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Still on here an there. Actually just started a new character on Maiev.

Game pretty much lost its appeal for me at level 65. When everyone has a dragon mount and tier whatever armor, any sense of accomplishment is totally lost.

Can't be asked to invest more than half an hour to play at time too, unless I end up in a group of people who aren't total weeaboos (Never).

Also: Everquest, in retrospect, was a million times more immersive than WoW.


My account got hacked twice last month when an 0day flash security hole was mass-exploited (rendering all the usual countermeasures for trojans and keyloggers useless). Now my account is locked pending investigation, and I've heard many others have had to wait up to several months, sometimes without even getting their items back. If it's going to take that long I probably won't continue playing. Not until Lich King is out anyway.


My friend's account just got hacked too. I've never seen anyone so bummed, heh.


Well, actually I'm playing WAR Beta :P


I just recently rejoin the stupid game after leaving it for 3 months for Lord of the Rings online -_-...

About to go pick up Age of Conan tomorrow in hopes for a new addiction when I'm not at class.


Ha! Got hacked.

Account was banned in the past two hours when I wasn't on D:

Probably a good thing, don't need to be playing this game anyway. Actually more worried about the billing info being compromised.

Game is designed to reward the players who invest more time into it, essentially.

Define reward?

I've done nearly everything short of hardcore raiding, and I wouldn't call myself at ALL addicted, if anything I'm struggling just to find something to do IN WoW when I'm not just helping other people level their characters.

I'm WAY to lazy to level a new character myself. It's a miracle that I even got MINE to 70 over the course of...what? 3 or 4 years or something.

Define reward?

I've done nearly everything short of hardcore raiding, and I wouldn't call myself at ALL addicted, if anything I'm struggling just to find something to do IN WoW when I'm not just helping other people level their characters.

I'm WAY to lazy to level a new character myself. It's a miracle that I even got MINE to 70 over the course of...what? 3 or 4 years or something.

I was supposing that you hadn't played it all, but I think you may see my point better knowing that you have (I played it about as far as you did).

The game grants you rewards for investing more time completing repetitive tasks (quests, raids, even PvP). The more time you spend completing these, the more rewards you accumulate.

Rewards here meaning a variety of things. In-game money, experience and levels, mounts, items, gear, various nick-knacks to show off, etc.

Generally speaking, the most addicting factor of the game is the desire to get these kinds of rewards -- which require considerable time to obtain, especially when you are competing with other people to get the same items. If you see someone strutting around in Tier 6 (or whatever) armor riding a dragon mount, you can bet he put the hours in for it. People will see that, and they'll want it too, and they'll do just the same.

Part of the game's design is to calculate the highest point of a Laffer curve of getting the most amount of people to invest the most amount of time before they get the next big reward. If it takes too long, people won't bother, and they'll lose interest. If it's too easy, it won't be worth much, and again they'll lose interest.

Really, what makes WoW so "addicting" is that there are various types of rewards that appeal to various playstyles that keep the player's interest at any given moment in the progression of the game. For example, I couldn't be bothered to invest a few hours to get to level 66, but I spent just as much time running AV again and again to get an epic mount.


Yeah, so I hardly ever come into the forums anymore, but I'm one of those people now, and I might as well say so here.

Started playing WoW when I graduated last winter; almost have a 70. Namely, I just hit 69 last night. Shouldn't be too much longer. Once I hit 70, I expect I'll probably start leveling a second, and log onto the first only every once in a while, or when I have friends to group with.

Oh, and I'm on Runetotem, for the record. Half the reason I joined the WoW-playing ranks was cause a bunch of people I know from college started a guild back in the beginning, which I'm now in. If any of you are ever on Runetotem, and you see a member of 7 Scientists, they almost certainly went to Mudd (or another of the Claremont colleges, and know a Mudder).

Kingdom of Loathing's still the game I care the most about, though. Over 2/3s of the way done with my oxyloop! (Something which doesn't take very many hours, but takes about 6 months of not many hours).


The raiding aspect is the only "addicting" part of WoW. I have never seen an addict who isn't a hardcore raider. When you put so much time, resources and effort into coordinating a group of 40/25 people for hours upon hours, it's easy to view it as something much more than just a game.


I quit playing because I literally carried my groups every time I ran instances, and my guildmates were always bitching at me to raid with them. Most of the time I'd blow them off, but sometimes I'd oblige, and even more rarely I'd actually get some loot and then they'd give me a ridiculous guilt trip and say things like "SEE NOW YOU'RE GETTING GEARED ENOUGH TO HELP US OUT MORE!" when really, all i want to do is make engineering shit (really disappointed with engineering in TBC btw), kill the shit out of people in PvP, and occassionally go raid alliance towns and make life living hell for lowbies.

I started playing again recently, but I've mostly just been leveling alts because every time I log on my mains they bitch at me to do zul'aman or some other shit I honestly couldn't care less about.


I suffered from Tank burnout.

Always had to log on before raid time, then I waited around in Stormwind, then we started the raid late, and well, I'm all covered in purples, why the hell am I still here? Get another tank in and gear him up, I have a mage or a rogue that could use some purple goodness.


Okay, question -- in case anyone has gone through this before.

Get in today, finally have internet again. Bout to get on with some friends when I get a login error.

Account is gone. Deleted. Poof. Kaput. Not there anymore.

As I mentioned before, I had gotten hacked last week. Emailed them. Next day, I get back form work and see that Blizz had responded to the email I sent them declaring my innocence in the affair (spamming).

I get my account back, everything is cleared up. For good measure, I changed my password. Never bothered to check the verification emails about the password change. Kept playing for two more days, no problems. Took a trip to girlfriend's for the weekend, who has no internet, but I wasn't even thinking about it.

Get back today, and poof! Gone. Not even locked, but gone.

My email account had a number of Blizzard emails, a number of which were about password change verification. The last one was about "Account retrieval instructions" which had an attached PDF that instructed me to mail or fax a form asking for ID info -- including a copy of an ID card (Government or School ID)

The email came from an account management email account at Blizzard, but it seems rather suspect to go through that much hassle to retrieve my account. Honestly, I could give less than two shits about my characters, I"m more interested in playing the damn game. I could just skip it and get a new account, but that of course is fifty some odd dollars.

Anyway, question: is this a scam? I'm naturally not going to trust an email that says "Send us a copy of your ID", but I wonder if anyone had gone through this before.

There's a rumor that with WotLK release that Blizzard is going to introduce an achievements system.

Go Kill Yourself - 100G

Accumulate 500 total days of playtime

Okay, question -- in case anyone has gone through this before.

Get in today, finally have internet again. Bout to get on with some friends when I get a login error.

Account is gone. Deleted. Poof. Kaput. Not there anymore.

As I mentioned before, I had gotten hacked last week. Emailed them. Next day, I get back form work and see that Blizz had responded to the email I sent them declaring my innocence in the affair (spamming).

I get my account back, everything is cleared up. For good measure, I changed my password. Never bothered to check the verification emails about the password change. Kept playing for two more days, no problems. Took a trip to girlfriend's for the weekend, who has no internet, but I wasn't even thinking about it.

Get back today, and poof! Gone. Not even locked, but gone.

My email account had a number of Blizzard emails, a number of which were about password change verification. The last one was about "Account retrieval instructions" which had an attached PDF that instructed me to mail or fax a form asking for ID info -- including a copy of an ID card (Government or School ID)

The email came from an account management email account at Blizzard, but it seems rather suspect to go through that much hassle to retrieve my account. Honestly, I could give less than two shits about my characters, I"m more interested in playing the damn game. I could just skip it and get a new account, but that of course is fifty some odd dollars.

Anyway, question: is this a scam? I'm naturally not going to trust an email that says "Send us a copy of your ID", but I wonder if anyone had gone through this before.

Not a scam. If for whatever reason you can't remember your password AND your security question, you have to fax them a valid ID (and some kind of form iirc) in order to get it back. A friend of mine had to do it not too long ago.

Also: rumor my foot.

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