Ramaniscence Posted June 16, 2008 Posted June 16, 2008 Don't you play a priest? Man, the grass is always greener.. That doesn't mean I don't want an unbreakable bubble and instant-full heals My survivability is pretty damn good, but not THAT good. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted June 16, 2008 Posted June 16, 2008 That doesn't mean I don't want an unbreakable bubble and 1 hour cooldown instant-full heal that cost all of my mana. My survivability is pretty damn good, but not THAT good. ^ fixed ah ok, you are talking about keeping *yourself* alive, and yeah, it takes about 3 dudes to take me down. However, keep *others* alive is more difficult as a paladin, thus me rolling a priest. Quote
suzumebachi Posted June 16, 2008 Posted June 16, 2008 it took about 7 dudes to take down my druid when he was specced resto or one warlock but he couldn't kill anything so i respecced feral ps: he still can't kill anything. i miss being a boomkin but nobody wants you for groups Quote
Yoshi3gg Posted June 16, 2008 Posted June 16, 2008 My main is a resto druid. I love healing instances, and it's fun in PvP as well. If I'm holding a node in AB, I can have four guys wailing on me and I'll usually be able to hold out long enough for some backup to arrive. Good fun! Unless one of those guys is a lock with a felhunter. DAMN those things are annoying. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted June 16, 2008 Posted June 16, 2008 it took about 7 dudes to take down my druid when he was specced resto yeah i'd also like a druid too I can't kill casters, but 1 on 1 (or even 1 on 2) I can take down rogues...eventually. Quote
Eten Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 I stopped playing my resto druid a while ago but it was pretty fun to balance HoTs on you and teammates while rolling out CC and being uncatchable. I don't know how it changed since then. Although it was cool that you could be virtually unkillable and could lead mindless objective-ignoring alliance all over the place, it was amazing when I partnered up with my SL/SL lock buddy and MS warrior in BGs. It was a combination of CC, damage, healing, and survivability all in one because as a druid you can rotate your CC while maintaining massive healing through HoTs and never have to strain your mana with direct heals. There were so many options and contingency options... You know like how any warrior in a BG with heals can be a serious force of power, but to also have a SL/Sl lock around that can go against 3 other casters solo while never running out of steam? It was then ridiculous, we had more than enough CC to watch each other's backs. It was almost our goal to purposefully make the other players feel bad as we, without communication, would alternate off fears and cyclones and roots on two players as we killed and kited and healed through the other three. Then again, that was also around the time that Disc priests become so survivable that I watched a troll priest casually wand a lone warrior to death at the farm AB node ending with full health and mana without saying a word. Poor alliance, they just never understood how much of a difference there was when our Horde pugs would have players that wouldn't just heal, but also even dispel deathcoil off of their teammates even while we're farming the kills out of the spawn points. My goal was always to make a 5v5 team of a warrior, warlock, priest, hunter, and druid to show off just how effective a mobile, flexible, and CC heavy endurance team would succeed, but I never managed to find a talented hunter for that. Quote
blue.nocturne Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 I personally have developed a hatred for druids and rogues this season, despite how a rogue is my main partner and I have a few druid friends. Who's in range of making gladiator this season btw? Season 4 is going to start soon! Quote
Ramaniscence Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 I personally have developed a hatred for druids and rogues this season, despite how a rogue is my main partner and I have a few druid friends. Who's in range of making gladiator this season btw? Season 4 is going to start soon! Cheaters. That's who. S3 was ridiculous broke. I lost help when every 2v2 fight I joined was people in full vengeful. Even in the 1400-1500 bracket. I think I MAYBE got into the 1580s once, but I'd have to play late at night. I can stick destroyed S3 warriors solo, though. Quote
Super-Duper Sombrero Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 Cheaters. That's who. S3 was ridiculous broke. I lost help when every 2v2 fight I joined was people in full vengeful. Even in the 1400-1500 bracket. I think I MAYBE got into the 1580s once, but I'd have to play late at night. I can stick destroyed S3 warriors solo, though. I've had to fight several 2v2s WITH WARGLAIVES. Who put us up against those teams? It's not even a fair fight at that point, it's just sad. Half the time we fight full Vengeful teams, and the other half it's a resto druid/ MM hunter combo. Awesome. We're stuck at ~1700, can't seem to go above that... Quote
The Xyco Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 Holy thread grave digging Batman! To avoid a tl;dr story, I want to put my main (65 Hunter on Mannoroth) and alt (21 Priest on Maiev) on the same server. Both are Alliance. I'm wondering if anyone out there still plays fairly regularly and would be willing to welcome me in (to their guild, or just fairly regular grouping together, whatever). Let me know. Character transfers are not a problem. I really just want to have both characters running at the same speed by the time WotLK comes out. Quote
Sporknight Posted July 18, 2008 Posted July 18, 2008 So, Wrath of the Lich King. My mains are a tankadin (whom I crush heroics with) and an afflock (whom I raid with). Looking at the current state of talents and such, I'm actually really psyched for what they're offering paladins, on all 3 talent trees. Warlocks, on the other hand, I feel...lukewarm about. We're getting some neat toys, but I'd really like to see some more raid viability in the 51 point talents. Anyone else feel the same way? Oh, and in before "lolPvE". Quote
OceansAndrew Posted July 18, 2008 Posted July 18, 2008 Holy thread grave digging Batman!To avoid a tl;dr story, I want to put my main (65 Hunter on Mannoroth) and alt (21 Priest on Maiev) on the same server. Let me know. Character transfers are not a problem. I really just want to have both characters running at the same speed by the time WotLK comes out. I recently rerolled alliance with some RL friends about 4 months back and have a 70 mage, 65 priest, and a 18 druid and you could come hang with us. !!!HOWEVER!!! Their server is a PVE server, so you wouldn't be able to go back to the awesomeness of ganking. As for the (finally) announced paladin changes!!! My main character is (was ;_ a holy arena paladin that gradually saw less and less action as the seasons went on. The changes aren't really what I was hoping for, but they are a lot more creative than what I wanted anyways. I think there are enough new tools added to arena healing to at least be optimistic until there is more information. I was actually really disappointed until I saw that a holy shock crit makes your next holy light spell be instant cast. *That* is frickin sweet. Even in all PVP gear (no access to BT or sunwell), My holy light crits were around 65% of someone's health in one cast. When I first got my newish mage to 70 and started doing arena, I was pretty overwhelmed by all the things you had to do coming from a paladin. Giving paladins more tools is awesome, and being a mix of proactive and reactive is excellent. I still was hoping for a flash of light style spell that was less mana efficient, but could be casted while moving, but I think the new stuff is great. Quote
Arcana Posted July 18, 2008 Posted July 18, 2008 Yeah, I think the healing changes for Holy Paladins are pretty interesting. Instant-cast Holy Lights after HS crits, and I rather like the AoE heal idea. Seems that they're also trying to convince Holy Paladins to melee and judge more often, though I don't know how well that'll work in practice. Seems only useful in raiding, with Crusader strike able to refresh judgements. Very PVE oriented changes. Quote
Eten Posted July 18, 2008 Posted July 18, 2008 Well I think it is the gear and stat changes that are going to make a lot of what seems "questionable" in the talents all fit together. They are simplifying a lot of stats in some interesting ways. Such as the removal of spell crit and melee crit for just +crit, which effects both spell and melee crit. Stuff like that make the original hybrid classes that mixed casting and melee able to possibly melee/caster hybrid without being utterly gimped by being half-assed at everything. I mean for example Shamans rely a ton on crit in both Enhancement and Elemental, with the 21 point elemental making spell crits do 2x the damage and enhance with the Flurry talent. At one point in time(way back at 60) shamans had such a sick windfury weapon enchant that they could be all elemental and still wtfpwn a mage with a one-hander on a windfury hit or shock, shield, and windfury a warrior while wearing a shield and come out fine with a few clutch heals. Now adays though since windfury got nerfed baseline and only brought back up to where it was before after talents deep in the enhancement(I think it was the mage/shaman patch just before TBC?), and the extra must-have talents 31+ in each of the trees and finally one-directional gear sets that locked in the "specialized in a tree" nature of the hybrid class instead of on the spot mix-it-up hybrid. A lot of shamans would love to play something crazy like a 30/31 elemental/enhancement build(aka "suicide spec") but it's just not feasible because each of the trees are so loaded with points that you always have to give up something that's way too important(like 10% increase in weapon damage in enhancement) and because you can't use what little synergy talents there are to make up for the lower stats you'll have as you spread out across more for both caster and melee stats. Ret paladins are largely the same(and then some, a non-CCing, non-healing debuffing and non-mana draining MELEE DPS is a pretty shitty baseline you're starting with). Holy Paladins had been quite great for some time and still are in PvE by playing as a pure healer, but they get a lot of flak for being a three button class and running on such few mechanics(2 second holy lights and 1.5 second flash of lights w/ blessings) is either going to be straight up too good and a must have or crappy and at the mercy of others. So in both cases they may manage to breath some life and complexity into the class by allowing a chance for their hybrid nature of healing and melee seals and judgements for all specs instead of just one or the other with these talents and stat changes. Quote
Arcana Posted July 18, 2008 Posted July 18, 2008 I've heard that there are a lot of changes being made to tanking that (for example) obsolete Blessing of Salvation in its current form. For example, tanks will do more damage and will receive more base threat multipliers by default. Esesntially, they're changing it so that you won't even NEED BoS (hence the modification to changing it into Hand of Salvation as a situational buff). Among other things, the integration of spell hit and melee hit, and spell crit and melee crit will make hybrids more feasable. It seems that they're expecting that Ret paladins (for example) are going to be doing some healing as well, and due to the new itemization, not be terrible at it either. Quote
Straziante Posted July 27, 2008 Posted July 27, 2008 Yeah, ret pallys are pretty much useless in a lot of situations as no one really likes DPS without CC. Finally got the Champion of the Naaru title for my rogue. Started farming Kara and got bored with it. Ghostlands isn't really a great server to be on unless you were geared then transferred. So I rerolled a draenei hunter out of boredom. Quote
lazygecko Posted July 27, 2008 Posted July 27, 2008 I specced my shaman to restoration last week. I'm also fortunate enough to be in a friendly non-elitist super hardcore guild, so I'm healing in Karazhan tonight. I've played since 2005 but this is my first "real" raid. Got a bit more than 1000 bonus healing at the moment. Quote
lazygecko Posted August 6, 2008 Posted August 6, 2008 Here's something you don't see every day Preparing for an alliance raid on Orgrimmar Conquering the Deeprun Tram Mad bitch tearing up my expensive outfit Sometimes when you alt-tab a lot, the game's character textures get messed up. In this case I believe the female orc skin was replaced with that of a male gnome Quote
Sporknight Posted August 7, 2008 Posted August 7, 2008 My guild just got Kael down last Sunday. T'was awsome, especially considering how many guilds these days skip him (and Vashj, whom we've also downed) for BT and MH. We have just started on MH and will probably begin BT by the end of the month. Exciting times. I'd love to get Illidan down before Wrath goes live. Quote
The Xyco Posted August 7, 2008 Posted August 7, 2008 Finally got all Alliance on Maiev, and got my Horde characters back on Arthas. Anyone wanting to roll on a new server or start the game should come join the party. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted September 14, 2008 Posted September 14, 2008 So, I KNOW all the horde players are going to transfer to Illidan with me and starla and Suzu and....well Posi and Nienna kind of don't play anymore BUT SERIOUSLY I NEED MORE FRIENDS ON WOW D: Quote
atmuh Posted September 15, 2008 Posted September 15, 2008 i played it for about 15 minutes again and was incredibly bored and i dont care if it gets more exciting later i refuse to have to wait until a game gets fun Quote
suzumebachi Posted October 14, 2008 Posted October 14, 2008 3.0 is live. Discuss. Also, help me find mirrors that aren't laden with porn ads (I'm at school). Quote
Vilecat Posted October 14, 2008 Posted October 14, 2008 Spellpower = win I think they're finally getting classes balance right. I don't get why people complain about some of the new changes. Still debating if I should xfer my 2 lv70 to another server. Quote
Random Hajile Posted October 14, 2008 Posted October 14, 2008 I just got back from class, and I demand that these damn servers be up so I can fuck around with my ret pally. Quote
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