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One thing I learned today was to avoid this thread before watching the show. You East Coasters, spoiling everything! :P Luckily, all I saw was "Zuko's son" before I closed the page and the surprise was definitely not spoiled.

Overall, nice to see the kids getting some butt kicking in (or, in Melo's case, kicking with butt). I think they're setting up a betrayal for Asami rather hamfistedly. I really hope they don't do it. That'd be kind of annoying, actually.


I for one thought it was awesome hearing Dante Basco again. Also General Iroh... *snickers*


other cool moments:

-Mako redirecting lightning

-All the airbending

-Lin taking down a blimp

yeah spoiler'd but yeah, good episode and now i REALLY can't wait 'til next week. :3

And I heard somewhere it's Zuko's grandson.

Well, in all technicality, the show never even mentioned WHAT Iroh is. He could theoretically not be related to Zuko at all (though I seriously doubt that). We're probably not gonna find out for sure until next week.


Yeah, so I've been having trouble with some of the video files from a group called [secludedly]. I've downloaded episodes 9 and 10 now from them and I can not get their files to play without either crashing the player or freezing on a frame. I end up having to find another version by another group that works fine.

I tested the latest video for Legend of Korra on my desktop, my home theater PC and my laptop. On each, I used three different players. I updated both the players and the codecs. None of this has solved the playback issues. But every other video I have on them work perfectly. Old vidoes, new videos, HD, SD, various formats and containers and everything. Just these two videos from this one group aren't working.

I tried to contact the group, posting the specs of each computer and all the codec and player info I had. I got a very short and very rude "technical support" session from someone that was basically "stop trolling, fag, you're just shitting on [our groups] name. Get a real fucking computer" and then was ignored.

Looking up some threads on other sites where people were talking about the last several videos, I see similar conversations have taken place before. Basically, if you question the quality or reliability of their video releases, you are a troll, a fag, a pussy, other wonderful names, and you are there to simply ruin the reputation of the group because of reasons. Your hardware sucks, because it isn't capable of running multiple Crysis games at the same time (despite this not being needed to play a simple 720p video that only comes in at less than 700 MB). You are not worth the time to deal with, shut and go away. Statements about your gender/sexual orientation/ability to engage in fellatio with animals seem to be based upon the day of the week.

The technical issues aside, that behavior alone is enough to never bother with them again. I posted as much and as specific info as I could to try and solve a problem, and I knew that others had similar issues before. I was polite, asked simply and directly if they had an idea as to what it might be... and I was told to fuck off and die.

The early access to the episodes isn't worth the hassle of trying to get them to work, nor the support and attention they would get for downloading anything from them. I'd rather wait the extra few hours to get video that are the same quality (if not more, sometimes), that work properly on even the slowest oldest hardware I have, and don't result in being insulted and treated like shit.


On topic, the new episode sure has some serious shit going on. This gives me high hopes for the season finale, as well as the series finale when it comes. This might even be better than the original series!

Well, in all technicality, the show never even mentioned WHAT Iroh is. He could theoretically not be related to Zuko at all (though I seriously doubt that). We're probably not gonna find out for sure until next week.

Dante Basco was confirmed as voicing a character somewhat related to Zuko, so we know he's there somehow. That, and the fact he's named after Iroh and holds a high rank in the Fire Nation military is enough to confirm he's either Zuko's son or grandson, though I'm leaning towards the latter.

Yeah, so I've been having trouble with some of the video files from a group called [secludedly]. I've downloaded episodes 9 and 10 now from them and I can not get their files to play without either crashing the player or freezing on a frame. I end up having to find another version by another group that works fine.

I tested the latest video for Legend of Korra on my desktop, my home theater PC and my laptop. On each, I used three different players. I updated both the players and the codecs. None of this has solved the playback issues. But every other video I have on them work perfectly. Old vidoes, new videos, HD, SD, various formats and containers and everything. Just these two videos from this one group aren't working.

I tried to contact the group, posting the specs of each computer and all the codec and player info I had. I got a very short and very rude "technical support" session from someone that was basically "stop trolling, fag, you're just shitting on [our groups] name. Get a real fucking computer" and then was ignored.

Looking up some threads on other sites where people were talking about the last several videos, I see similar conversations have taken place before. Basically, if you question the quality or reliability of their video releases, you are a troll, a fag, a pussy, other wonderful names, and you are there to simply ruin the reputation of the group because of reasons. Your hardware sucks, because it isn't capable of running multiple Crysis games at the same time (despite this not being needed to play a simple 720p video that only comes in at less than 700 MB). You are not worth the time to deal with, shut and go away. Statements about your gender/sexual orientation/ability to engage in fellatio with animals seem to be based upon the day of the week.

The technical issues aside, that behavior alone is enough to never bother with them again. I posted as much and as specific info as I could to try and solve a problem, and I knew that others had similar issues before. I was polite, asked simply and directly if they had an idea as to what it might be... and I was told to fuck off and die.

The early access to the episodes isn't worth the hassle of trying to get them to work, nor the support and attention they would get for downloading anything from them. I'd rather wait the extra few hours to get video that are the same quality (if not more, sometimes), that work properly on even the slowest oldest hardware I have, and don't result in being insulted and treated like shit.


On topic, the new episode sure has some serious shit going on. This gives me high hopes for the season finale, as well as the series finale when it comes. This might even be better than the original series!

I use Cartoon Palace, or {C_P} as their files are named at the end. Works fine.

Also the finale is gonna be great, though I highly doubt it'll be better than Sozin's Comet. Because that shit was awesome.

Oh snap! Zuko's son! (And voice actor)

1 hour season finale next week

Grandson, actually. Zuko is currently traveling the world, his daughter rules. I'm guessing she'd be around Tenzin's age, so he's roughly in his early twenties, the approximate same as the others. He's the Fire Prince.

Also, look at Aang's son Bumi's concept art. Notice the collar? It seems very Fire Nation royalty....

Yes, and she's the current File Lord. But he has a son as well (named Iroh, so perfect) who showed up at the very end of today's ep. A General in the United Forces army.

Little too young to be Zuko's son, I think. He's a little older than Asami. More likely, it's his grandson.

I think it would be perfect if Zuko, who abdicated and is traveling the world, is on board the ship, helping Iroh, like the original Iroh helped him.


@The Damned: sorry if i missed something, but can you not just watch it from the Nick site? and then DL them with Realplayer or VLC or something?

@mirby: as much as i like this new series, i'm having doubts that they'll be able to top Sozin's comet or even that whole season from Avatar. unless of course Iroh brings the bamf factor back.


I like this new series, a lot, but did anyone else think they spent a little too much time at the bending tournament in the beginning? I was almost relieved when Amon stormed the palace, so to speak.

@The Damned: sorry if i missed something, but can you not just watch it from the Nick site? and then DL them with Realplayer or VLC or something?

Because I'm from outside the US, the site won't let me. Besides, the HD feeds you get from torrents are far better quality.

The issue isn't the player, it's the file from that one group. Like I said, I tried to ply those files on multiple computers on multiple players, and nothing worked.

I like this new series, a lot, but did anyone else think they spent a little too much time at the bending tournament in the beginning? I was almost relieved when Amon stormed the palace, so to speak.
They had to establish how those three would function together, though. It'd be weird if all three did perfect inter-type bending without having known each other long. (And it set up the love quadrangle between the four main characters.)

The first few episodes of Avatar were just about Aang coming to terms with being asleep for a century. We didn't really get into the whole "stopping the Fire Nation" right off.

Because I'm from outside the US, the site won't let me. Besides, the HD feeds you get from torrents are far better quality.

The issue isn't the player, it's the file from that one group. Like I said, I tried to ply those files on multiple computers on multiple players, and nothing worked.

oh my bad dawg. i thought it was only CN and Disney that had national restriction thingies. I'll ask my cousin from the DR if he has a prettyy good site other than Cartoon Palace.


Image courtesy of kamikaze, originally from I-don't-know-where-on-the-internet-but-my-god-this-is-amazing.

oh yesssss. i have a new reaction image to spam in anime forum fanfic threads. :twisted:

oh my bad dawg. i thought it was only CN and Disney that had national restriction thingies. I'll ask my cousin from the DR if he has a prettyy good site other than Cartoon Palace.:twisted:

My sister and I are Australia-based, and so we can't see them on Nick....may I recommend Animehere? It's what we've been using to keep up to date...my sister is now a Korra fangirl.



...but what's Season 2 going to be about? Figured it would be about Korra rediscovering her bending. Going to be interesting to see where they go with this.

Posted (edited)
fuck. Yeah.

...but what's season 2 going to be about? Figured it would be about korra rediscovering her bending. Going to be interesting to see where they go with this.

No idea, but that finale was amazing.

...and now I want to go back and watch the entire series knowing who Amon is.

Edited by Aeronaut
Posted (edited)


Yeah, they were totally going for a cliffhanger at the end there and I was all "Man, next season is going to be interesting seeing where she goes with only having airbending now.", but then they kind of squashed that immediately by giving her Avatar State and getting everything back and eliminating the cliffhangers. I was confused as to what the purpose of even giving her only airbending towards the end there, if she'd get it all back 5 minutes later. :-?

So it's like...now what will they do? They could essentially end it here, but I know they have a 2nd season prepping.

Pretty deep shit with Tarlok/Amon, though.

And goddammit I wanna see more of Bumi now, he's gonna be just like Sokka!

Edited by Sindra
Posted (edited)

might i suggest on that post?

like i'm doing with this whole post? :3

The Equalists turning on Amon when he was outed as a waterbender seems realistic to me. I mean, he even had just lied to the with the facepaint he called the burns, and that was revealed as a lie too when it washed off. Everything these people did was for their leader, the one they followed because they thought he'd been screwed over by benders... How would you feel if you'd gone through all this and found out that everything you did was for a liar, one who was a bender himself. Seriously, of course they outraged. They just overthrew a regime of benders because of another bender; by all rights, they should have attacked him too.

As for Mako electrocuting Amon, he was furious. He loved Korra and seeing her get her powers removed made him furious. That rage, channeled into sheer force of will (which I still suspect is how Amon resisted Tarrlok's bloodbending, though he had the fact he was a bloodbender too on his side) allowed him to get that spark. We already knew that Mako was a very powerful firebender.

Speaking of which, loved seeing Iroh II fight; that was pretty awesome. Using the fire jets to hover, hijacking two planes and blowing several more up (one with a direct blast to the torpedoes) and then taking the Amon mask off the Aang statue. That was actually rather hilarious.

Also, I was surprised when Tarrlok showed up, and even more surprised by his sacrifice at the end of the episode. He had realized the error of his ways and knew that he alone was able to end Amon once and for all. That was great, even if it did look like something out of a bad mobster movie or something XD

I was quite happy that Korra unlocked Airbending finally, and pleased to see my theory regarding a preview screen for this regarding her airbending was spot-on. I also enjoyed seeing all the past Avatars, and also thought Aang was Tenzin. Figured he was there to comfort her. Apparently what he told her is a deep Buddhist belief or something, which makes sense.

Glad to see Asami confronted her father, and I think that despite how she felt towards Mako and how he was treating her, his apology helped matters somewhat and also the fact that she really has nowhere else to go.

Actually, she could probably return home and take over her father's company (since he'll surely be imprisoned for his crimes), but somehow I don't think that would fit her. Maybe she'll sell it to Cabbage Corp. XD

Also, I TOLD EVERYONE LIN WOULD GET HER BENDING BACK! I KNEW IT! I just had this feeling. Though I had a feeling the Avatar state would come into play, I expected it during the Amon fight, but I was pleasantly surprised and pleased with how it did come into play. Call it a cop-out, but it does make sense. She'd lost her power over the elements, something she'd prided herself on. She was extremely humbled, which allowed her to access the airbending and therefore her more spiritual side.

Oh and it was funny seeing Tenzin's reaction to Bumi being there. Glad to see he retained some of the craziness of his namesake. Speaking of which, I was saddened to see them captured, but Meelo yelling PRISON BREAK!! made it all better. XD

I do feel sorry for the Lieutenant though. Even though he's done so much to stop the Avatar, to see him betrayed as he was and discover that the Avatar wasn't lying, that the man he'd devoted his life to stopping benders because of was he himself a bender... that must be one of the worst feelings in the world.

So yeah, top moments

-Asami takes down Hiroshi

-Iroh II fighting


-The big reveal of Amon as Noatak to the general populace

-Tarrlok's sacrifice

-The ending

yeah those are my thoughts, spoilerified. :D

Edited by Mirby

Yes, white-out text (or if we ever get a spoilers tagging system) is required for this kind of stuff.

Now that I have watched it (behold my TORRENT BENDING!), I have to say, that was a pretty good ending.

But now what? Like Subz1987 said, I was expecting the net season to be her regaining her other bending back through training again. We would get to see her develop a bit more, maybe see more of the other descendants of the original cast (like Zuku's daughter, who is supposed to be the current Fire Lord, and more of Bumi, Aang's other son). Maybe even have Amon come back later on for a second try.

But no. Now we are left wondering what the hell they're going to do for the next season (and I think there's also a third season as well being discussed).

What am I supposed to look forward to every week now? :-|


My guess is that it'll be an entirely new plot, conflict and maybe setting for the next season. It's pretty obvious now that the creators intended to tell the season 1 story in 12 episodes, and after a second season was confirmed they probably decided to come up with a new story for that. Similarly like how FFI was intended to be a stand alone game, and instead of making a sequel to that game Sakaguchi decided to make the second FF game have a new plot and setting.


Alternate plan:

Season 1 is Korra and her adventures in Republic city.

Season 2 is the next Avatar in around 100+ years later. This Avatar is the first person to go into space (MOOOOOOOON BEEEENDIIIIING!) and there is some awesome stuff about having to stop comets and shit from killing everyone on the planet (COOOOOOMEEEEET BEEEEEENDIIIIIING!). Think about the progression from those steam-powered tanks from Aang's time to the cars and airplanes of Korra's. It's not that big a leap in either tech or imagination.

Season 3 is the next Avatar, about 200+ years after the last one (hey, Avatars tend to live long, look it up) and is the First person to set foot on another planet (the Avatar universe's equivalent of Mars, perhaps). When they get there, they discover that bending doesn't work on this planet, and indeed, it weakens considerably the further you get from their world. No aliens, because they still have their own problems back home to deal with.

Season 4, 400+ years after Korra takes place, the next Avatar is just beginning his/her training. The world is reverting back towards a pre-steam-engine level of technology, ever since the last Avatar had to break some McGuffin to balance the world or something. Ash Ketchum turns 13, and still hasn't evolved Pikachu. Remnant technology is rare, but the main cast comes across it occasionally and has to deal with its misuse and/or accidental malfunction. Someone finally fins Sokka's old space sword, but it's quickly tossed in a bag and never mentioned again.

Season 5 is almost 1000 years after Korra. This Avatar is an old man/woman, and just wishes for Nickleodeon to end the show with whatever remaining dignity is left.


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