3 months of WoW sobriety, I caved in and reactivated my account a few days before the expansion, and luckily enough, picked up the last unreserved copy of BC from all local stores within a half hour of driving distance.

I can say I'm very much impressed with the new content so far...the dungeons are just leaps and bounds more fun than old ones...perhaps because the new dungeon bosses now act more like raid bosses (magic effects and curses which keep you on your toes, new unpredictable actions, etc.)

Even the Outland overworld is more exciting than most endgame overworlds before the expansion. Such a great improvement from an already great game.



I'd love to get back into this game while my PS2 is busy chewing up and scratching the shit out of my games, but the latency from the on-campus connection is extraordinary. I'd be lucky to play with a ping <1500.

Also, I've heard there are way.... waaaaaay too many Blood Elf paladins.


I rolled a blood elf mage, but that's because I wanted to make him my main. The only other character I have at the moment is a level 27 troll rogue, made in December with the purpose of making money for my mage when I was able to create him. But yes, Eversong Woods has been packed lately. I read somewhere that Blizzard now has dynamic spawn rates depending on how many people are in range of mobs (or maybe just bosses, I'm not sure), so for any of the quests I did, there wasn't a lot of downtime waiting for respawns.


WoW Expansion Gets First Level 70

With an entire guild's help, player reaches level cap 28 hours later.

-> Frenchie (like me) but with no life <-

EDIT : I'd like to add that when I've seen the 494000 exp needed to reach 61, I was worried, but when a quest gives 10000 exp (lol, don't expect to see that often) and a 59-60 mob 900-1000 exp, it's fast. And... Err, maybe the Blood Elves are cute, but be sure I'd like to enjoy the game and not be 70 at the end of the month !!!

WoW Expansion Gets First Level 70

With an entire guild's help, player reaches level cap 28 hours later.

-> Frenchie (like me) but with no life <-

EDIT : I'd like to add that when I've seen the 494000 exp needed to reach 61, I was worried, but when a quest gives 10000 exp (lol, don't expect to see that often) and a 59-60 mob 900-1000 exp, it's fast. And... Err, maybe the Blood Elves are cute, but be sure I'd like to enjoy the game and not be 70 at the end of the month !!!

He was the second. There was someone with 27 hours as well.

I thought all their servers were in the same location?

And I'm thinking of Battle.net. Christ, now I have to reactivate as soon as possible. And whether I stay my Tauren Hunter as main and level to 60 or roll a BC toon, I'll need to pick up BC as well. There goes $55 out of my next paycheck...

WoW Expansion Gets First Level 70

With an entire guild's help, player reaches level cap 28 hours later.

-> Frenchie (like me) but with no life <-

EDIT : I'd like to add that when I've seen the 494000 exp needed to reach 61, I was worried, but when a quest gives 10000 exp (lol, don't expect to see that often) and a 59-60 mob 900-1000 exp, it's fast. And... Err, maybe the Blood Elves are cute, but be sure I'd like to enjoy the game and not be 70 at the end of the month !!!

I like the sheer amount of XP you need to level, because it provides some length to the new expansion challenge.


Started exploring Outland with my main today. I was one of the few lucky ones who didn't have the rested exp taken away, probably because my character was inactive from months without touching WoW.

I never got into endgame raiding either, which is a good thing considering I got superior equipment within a manner of minutes doing the first quests in Outland.

Also, it just occured to me that almost all of the Blood Elf music sounds very similiar to the Blade Runner soundtrack, just less synthesized. There's also some Film Noir influences, but that was in Blade Runner too.


My best friends are starting up again, and I didn't really play with anyone I liked last time (my whole server hated me, good times) so here I am installing it again. Mabye it'll be better this time on a different server and playing with them...

Started exploring Outland with my main today. I was one of the few lucky ones who didn't have the rested exp taken away, probably because my character was inactive from months without touching WoW.

I never got into endgame raiding either, which is a good thing considering I got superior equipment within a manner of minutes doing the first quests in Outland.

Also, it just occured to me that almost all of the Blood Elf music sounds very similiar to the Blade Runner soundtrack, just less synthesized. There's also some Film Noir influences, but that was in Blade Runner too.


Phew. Our poor Illidan server is packed. Anyone else considered taking advantage of that free server transfer? Perhaps our scattered OCR "clan" should relocate.

Also, characters:

Sephfire (Orc Hunter)

Kirithem (Blood Elf Paladin)

come to onixya! we got fun, games and a hardcore arena team forming!

Phew. Our poor Illidan server is packed. Anyone else considered taking advantage of that free server transfer? Perhaps our scattered OCR "clan" should relocate.

Also, characters:

Sephfire (Orc Hunter)

Kirithem (Blood Elf Paladin)

I've heard good things about DarkSpear...seriously considering. Or at least re-rolling there.

Also, it just occured to me that almost all of the Blood Elf music sounds very similiar to the Blade Runner soundtrack, just less synthesized. There's also some Film Noir influences, but that was in Blade Runner too.

I like how 90% of the BE males are Sephiroth, and if you go to that forest South of their village you can hear the cries of the planet =P

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