Raenok Posted February 28, 2006 Posted February 28, 2006 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/29946 Here's your problem....YOU LET HIM PLAY SOMETHING THAT RUINED A POSSIBLE ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP. I swear, some women.....*ahem*...ANYWAYS... Yeah, about my build: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classes/hunters/talents.html?1000000000000000510510300000000000000000000000 As you can see, I have YET to place any points in Survival, but I plan to. Quote
speculative Posted March 1, 2006 Posted March 1, 2006 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/29946 Lol... Nice find! Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 2, 2006 Posted March 2, 2006 well our server just opened the AQ gates and we grabbed what guildmates were online and hit the AQ20 instance. While the atmosphere isn't as cool as ZG or BWL (my opinion of course), the fights are really fun and creative. We managed to take down the first three bosses and got the 4th to 18% before it got too late. The loot thus far has been really favoring druids, at least for new spells, and neck/ring items that warriors don't want. I want the upgraded renew real bad XD Not sure when we plan on hitting the 40 man one. We'll probably alternate between it and MC nexus night every other week. We'd drop MC altogether, but some of the raid still needs T2 pants. Anyways, I hope that the boss fights stay cool, they have been great so far. Quote
lazygecko Posted March 2, 2006 Posted March 2, 2006 We have yet to open the gates, most of the supplies have been donated already but there are a few left like Lean Wolf Steaks. I would give a shitload of that if I could only find the damn recipe. Quote
The Author Posted March 2, 2006 Posted March 2, 2006 If you are alliance, try feathermoon stronghold. I would not know for horde. Quote
mecca Posted March 2, 2006 Posted March 2, 2006 We got to the first boss and got wiped consistantly (20 man) till most lost faith and left Shame..I love the new instance - huge as a motherfucker Quote
lazygecko Posted March 3, 2006 Posted March 3, 2006 I play Horde mostly. The recipe can be gotten from a vendor. Unfortunately, the vendor happens to be a wandering caravan in the Desolace and the recipe is a limited supply of 1. Quote
Shonen Samurai Posted March 3, 2006 Posted March 3, 2006 Is anyone on Lothar? I need a guild so, so bad. I'm a 60 Human Rogue. Quote
Nat Posted March 3, 2006 Posted March 3, 2006 Currently, I'm specing a Marksman/Survival Hunter. I'm curious to know as to how well that stacks up in PvP, PvE, and Instances. And it's very unlikely for me to change, for I like this combination. Marks/Surv is probably the overall best spec for hutners - Either the 5/31/15 build or the 31/20 build. For Surv spec 21/30 is the way to go. Marks is what you want for major dps in raids, and survival is the way to go for constant dps. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 3, 2006 Posted March 3, 2006 We got to the first boss and got wiped consistantly (20 man) till most lost faith and left Shame..I love the new instance - huge as a motherfucker what we did for the first boss was have two-three tanks on them, and the casters keep moving around to avoid the silence effect. We were pretty heavy on healers so maybe that helped, the first boss hits really hard. Quote
Stalwart Jester Posted March 3, 2006 Posted March 3, 2006 Yeah. Kurinnaxx hits like a mofo. My guild and I went into AQ20 and got him down to 8% eventually before we gave up. =/ Problem that last run was 2 unlucky sandtraps in a row...wiped out our 2 other tanks. The mortal strike effect he dealt to our main tank reduced healing enough to kill him in the end, and after that...well, we bit it. Quote
zircon Posted March 3, 2006 Posted March 3, 2006 Some tips: 1. Use two or even three tanks. Have the offtanks build up aggro using just about every ability they have, but not quite all of them. This lets them stay high on the aggro meter. When the MT gets 4 or 5 debuffs, have him stop doing anything (except Shield Block) while one offtank begins taunting, sundering, and otherwise going all out. Keep this rotation going throughout the fight. 2. Have people spread out in a circle around the boss so at most only one or two people get hit with the sandtrap - not that they should anyway, since you can see it coming and avoid it with ease. Quote
Rodin Posted March 3, 2006 Posted March 3, 2006 The new test realms are out today! Most notable change of course being the priest love. However, there is another patch note that had me dancing with delight: In order to preserve the challenge of these dungeons, they have had their instance caps lowered. Stratholme, Scholomance, and Blackrock Depths now allow a maximum of five players inside, and Blackrock Spire allows a maximum of ten. I love it. Quote
Nat Posted March 4, 2006 Posted March 4, 2006 Although I'm way past these "end game" instances I'm sort of against cutting down the number of people allowed to go - I mean sure you don't have to wait forever to get into a 5 man scholo group to do a quest anymore, and are basically gaurenteed a set piece if it drops, but I will have to say that casuals will have a harder time 5 manning this stuff. At least on the bright side people can look forward to multiple mobs dropping their tier 0 set piece. Quote
speculative Posted March 6, 2006 Posted March 6, 2006 The new test realms are out today! Most notable change of course being the priest love. However, there is another patch note that had me dancing with delight:In order to preserve the challenge of these dungeons, they have had their instance caps lowered. Stratholme, Scholomance, and Blackrock Depths now allow a maximum of five players inside, and Blackrock Spire allows a maximum of ten. I love it. Interesting... I might have to stick around until after the next patch. Of course, I'm already sick of these instances, so I don't know how much that will affect me... Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 6, 2006 Posted March 6, 2006 I'm for the reduced caps. I can finally finish my scholo quests because we will be 5 manning. Sortof sad that our raid is working on nef and i don't even have my major mana potion recipie. Quote
CE Posted March 6, 2006 Posted March 6, 2006 http://dall.no.sapo.pt/index.html Hey! www.sapo.pt is a portuguese website and Sapo is a internet provider! Nice. Quote
Rodin Posted March 7, 2006 Posted March 7, 2006 I'm not sure about the Priest changes. Okay, a lot of them are really good. But the new talent trees seem sloppily put together - for example, only 4 points on the third level of one of the trees, forcing you to drop back a level in order to advance. Further, some of the new talents are extremely bugged, like the healing from a critical that can be instantly overwritten (getting your 15% health regen from an 1800 Aimed shot crit overwritten by a 15% health regen from the pet's 150 damage melee crit). And lightwell is loltastic. If it didn't break on damage, or have such an insane cooldown, it would be useful. As it is, I'm STILL not getting any 31-point talents on my holy priest. Quote
mecca Posted March 7, 2006 Posted March 7, 2006 An hour an a half I spent organising a PUG for Zul Gurub. Before you say it - stfu and listen. Logically, it should work - everyone is lv60, and is bound to have enough decent blues to be able to compete, logically anyway. Our MT's were kitted out in full Wrath, but we STILL couldn't beat that priest with the secondary boss and the two elite tigers guarding them. What the fuck gives? LOGICALLY it should work, right? What makes a guild raid so much more efficient? Purely the fact that everyone listens to the leader? What else could there be? The raid fell apart after two wipes. Wankers. Quote
MrBogus Posted March 7, 2006 Posted March 7, 2006 A question or two from an outsider: Do you guys consider yourself addicted to WoW? Regardless of your answer to the previous question, how many hours do you spend per day/week on WoW? Quote
Skilless Posted March 7, 2006 Posted March 7, 2006 An hour an a half I spent organising a PUG for Zul Gurub.Before you say it - stfu and listen. Logically, it should work - everyone is lv60, and is bound to have enough decent blues to be able to compete, logically anyway. Our MT's were kitted out in full Wrath, but we STILL couldn't beat that priest with the secondary boss and the two elite tigers guarding them. What the fuck gives? LOGICALLY it should work, right? What makes a guild raid so much more efficient? Purely the fact that everyone listens to the leader? What else could there be? The raid fell apart after two wipes. Wankers. Lol at that waste of time. PUG groups cant work together as say, a guild with vent. Also, playing together alot helps you learn eachothers play stile thus helping you even more in conquoring the bosses. On a side note - My guild went to MC the other day. We killed Luci, then Mag (which we have done before) then we tried Gehennas for the first time, wiped then killed him on the second try. We went to Garr and wiped agian, then killed him on the second wipe. Gehennas and Garr were both 1st time every tries for everyone and we were able to kill them. That made me pretty happy. I know a few guilds who took forever to kill Garr and we killed him 2nd try. On another side note - Our Main Tank uses Bloodcaller LOL Quote
mecca Posted March 7, 2006 Posted March 7, 2006 I'm so hopelessly addicted. Let me sum up WoW (and probably any other MMO) for you: Get weapons Get armour Go to higher level area to get better weapons and armour Get weapons Get armour Go to higher level area to get better weapons and armour Repeat. WHY DOES THIS SCOURGE ME SO?! Quote
Rodin Posted March 7, 2006 Posted March 7, 2006 A question or two from an outsider:Do you guys consider yourself addicted to WoW? Regardless of your answer to the previous question, how many hours do you spend per day/week on WoW? No. It depends - last week, I spent 0 hours per day all week. This week, I've spent about 15-20 so far. However, this is not to say that I'm doing the usual "play MMO all day". I play video games all day ANYWAY, so WoW is just a different game to be playing. So far, I've canceled my account twice. Once I came back due to the Hunter patch, and I came back the second time in order to roll a new priest with which to play with a buddy of mine. WoW is fun, and can be addicting. But overly addicting? Nah. What the fuck gives? LOGICALLY it should work, right? What makes a guild raid so much more efficient? Purely the fact that everyone listens to the leader? What else could there be? A guild raid doesn't work better than a PuG. However, 15-20 wipes down the road, they know how to do the boss and can work together to beat him every time. It's all about practice, and a PuG can never get that by it's very nature. Quote
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