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Game has been out for over a year.

Lets say you have played for 12 months.

You have 30 days played. 30*24=720.

52 weeks in a year.

720/52=13.84 hours a week.

out of 7 days' date=' that means less than 2 hours a day.

How long have you been sitting in front of the TV?[/quote']

I don't watch TV as much as I used to but I would say at my worst 8 hours a day (sleeping was not a concern)

I play an average of 4 hours a night.

My parents watch TV an average of 5 hours a night.

They used to think I had a problem...

Never rally though about using that concept...


Now with 50mbps internet, you can guess that I live on the internet now. Kind of sad huh.

The big problem is' date=' if you can't controll your agro now, thunderfury is a weapon you should never touch. The proc pulls agro like mad.[/quote']

It doesn't pull aggro.

Yes, yes it does.

The proc causes you to do more damage with a sudden burst do to the nature damage.

Thus agro.

Okay, let me rephrase that:

The debuff does not cause aggro.

It does not cause aggro like an AOE attack.

And it does not cause more aggro than if you had scored a crit. It causes less aggro than a crit actually. It basically causes the same aggro as a regular Dal Rend sinister strike hit.

If you cannot manage that kind of aggro, you suck as a rogue and should reroll as a priest.

Once again no.

Chance on hit: Blasts your enemy with lightning, dealing 300 Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Each jump reduces that victim's Nature resistance by 25. Affects 5 targets. Your target is also consumed by a cyclone, slowing its attack speed by 25% for 12 sec.

The proc does damage, thus causing threat, also with a debuff that increases your white damage, plus the debuff stacks. Thus a large amount of threat inscreased.

Look into the numbers if you want to rogue end game more effectively, since threat is just a numbers game.


Fuck, the OCR crew seem to know their stuff :)

So I just got kitted out with an ebon mask, and sold another star ruby for 70g on the AH (if you dont know how, you're probably the person who bought it).

I need to start saving for a nice dagger. Heartseeker is a (little) too expensive for me right now, as this 70g is all I have, but I'd like something to look forward to. Right now I have a Dire Nail found off Erikanus in ST, and the Blazing Rapier. As for my armour, I look evil as fuck, but my weaponry lets me down :(

So let's get to business: firstly I'd like some suggestions; I'm aiming toward agility as you would imagine, with something that has a nice proc if possible. I've been thinking about sacrificing backstab in the name of awesomeness and getting dual skullforge reavers..which look fucking sinful ;)

On to my next Q, which is wondering whether any of you follow some sort of guide or have a quality resource with tips on roguery with regards to endgames and being a more effective asset to a raid or group.

Many thanks.

Yay, WoW for Christmas

Level 16 now, Tauren Shaman, Stonemaul PvP Server, horray

Any tips?

Don't run into my alliance chars I have on Stonemaul :lol:. But good choice, my friends who've playing shamans say they're really fun. Good luck with your quests.

So my friend bought me this game for Christmas, and is willing to pay for my account--just because he wants someone to play with. So I figure, why not?

I can't really play it yet, as I have to wait for my new computer to come in, but I've been looking around at stuff.

In Guild Wars, I played pretty much nothing other than a monk (heal-bitch). Is there an analogous class/race in WoW?

Priest is the class you are looking for. Druids are also good healers, though not as dedicated. They are more of a mix between all the different classes (Regular form = Spellcaster, Bear form = Warrior, Cat form = Rogue). Paladins are Alliance (blech) exclusive, and are basicly warriors with healing capabilities. The Horde counterpart is Shaman, which is a pretty balanced fighter/spellcaster with healing capabilities.


Priests are more hybrids than Paladins are. Paladins have very efficient heals and can fit that role quite well. They are NOT warriors with healing, they are healers with plate. They have terrible offense compared to any other class - Priests on the other hand can be one of the most powerful offensive classes, potentially.

Priests are more hybrids than Paladins are. Paladins have very efficient heals and can fit that role quite well. They are NOT warriors with healing, they are healers with plate. They have terrible offense compared to any other class - Priests on the other hand can be one of the most powerful offensive classes, potentially.

Hopefully the next patch will give Paladins some much needed DPS for the sake of balance. Though, don't underestimate Paladin damage dealing potential... I believe it was Seal of Judgement that if used properly and with a bit of luck can really cause Pallys to bring down even some tough guys.

I might be wrong on the specific seal, considering I don't play Alliance most of the time.

But yes, as Zircon said, Priests speced in Shadow Magic are especially dangerous... they are infamous face melters in PvP combat. And they're always in high demand for groups, so playing a Priest is never a bad thing to do.

From what I've seen/read/heard, Priests seem to be the closest analogue to Monks, which is exactly what I'm looking for. I want to play a purely support/healing role, if possible, though I know WoW doesn't quite focus on teamplay the way I'm accustomed.

Paladins are pure support, not Priests. They have more powerful buffs and a wider variety, as well as more efficient heals. Priests might have more powerful focused heals but in terms of a support combat role, Paladins are superior in every way as far as I'm concerned.

From what I've seen/read/heard, Priests seem to be the closest analogue to Monks, which is exactly what I'm looking for. I want to play a purely support/healing role, if possible, though I know WoW doesn't quite focus on teamplay the way I'm accustomed.

Paladins are pure support, not Priests. They have more powerful buffs and a wider variety, as well as more efficient heals. Priests might have more powerful focused heals but in terms of a support combat role, Paladins are superior in every way as far as I'm concerned.

I'd agree, except their stats really don't reflect that. They get a lot more melee stats like STR and AGI when they level up, wheres priests get more casting stats like INT and SPT. Sure you can layer on gear to change it, but theres a lot of wasted points otherwise. I really think Paladins shine as a tank who can heal if necessary.

Honestly, resoration druids are better healer's than priests anyway. Innervate and nature's swiftness are absolutely godsends. And Mark of the Wild is a fantastic buff. Thorns is also very nice for the tanks.

In my ideal party, there would be a warrior as primary tank, paladin as secondary tank/secondary healer, mage for DPS and crowd control, warlock for wipe prevention, damage, healthstones, and extra HP or crowd control, and finally a druid to wrap it all up as a healer.


Warrior seems actually pretty neat in this game compared to others. The different stances to switch your attack style is very flexible. The only thing is that like Warrior in any other game, you supposedly have to make friends with Priests or other classes that can heal you.

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