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I'm not nearly clever enough to make lyrics of that caliber, but I am clever enough to, in the middle of the night, take someone else's work and fudge it a bit to fit my needs..
Ooo you thieving monkey! And that's how HipHop was made. So you're thinking like the PRO's now, BRO!!! :D

In any case, i stand by what i said. A more developed version of this tune would be utterly fantastic to my ears ...if you wanted to do that, of course.

At this point, everyone else could vote for Gario, and you'd STILL win!

... Nah, everyone is a lot of people. It's only 14-15 votes in. Mathematically, if everyone else who has voted before voted for me I'd still in by a landslide.

Not that I'd need it - while I know what I'd do for the next round, I could use the time off of the compo to sort some other more important stuff out, if it doesn't work out for me, here.


This is just a question I've been meaning to ask because I'm curious: why aren't people's votes private? Seeing comments like "remixer "X" needs some love" has me thinking that this person voted for remixer "X" based on the large amount of votes they saw that remixer "Y" had.


*shrug* Doesn't really matter too much, when it comes down to something like that. It's nice for the remixers to be able to see where their track is standing, though, in terms of the competition, and it helps the mixers for the next round to get themselves prepared for it.


Plus I have no ideas of what to do next, it feels weird to do a Wisp mix in a genre I already covered so maybe people would vote for Gario just because he's got a better grip on what to do. I have no idea. :-D

EDIT: I googled Sonic Zone Remix Compo and it brought up 2 of my songs lol? :-P

Nobody else uploaded theirs I guess, to the Youtubes!

Plus I have no ideas of what to do next, it feels weird to do a Wisp mix in a genre I already covered so maybe people would vote for Gario just because he's got a better grip on what to do. I have no idea. :-D

Well the round is far from over yet, but if you do have to make another song, I'd say orchestral would be a cool direction (especially since you just had an orch mix posted). You could also go more pure electronica (like "She's a Squirter"), or some tropical island jams, ya know with some hand percussion, steel drum, xylophone, and some pan flute? Or you could do smooth R&B :) there you go 4 ideas!

And Gario, you said you had an idea for yours if you won? Hmm now I'm curious...

You could also go more pure electronica (like "She's a Squirter")

That's exactly what I said, but he thought that "Don't Be a Crepe" was this compo's equivalent.

Though to be fair, with the use of Paul McCartney, I thought that was more like the compo's chiptuny brother of "Vampire's Kiss". ;)

Brandon, I still have your barbershop WIP for a Monkey Island remix. It's pretty cool.

Dude, a barbershop remix would be epic. A good friend of mine sings in a barbershop quartet and I always joke he should make a barbershop VGM mix.

I vote for tropical island jams tho, for either participant :) haha

Dude, a barbershop remix would be epic. A good friend of mine sings in a barbershop quartet and I always joke he should make a barbershop VGM mix.

I vote for tropical island jams tho, for either participant :) haha

I've been meaning to do some kind of barbershop thing, I used to be in a quartet in high school. But whenever I try to record vocals I get weirded out by how I sound and just cant do it, hahaha.

I've been meaning to do some kind of barbershop thing, I used to be in a quartet in high school. But whenever I try to record vocals I get weirded out by how I sound and just cant do it, hahaha.

hahaha me too man. Whenever I try to record vocals I'm like "wow I sound stupid" DELETE. Someone's gotta tackle barbershop sometime though. That and some true acapella. To my knowledge there is no barbershop on OCR and acapella seems to be reserved for joke mixes on OLR :razz:

And hey I realized I forgot to do reviews for last week's mixes with everything else going on and being out of my house and stuff, so yeah better late than never I suppose:

Rexy: Your song's got a bit groovier vibe to it this week, which I enjoyed. I like those synth arpeggio things around 0:40, they sound cool. The bells are a nice touch too. I think that half-time-y sounding break section at 1:30 is my favorite part of the song. I like how the percussion there sounds a bit more deliberate and paced. Nice job incorporating SFX again too. The synth solo around 3:00 is a good change of pace from the rest of the arrangement. The drums sound a little overcompressed throughout the song. I'm used to Pete's percussion being a bit punchier (particularly the snare), but here it sounds like the highs were cut a bit during production or something. I think it would've served the track well for them to be a bit more pronounced. Overall very nice entry though!

Amphibious: The e-piano intro is suuuper chill. It really set the atmosphere for the rest of the song. I felt like it went on just a tad too long, but I like the jazzy, oh so slightly delayed note hits. The percussion and sweep at 1:00 was a nice entry to the proper song. The sax is just so silky smooth, nice work Xenon! The arrangement is fairly simple, but you kept things really fresh and interesting by passing the lead between the sax and the electric guitar. The re-entry of the sax there in the second half is probably my favorite part, with the percussion hold right before 3:00. Just overall a super chill jazzy piece. Great job!

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