The Author Posted September 14, 2006 Posted September 14, 2006 Well that's kinda hard to judge, there's no scale. But it is supposed to be about the size of half one of the current continents in game. There are a few videos on the net of the nether dragon flight from the dark portal to Thrallmar, that might give some perspective. Lordaeron is everything north of the Wetlands... I stand by my estimate. Quote
Ero Elohim Posted September 14, 2006 Posted September 14, 2006 With the amount of towns in each zone of Outlands and their proximity to one another, I can only salivate at the PvP prospects of such areas. Quote
sirusd Posted September 14, 2006 Posted September 14, 2006 WORLD OF WARCRAFT KILLS BABIES! IT WILL CONSUME YOUR SOUL!!! Quote
suzumebachi Posted September 14, 2006 Posted September 14, 2006 WORLD OF WARCRAFT KILLS BABIES! Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted September 14, 2006 Posted September 14, 2006 WORLD OF WARCRAFT KILLS BABIES! That the one with the korean family forgetting about their child or whatnot? If so, rofl. I remember reading that last year. Still makes me laugh at how people can get so enrapped in something that they forget to tend to something far more important. Sex, I can understand, but neglect from playing WoW?...bah Quote
Ramaniscence Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 HHave you people SEEN what they're trying to pass off as OUTLAND? That's not fucking Outland. That's fucking Auir. These seriously look more like rejected StarCraft: Ghost images than Burning Crusade D: Quote
Ero Elohim Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 Happy? Draenor is described as a planet "not unlike Azeroth." Until, of course, demonic corruption and the pillaging Orcs started its descent into a barren wasteland. Hellfire Peninsula and that second area you posted, The Netherstorm, both look like wastelands. ...One's just purple and has a floating Naaru building in the middle of it. Seriously, the expansion would get old real fast if every area looked like the fucking Barrens. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 Seriously, the expansion would get old real fast if every area looked like the fucking Barrens. QFT, and not just because i've taken 4 horde chars through it. It is a different world with different ecosystems, just like Azeroth. I think it's beautiful, and am especially excited to see the serene-looking area. Quote
The Author Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 Take Azeroth, grab the magic in silithus and blasted lands... overdose the world on it until it explodes, and voila, you have post W2 Draenor. Quote
TaVeRnErO_RuDd Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 That's not fucking Outland. That's fucking Auir. ROFL.....looking like aiur...or damnm planet CHAR! i don't care...those areas look in the story (somehow) and i ain't complaining...can't wait to take my flying mount for a spin in that awesome area indeed...the expansion would get old if it all looked like durotar...that annoying red ground Quote
Raenok Posted September 20, 2006 Posted September 20, 2006 Well...that Marsh place and the orcen homeland won't be the Barrens, obviously... Also, switching from Alleria to Shadow Council. Heard some very good things from that server, and I don't exactly feel like making another character. So...worth it or not? Any Council players like to fill me in? Quote
Rodin Posted September 20, 2006 Posted September 20, 2006 After the expansion comes out, it won't be World of Warcraft anymore - it'll be World of Blizzard. Let me take you through it. Warcraft - this should be obvious. 90% of the game. Diablo - learning skills from books, randomized items. Diablo II - the talent trees are ripped directly from D2's skill trees. Starcraft - Silithids = Zerg. They even have creep for crying out loud. Draenai = Protoss - just look at that screenshot for proof. Every one of Blizzard's games is now incorporated into one big honkin' MMO. I think we haven't heard about any new games from them because there ARE none. The next Battleground will be Starcraft 2, you just watch. Quote
Raenok Posted September 21, 2006 Posted September 21, 2006 And now, Velen, leader of the Draenei: I'm impressed. Let's just hope ALL faction leaders get an image update. Let's face it, some of them...aren't so leader-like in appearence. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted September 21, 2006 Posted September 21, 2006 After the expansion comes out, it won't be World of Warcraft anymore - it'll be World of Blizzard. Let me take you through it.Warcraft - this should be obvious. 90% of the game. Diablo - learning skills from books, randomized items. Diablo II - the talent trees are ripped directly from D2's skill trees. Starcraft - Silithids = Zerg. They even have creep for crying out loud. Draenai = Protoss - just look at that screenshot for proof. Every one of Blizzard's games is now incorporated into one big honkin' MMO. I think we haven't heard about any new games from them because there ARE none. The next Battleground will be Starcraft 2, you just watch. I really figure it's only a matter of time before the Zerg crash land on Azeroth, and the Protoss chase them there in "World of WarCraft: A New Threat", or some crud. Not that I'm COMPLAINING, though. I'd LOVE to have a level 60 Templar or something. Almost as much as I'd love to see DIABLO himself in the game (.... ...just because he always looks so awesome (though Nefarion really looks like Diablo got turned into a dragon.) Quote
Scufo Posted September 21, 2006 Posted September 21, 2006 And now, Velen, leader of the Draenei: I'm impressed. Let's just hope ALL faction leaders get an image update. Let's face it, some of them...aren't so leader-like in appearence. They could start by making Sylvanas actually look like the High Elf she is instead of a Night Elf... Quote
suzumebachi Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 And now, Velen, leader of the Draenei: I'm impressed. Let's just hope ALL faction leaders get an image update. Let's face it, some of them...aren't so leader-like in appearence. They could start by making Sylvanas actually look like the High Elf she is instead of a Night Elf... agreed Quote
DJKarma Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 hunter talents hunter talents. hunter talents! HUNTER TALENTS! HUNTER TALENTS! Quote
lazygecko Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 If there's 1 class the WoW community is better off without, it's huntards. They're the number one ninja looters and cause for group wipes (Having a pet reduces social dependancy, thus making them oblivious to how groups work), and the premium choice for bots/farmers. Quote
suzumebachi Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 If there's 1 class the WoW community is better off without, it's huntards. They're the number one ninja looters and cause for group wipes (Having a pet reduces social dependancy, thus making them oblivious to how groups work), and the premium choice for bots/farmers. oic. it's fine, l2play with good hunters (ie: get in a real guild). Quote
DJKarma Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 If there's 1 class the WoW community is better off without, it's huntards. They're the number one ninja looters and cause for group wipes (Having a pet reduces social dependancy, thus making them oblivious to how groups work), and the premium choice for bots/farmers. oic. it's fine, l2play with good hunters (ie: get in a real guild). On my journey as a hunter, I've had a priest ask me to rez him, a warlock ask me to make him water, and a warrior tell me I would be using mend pet as main heals because hunters "aren't a DPS class." Also: I was bored. Quote
suzumebachi Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 hahaha what kind of emo shit is that? Quote
The Author Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 Most hybrid classes are missunderstood. While I was pvping with my shammy, people complained that I did not heal myself fast enough. Apparently nature swiftness is something all shammies have. As soon as you are not in a class with a clear role (IE Shamans, Hunters and Druids) people will complain about what you do. Quote
Bigfoot Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 Don't you wish people would just play their own class and not try to play yours? lol Quote
The Author Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 Don't you wish people would just play their own class and not try to play yours? lol I know. Usually when someone complains about my build I ask them to change theirs. Usually for something useless. I used to say "go improved distract" to rogues as they are a whiny bunch (well, the 90% of the rogue population that don't know or research their class more than copying whatever her name was on the rogue forums...) Quote
Eten Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 All hunters may not be idiots, just a sweeping amount of all hunters I've ever known/grouped with are. I know of only one exception, and he's a humble guy. My feelings come from playing a warrior, tanking in any usual 5 man pugs. I never trust a hunter to make pulls. Now why would I never trust a class to make pulls when that class has abilities which make them the best pullers? Because they "got to excited" and pulled with multi-shot while the healer was AFK. Why do I always ask the hunter to put their pet away, when their pet is a major part of their class? Because their use of a pet tends to hurt a party more than help the party. What happens when a two-hand epic proc based rare sword drops from gen drak in ubrs? argh. Any class can have idiots, but there is no other class as bad as hunters. Quote
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