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Ok i've just had to consider my situation right now. Doing these compos is rather time consuming, and i'm currently busy doing other things, altho i'm not terribly busy. However, i'm waiting for an email regarding a job interview I went for, I'm hoping I will get it, but if I do, its full time and I will not have time to do this compo if I get it. I will let you guys know in a few days if I decide to do this, and that is assuming that a: brandon wins and b: you guys all approve of my participation.

Thats my stance on this, you guys talk amongst yourselves. My view on the matter if anyone is concerned, is that these compos are about the music. If brandon has to forfeit, that means one less track if he wins. If I take his place, that equals more music, so its a good situation really.

Ok i've just had to consider my situation right now. Doing these compos is rather time consuming, and i'm currently busy doing other things, altho i'm not terribly busy. However, i'm waiting for an email regarding a job interview I went for, I'm hoping I will get it, but if I do, its full time and I will not have time to do this compo if I get it. I will let you guys know in a few days if I decide to do this, and that is assuming that a: brandon wins and b: you guys all approve of my participation.

Thats my stance on this, you guys talk amongst yourselves. My view on the matter if anyone is concerned, is that these compos are about the music. If brandon has to forfeit, that means one less track if he wins. If I take his place, that equals more music, so its a good situation really.

I agree with WillRock's plan here. I'm okay with him stepping in, if Brandon's track wins.


Ok i've given this some thought and spoken to some people. Its become apparent to me that there are people who are definitely not ok with me participating due to fairness issues, and it is a highly unorthodox situation I've been put in. I'm not particularly caring about winning this if I was to join, and if I did join and by chance knock out some people, i'd feel like an ass. I considered other options where I wouldn't affect the outcome of the compo if I did a round, but that just complicated things. Anyone who either lost before the 2nd round or were beaten by me would say foul play, even if you don't think you would. I've got no desire to be that guy, so I will not be participating for that reason. I apologize to brandon but its just not fair to anyone involved.

I will consider joining if you decide to do another compo, but I can't in good conscience participate in this if people don't want me to.


Ack, sorry to hear about your loss, Brandon. We will all persevere while you spend time you need to yourself. Personally, I wouldn't mind Willrock coming in the compo, at this point - it'd be kind of fun taking him down a few rounds down the road... :nicework:

I will consider joining if you decide to do another compo, but I can't in good conscience participate in this if people don't want me to.

I can honestly see both sides of this argument. On one hand, yes this compo is all about the music and more music is always better in my book. And it's not like winning this competition gets you anything other than the fact you can say you won the tournament (which is admittedly, something you should/could be proud of), so in that respect, I wouldn't be upset either.

On the other hand I can see where people would be upset. If you're invested in the compo since the beginning and have been dualing it out each week, then it would be something special to say that you made it all the way through and won each of your 5 match-ups. That definitely takes a large amount of determination, time-investment, and creativity. Having someone come in mid-compo who hasn't invested that previous time and beat someone who's stuck with it since the beginning, could tarnish the integrity of the tournament.

So yeah, like I said, I can see both sides of the argument. As compo host, I didn't just want to be a dictator and say 'this is how it is', because ultimately the competition is for everyone's benefit, so I appreciate the feedback I've received on the topic. Ultimately what we'll do then, and what I think is probably the most fair outcome in this situation regardless, is that AMT will just advance this round by default. Please continue to vote for the song you like better in the Brandon vs. AMT matchup , but since Brandon won't be able to participate next round if he wins, it just makes the most sense to let AMT advance regardless of the actual voting outcome (which is neck-and-neck right now anyway). That way we still get more music, and halc/wildfire wouldn't be up against no one next week if Brandon did indeed win.

Oh, and Will, I'm sure we'll have another Sonic compo someday... so just make sure to join then, heh. Carry on! :grin:


This next round is supposed to start the day after the funeral, then there's 1 week to make a song... if I win and will doesn't make something don't write me off just yet, someone has to make a song and maybe by the 12th I'll need it to occupy my mind and keep me busy. I know I shouldn't mourn forever but it feels like I can. I try to take comfort in the fact that I was there for his last day but I didn't say goodbye or anything.. he wasn't even sick, and he should have gone home with us. Anyway sorry for the rant but it didn't feel right to just have the compo branch end because I remember AMT saying he'd be too busy to enter also.

At the Drury hotel in Columbus with 'Theonar'is as he's known on ocremix forums (my bro in law) we've got to leave soon. Adios

This next round is supposed to start the day after the funeral, then there's 1 week to make a song... if I win and will doesn't make something don't write me off just yet, someone has to make a song and maybe by the 12th I'll need it to occupy my mind and keep me busy. I know I shouldn't mourn forever but it feels like I can. I try to take comfort in the fact that I was there for his last day but I didn't say goodbye or anything.. he wasn't even sick, and he should have gone home with us. Anyway sorry for the rant but it didn't feel right to just have the compo branch end because I remember AMT saying he'd be too busy to enter also.

At the Drury hotel in Columbus with 'Theonar'is as he's known on ocremix forums (my bro in law) we've got to leave soon. Adios

Columbus, Ohio? If you're at the Drury Hotel downtown, then I am literally right across the street from you at this moment.

Oh God, the inevitable hapened - Syllix voted for Chernabogue, but Chernabogue voted for himself.

I mean, what kind of faux-French crepe are you, Alex? :razz:

Oh really? I didn't read the other votes while I voted. :o That's embarassing...

Then, if I win by one point over Syllix, I'll let him win this round.

Oh really? I didn't read the other votes while I voted. :o That's embarassing...

Then, if I win by one point over Syllix, I'll let him win this round.

You will do no such thing! I voted for you because I genuinely liked your song better than my own... if I REALLY wanted to move further on in this comp, I'd have made damn sure to vote for myself and bribe everyone in the forums to do so as well 8)

Oh, I'd also probably bad mouth you behind your back: "Yeah sorry to break it to you Gario... but Chernabogue really did say you smell. I'm so sorry... Umm.. out of curiosity, who are you voting for again?" XD

May the best song win :)

You will do no such thing! I voted for you because I genuinely liked your song better than my own... if I REALLY wanted to move further on in this comp, I'd have made damn sure to vote for myself and bribe everyone in the forums to do so as well 8)

Oh, I'd also probably bad mouth you behind your back: "Yeah sorry to break it to you Gario... but Chernabogue really did say you smell. I'm so sorry... Umm.. out of curiosity, who are you voting for again?" XD

May the best song win :)

Sportsmanship at its finest :D

Gario get your smells under control


You guys better take pictures when you meet! These community meetups only happen once every blue moon :)

Going to Indy in a couple days. Will make halc Ben and Ecto take stupid amounts of pictures :D

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