agentgerbil Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 DarkeSword is above the law. Darkesword IS the law. Judge dredd motherfucker(also he most-likely received your complaint against him and laughed) not gonna lie, i lol'ed
BlackPanther Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 I fully agree with you on this. I tell my friends about how great this website is because of how much great music is on here. Being told to like this website or I can't listen to it's music anymore is just wrong. Let the people recommend the website over time, and don't enforce that they have to like it or else. I understand what you're saying. I'm not sure if it was the intention to release the album exactly at 27k. If so, then I would take your side. If it's merely just a hype thing, then I say, why even trip about it? No matter how this goes down, you're gonna get some sick ass music. So would everyone just please sit back, relax... and eat rice?
Darangen Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 That actually made me go look at the forum rules: Profanity isn't prohibited, but abusing the report system is a warn-able offense
Bahamut Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 I appreciate the hard work by so many artists over so many years to make this album and the other thousands of tracks already available. I appreciate the work put in by staff members to make OCR as a listener's dream and an artist's resource available at zero monetary cost to the community. And unfortunately, I know that the annual fundraising drive is theoretically next month. As I've become more interested in this community it's become clear that many staff members, including some of those responding in this thread, get extremely defensive against the community whenever their opinions about the topic at hand differs (regardless of how well those opinions on either side are expressed). I won't promote that kind of adversarial relationship, directly or indirectly, in part or whole, through social media advertising or donation support. Did you even check how adversarial some of those so called opinions have been expressed in the thread? The responses shouldn't be surprising. I've remained civil throughout, but it's frustrating seeing this double standard applied, as if there should not be an expectation of civility applied to everyone equally. I want to talk about the album, the artists on it, and the music. I don't want to have to waste my time talking about what is something minor and done with good intentions towards promotion. The fact that a few aren't happy with it does not negate the value in such a drive. In actuality, that a few people posted in the OCR FB feed their gratitude over the promotion validates the existence of some merit. I can only pity the few misguided views. There is clearly a disconnect over how much OCR should care about promoting the music & artists on the site simply because it may not apply to [insert self]. If you want to withhold any donations or support because of that, I can only say that it is a petty viewpoint that is much more negative than any such promotion effort, and you should reevaluate your motivation for doing such. I have disagreed with how many things have been handled over the years - it has never stopped me from donating or contributing to the site in a positive manner to make it better. I am not saying you have to like the effort necessarily. I used to have misgivings over Facebook and 'Likes' and the such because as a mathematician, I understand exactly how such data is used. My own misgivings have softened over time since it doesn't necessarily hurt people, and it is small compared to the benefits I can offer to those I care about, the artists & their music. It's about more than one person. It's about furthering how we can best accomplish our mission.
Rozovian Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Can I, a project leader, make my album available only while the number of ocr page likes is a prime number?
KyleJCrb Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 I will make the TMNT4 project available only once OCR reaches 500,000 likes AND 500,000 followers on Twitter.
Liontamer Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 I will make the TMNT4 project available only once OCR reaches 500,000 likes AND 500,000 followers on Twitter. I love you.
DrewGourley Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Simple: The more FB likes the more news feeds your music will show up in. Simpler: The more FB likes the larger your audience. Result: The larger the audience the greater your impact. Conclusion: This effort is good.
Kanthos Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 What some people are failing to understand is that a lot of people don't take kindly to being told to share or tell people they should like things. Again, I don't care if this was or wasn't the intention, but this is how it comes across. If people were being told they have to do something, things would be different. However, no specific person is being told that they must like OCRemix on Facebook. You, as an individual, *need* to do exactly *nothing*. If that delays the album release, so what? OCRemix is providing music for FREE, and they don't owe any of us anything. We are not entitled to a new album, or to any music being released at all, because we don't pay for it. None of us listeners are under any obligation to do anything at all. And true, this can come across as OCRemix telling others what to do. What I don't understand is why, for a lot of people, the default response was to complain, rant, or over-generalize to the point of making false accusations. That won't change anything, makes it harder for those wanting to leave actual constructive feedback to be heard, and just adds to the stereotype of entitled gamers.
DarkSim Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 I am not saying you have to like the effort necessarily. I used to have misgivings over Facebook and 'Likes' and the such because as a mathematician, I understand exactly how such data is used. My own misgivings have softened over time since it doesn't necessarily hurt people, and it is small compared to the benefits I can offer to those I care about, the artists & their music.It's about more than one person. It's about furthering how we can best accomplish our mission. This right here is what this is about. I wasn't going to say anything, but then I saw that a lot of other people (it's not a few - I'm pretty sure if you polled the forums or facebook, you'd find that a significant number of people oppose this "Like" business) don't agree with this either. You say that you had misgivings, but then just let it go and now you just accept it? Well if that isn't a metaphor for life... That last sentence reads like something a religious missionary would say, which is especially worrying. What is this site's mission? Who is this site? Is it a community or is it unilaterally overruled by mods? The community is speaking out on this issue, please listen to them.
Mirby Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 The way I see it, everyone's complaining about something they don't even have to participate in. I mean, Larry said the album wasn't quite ready for release, that they wanted to add one thing to it really quick. They aren't holding the album release hostage, as if they were to release it this instant it would be in an incomplete state. They're just utilizing the pre-release hype to obtain a few (thousand) more likes on Facebook, in order to reach a wider audience. I fail to see how this is some inforgivable crime. Nowhere has anyone seriously said that if you don't like OCR on Facebook you won't be able to listen to the album. Nowhere has anyone seriously said that if you don't participate in this promotion then you'll be barred from listening to OCR's music. This is a tie-in, plain and simple. Nothing more, nothing less. Just like that burger with the black bun made to tie-in to Episode 1 3D, so too is this promotion nothing more than a tie-in to Maverick Rising. Everyone who is so extremely against this needs to calm down and take a deep breath and realize that there is no malice and no ill-will meant by this (as has been said on multiple occasions in this thread). This is just how I see it though.
DrewGourley Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Show your hate for the campaign by un-liking the facebook pa... PFFFFFFT! LOL AMLOST MADE IT THROUGH THAT ONE!
Mirby Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Show your hate for the campaign by un-liking the facebook pa...PFFFFFFT! LOL AMLOST MADE IT THROUGH THAT ONE! I'd like to see this happen, cuz then we'd be able to blame people for intentionally delaying the album. XD
DCT Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 That last sentence reads like something a religious missionary would say, which is especially worrying. What is this site's mission? Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Trying to score some FB likes falls into that promotion thing, no? But what the hell do I know?
Mirby Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Trying to score some FB likes falls into that promotion thing, no?But what the hell do I know? Mirby and 34 others like this.
Brandon Strader Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 We are not entitled to a new album, or to any music being released at all, because we don't pay for it. Actually, you ARE entitled to the music because that is the reason that I and many others contributed to this album and the other albums, so that you guys could hear it, among other reasons. I am tired of hearing the "entitlement" argument. Everyone who has used it, stop. Stop now.
Bahamut Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 This right here is what this is about. I wasn't going to say anything, but then I saw that a lot of other people (it's not a few - I'm pretty sure if you polled the forums or facebook, you'd find that a significant number of people oppose this "Like" business) don't agree with this either.You say that you had misgivings, but then just let it go and now you just accept it? Well if that isn't a metaphor for life... That last sentence reads like something a religious missionary would say, which is especially worrying. What is this site's mission? Who is this site? Is it a community or is it unilaterally overruled by mods? The community is speaking out on this issue, please listen to them. I've been listening throughout. I'm not asking for everyone to go against a particular belief to go like the page, and neither is OCR. We're letting each person make their own determination - the vehemence of some for making the opposite determination is the part that causes frustration. Nobody has said that people should go against a principled stance. The mission - I've alluded to it in my posts, but it can easily be found here: . We've been true to this mission and continue to work towards it. It's pretty clear at this point that there are aspects that have not been handled well - PR, execution, and timing. I don't think anyone on staff would disagree with that assessment, with at least one speaking out openly on the matter. Dave (djpretzel) has just mentioned in IRC that it was an experiment. I think it's one that probably garnered enough negative reactions that we'd tread carefully in the future when withholding content, if we ever do that at all for such a reason.
DarkSim Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Thanks for weighing in there Bahamut, good to know that this kind of thing will be handled differently in future. If I could get onto IRC atm I'd be there. DCT, yeah I know the site promotes VGM as an art form, and it does it well. The issues with this campaign were that all it was promoting was the "Like" button on Facebook, which comes across as annoying and cheap.
Knightofthecolossus Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 I wouldn't say to never do anything similar to this in the future. As I've said, the concept is actually rather fun sounding and it's a neat little thing to have Sigma announcing himself waiting for you if the likes get to a certain point. I just think some things need to be thought through a little better next time you try to do it. Timing and PR have already been said in this thread. Though I think making it engaging in some manner for people would be a good thing. Could have some guidelines or a contest or have everyone make promotion groups. By that I could see a contest or promotion group thing in the future with those that allows more non-audio oriented types join in on the fun. Maybe they could make videos, make posters or something. Could even bring in some more people from outside OC just so they can work on that. Having that working sometime near the album's completion would be best. I'd say a month or two prior to a release.
DrewGourley Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 trying to score some fb likes falls into that promotion thing, no?But what the hell do i know? .....snap!
José the Bronx Rican Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 My impromptu list of other artificial delays that are not about the muzicks: Crediting the original composers Listing of artists and other people behind the arrangements Corresponding album artwork MP3 tags with proper aforementioned info Announcements on web and social media Album website Album trailer (I could finally relax!) Youtube previews Humorous observation on my part; please leave it as such.
Kanthos Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Actually, you ARE entitled to the music because that is the reason that I and many others contributed to this album and the other albums, so that you guys could hear it, among other reasons. I don't know; I'd say that OCRemix is under no obligation to release the music to me on any particular timeline (certainly not on one of my choosing) or even at all, PROVIDED that they don't prohibit you from releasing it. For example, if djpretzel gave up on OCRemix and chose to pull the plug on the site, I'd imagine he has no say over what you choose to do with your unreleased tracks. OCRemix has an obligation to YOU, the remixer, to do what they say they will with your track (namely, include it on the album for which you've intended it, and release it to the general public for free), but I don't see them as being under obligation to ME. I am tired of hearing the "entitlement" argument. Everyone who has used it, stop. Stop now. When the few people against the Like thing who are posting here stop acting entitled, there will be no reason to label them as such. Maybe I'm splitting hairs here. At any rate, it IS fair to say that some opponents to the social media initiative have been over the top in their responses to OCRemix, and whether they ARE entitled or not (which is arguable), the lack of thought and truth in some of their arguments sure makes them SEEM entitled.
omnipotentBagel Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Thanks for that response Bahamut. The overall vibes in this thread have been pretty dark so it's nice to get some constructive response. In the interest of feedback, I'd suggest, if something like this were tried again, do it simultaneously with the trailer announcement, or even before. Have the Facebook announcement kick things off, then start trickling in other stuff, like the trailer, and maybe a preview track or two as time moves on. We listeners have been conditioned to expect an album release shortly after a trailer. Anticipating the album all weekend only to be hit with another "loading screen", as it were, was a bit jarring for some. ARGs can be pretty effective when done right (look at the Portal 2 potato madness, for example), so by all means, explore promotions like this again in the future (but maybe not just another Facebook "Like" campaign. A bulk of your audience participated in this one and probably wouldn't be able to do much a second time around).
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