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OCR01400 - Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening "It's My Turn to Dream"

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fluid and beautiful in all that is trance/pop (I'm really taking a shine to that genre now :) )the breakdown (or whatever you like to call it :P ) at 2:09 is nice after the badass intro and the Sitar (or whatever you used :) ) around 1:45 or so is a nice touch...

Excellent job Chthonic 8)

Uninteresting, shallow, nothing particularly original. I would classify this one under video-game elevator music.

Of course, you'd have to be really lucky to ever hear this one in a dentist's waiting room, since this remix will surely drift into permanent obscurity in about a week's time. Sorry but it's true :P

Yes. Your opinion is true.

I'm not going to bitch at you, but it tears me apart to see you describe a work of art that I created as shallow. It just feels like you are completely missing everything I put into this piece of music and dismissing it because it is electronica. I could be wrong.

Sorry to dissapoint you. I will try harder.


P.S. Playful smilies do not make your words nicer.

No, i actually got everything you were trying to do in this piece. It's just not very exciting or original to me. But that's just my opinion. I like your older works. So yes, next time try harder just for me. :P <-- Doesn't make my words less harsh, yet imparts a subtle feeling of well-being.

k lol



Honestly, this has now overtaken Disco Dan's "Braving Tal Tal Heights" as my favorite Link's Awakening remix. I mean, this song is what I've been waiting for in a long time. I can't really get into technicality, since I know shit bout music specs, but all I have to say is this is one good piece...oh and do I hear a bit of LttP's darkworld theme, then a bit of the Song of Storms, then the end to one of the OoT ocarina songs? Sweeeeeeeeeet.


Fantastic! Absolutely fantastic.

This gave me the warm fuzzy feeling that I got when I initially discovered the VG arrangement scene, but soon lost a bit after I got good and jaded. :lol:

This is my first experience with your work, chthonic, but you can get your ass that'll change.


Well, I may not be the only one who doesn't like this mix that much. I heard this in the WIP area when it was first started, and didn't care much for it then. I thought maybe with a different name it would have new elements or something, but nope, it was just the same.

First things first, I love chthonic's other mixes A LOT, so I expected a lot from this. It's just not AS original as his other pieces and is straight forward (almost generic it fits the genre so well) electronica. It's nice sound quality, and obviously he did exactly what he wanted to do. I don't think chtonic was being lazy at all.

I just think this is his worst work. And that's a real shame considering I'm a huge Zelda fan, so I really thought chtonic on LA would be awesome.

Obviously what he wanted, just not what I like.

its boring and derivative. offers nothing you wouldnt expect from any typical trance song, except this has a zelda tune or two. big deal. the ocremix judges will just eat up any trance sh*t they're fed these days. as long as it overuses the fake sounding robotic synths!

Harsh... Well. In any case, I thought it was damned good, at least it wasn't another Gerudo-themed Zelda remix. I think you did an awesome job with this, chth, I don't think it was typical at all. It stands out from all the other Zelda songs (I would know, I downloaded all of them) and is easily identified as its own work. I can't think of any other songs that it could be confused with, so in my opinion you did a good job of making it original, while keeping the theme going. True, you combined elements that are often used in other songs, but that doesn't make it "typical", it makes it a remix. I totally <3 this song, and I'm going to check out your other two as soon as I post this. 8)

its boring and derivative. offers nothing you wouldnt expect from any typical trance song, except this has a zelda tune or two. big deal. the ocremix judges will just eat up any trance sh*t they're fed these days. as long as it overuses the fake sounding robotic synths!

1. You obviously do not know what 'derivative' means.

2. You obviously do not know what 'typical trance' sounds like.

3. You obviously do not know anything about the judges and what they 'eat up'.

4. Given that 1, 2, and 3 are true, I have concluded that I need not waste any more of my valuable time responding to your accusations.

lol @ ignorance


P.S. Millman, you have no idea how much I appreciate your maturity and general sense of reason. You made it very clear why you don't like this piece, and I am glad you shared your opinion.

1. You obviously do not know what 'derivative' means.

2. You obviously do not know what 'typical trance' sounds like.

3. You obviously do not know anything about the judges and what they 'eat up'.

4. Given that 1, 2, and 3 are true, I have concluded that I need not waste any more of my valuable time on responding to your accusations.

Ooooooh...Buuuurned man!

Well looks like chthonic has set you up the bomb, for great justice of course!

By the way chthonic i loved the remix and all the others you made, great job! I got tons of your stuff on my iPod! :D

its boring and derivative. offers nothing you wouldnt expect from any typical trance song, except this has a zelda tune or two. big deal. the ocremix judges will just eat up any trance sh*t they're fed these days. as long as it overuses the fake sounding robotic synths!

1. You obviously do not know what 'derivative' means.

2. You obviously do not know what 'typical trance' sounds like.

3. You obviously do not know anything about the judges and what they 'eat up'.

4. Given that 1, 2, and 3 are true, I have concluded that I need not waste any more of my valuable time responding to your accusations.

lol @ ignorance


P.S. Millman, you have no idea how much I appreciate your maturity and general sense of reason. You made it very clear why you don't like this piece, and I am glad you shared your opinion.

And you, you obviously dont know how to construct a logical arguement. Given that you havent proven any of your reasoning (#1-3 a you claim) but you assume they're all "true" (#4), which I as the reciever of the arguement dont have to buy unless you can prove it, therefore you come to an invalid conclusion.


FYI: "Generally, a derivative is a thing that is based on, or created from, a basic or primary source." (wikipedia.org) My usage of the word in that context is correct. (song was created from a primary source of overused synths) Therefore I do know what 'deriviative' means and your point #1 is void. So far your arguement dosent hold much water. Why dont you offer your own opinion instead of trying to attack mine. Or we can continue this...

1. You obviously do not know what 'derivative' means.

2. You obviously do not know what 'typical trance' sounds like.

3. You obviously do not know anything about the judges and what they 'eat up'.

4. Given that 1, 2, and 3 are true, I have concluded that I need not waste any more of my valuable time on responding to your accusations.

Ooooooh...Buuuurned man!

Well looks like chthonic has set you up the bomb, for great justice of course!

and you, you obviously dont know a stupid/invalid arguement when you see one.

its boring and derivative. offers nothing you wouldnt expect from any typical trance song, except this has a zelda tune or two. big deal. the ocremix judges will just eat up any trance sh*t they're fed these days. as long as it overuses the fake sounding robotic synths!

Harsh... Well. In any case, I thought it was damned good, at least it wasn't another Gerudo-themed Zelda remix. I think you did an awesome job with this, chth, I don't think it was typical at all. It stands out from all the other Zelda songs (I would know, I downloaded all of them) and is easily identified as its own work. I can't think of any other songs that it could be confused with, so in my opinion you did a good job of making it original, while keeping the theme going. True, you combined elements that are often used in other songs, but that doesn't make it "typical", it makes it a remix. I totally <3 this song, and I'm going to check out your other two as soon as I post this. 8)

This is reasonable because it counters an opinion with another opinion & dosent try to "prove" one opionion correct over another. So lets talk about this. I agree it stands out from the other remixes. I just think the style (combined elements as you said) is tired and overused so that's my reason for not liking it and calling it "derivitaive"

Linkman25 wrote:


1. You obviously do not know what 'derivative' means.

2. You obviously do not know what 'typical trance' sounds like.

3. You obviously do not know anything about the judges and what they 'eat up'.

4. Given that 1, 2, and 3 are true, I have concluded that I need not waste any more of my valuable time on responding to your accusations.

Ooooooh...Buuuurned man!

Well looks like chthonic has set you up the bomb, for great justice of course!

and you, you obviously dont know a stupid/invalid arguement when you see one.

Well lets think about it... Do you have any remix on OCR? No. i take it from that that you are not experienced in the realm of top-amateur/professional remixing like the remixers that are allowed to post in OCR. Also, DJPretzel decides is the Remix is on or out, so if it is in, even if he says it has some faults or whatever, it is still very good, period.

Also Chthonic has several great remixes on OCR, meaning he has some experience in these matters, so any remix that he get to OCR, even if it is not his best, is GUARENTEED to not be just "any trance sh*t" like you so crudely said.

Also, just the fact that you insulted the remix like that instead of a giving better opinion instantaniously makes your opinion one with a lot less impact then it could have been.

Finally, i have little to none knowledge in making remixes, so my opinion was:

1- Not a techinical one, as i have not much experience

2- And it was not a serious option as the Zero Wing reference clearly states.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Linkman25 wrote:

Well lets think about it... Do you have any remix on OCR? No. i take it from that that you are not experienced in the realm of top-amateur/professional remixing like the remixers that are allowed to post in OCR. Also, DJPretzel decides is the Remix is on or out, so if it is in, even if he says it has some faults or whatever, it is still very good, period.

Also Chthonic has several great remixes on OCR, meaning he has some experience in these matters, so any remix that he get to OCR, even if it is not his best, is GUARENTEED to not be just "any trance sh*t" like you so crudely said.

Also, just the fact that you insulted the remix like that instead of a giving better opinion instantaniously makes your opinion one with a lot less impact then it could have been.

Finally, i have little to none knowledge in making remixes, so my opinion was:

1- Not a techinical one, as i have not much experience

2- And it was not a serious option as the Zero Wing reference clearly states.

Thank you and have a nice day.

WEll nice try but you're jumping to way too many conclusions about me, and since you dont know anything about me, it's more than likely that your conclusions are wrong. I dont post on OCRemix because i'd rather create origionals. Secondly, just because DJPretzel says it is "good", dosent make it so. It just means DJPretzel likes it. That dosent mean we all have ot like it and agree it's "good". Just because britney spears is popular does that automatically mean i have to like her music? So there's no "period" about it. I think it's crap, and i have my reasons.

Chthonic may have other great remixes, and that's just peachy, and not relevent. This particular remix sucks, and that's my opinion. You have no opinion other than trying to bash me so far. Maybe you should state yours.

have a nice learning expierience


With the execpetion of chthonic offering another reply regarding his mix, any other bloated posts dealing with the semantics of arguing and other 12-year-old garbage will be deleted.

Stick to reviewing the song, and not pissing contests about how "you didn't use Marquis of Queensbury Rules to make your point, so ur so rong and st00pid!" You're all wrong and stupid to me, and that's what counts.


Erm, now I'm not an expert on trance by a long shot, but this doesn't at all strike me as derivative and generic trance... it's much too upbeat, and it has interesting arranging and musicianship, something trance generally lacks. Plus the 1337 sitar and percussion elements.

<3 <3 <3


i just have one question. me and jorgander are like two of the four people who wrote a negative review for this song, and we were viciously attacked for our opinions. People will always say, "You said such and such is garbage, but you fail to back it up." Yet there are plenty of positive reviews that say nothing more than "this is awesome! thx! i will listen to it in my car, while on the toilet, etc etc." Yet these people don't backup their claim of why the song is so great. So all I'm saying is, stop reviewing negative reviews. Just cause someone doesn't agree with your positive views doesn't make you all just and moral. People should take criticism and learn to handle it. Otherwise they'll be setup for dismal failure later in life. If anyone responds to this message in a negative light, you will only be proving my point, so don't bother!!


Look, I appreciate it guys, but I don't need anyone standing up for me. I'm a big boy, and I can argue for my art. Which I shall do... NOW!

Point #1: You are musically ignorant. I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU TWO DISLIKE THE SONG. But the reasons you gave as to WHY you dislike it are pretty much bullshit, and you really need to realize that. This not 'generic trance'. In fact, if it weren't for the goa section with the sitar, one could argue that this isn't even trance at all. You two are not experts on electronica and/or music in general, and you have both proven such. That does not mean that I am claiming to be an expert, but calling this song 'trance shit' is simply incorrect. Just because a given song has 909 snare rolls and the bass plays on the off-beat does not automatically make it 'derivative' or 'generic'.

Point #2: I did not 'viciously attack' anyone. Jesus, people. This is MY CREATION. I am entitled to defend it, and when assholes like you decide to share their opinions in the assholish manner that you did, I will not stand by and let you publicly ream my work. Just because you left an unbacked opinion with mixed up facts doesn't mean I can't send you one right back.

And about that... 'fake sounding robotic synths'? What the fuck are synths supposed to sound like? Are you confusing electronica with some other sort of music? Did you completely ignore the orchestra that backs up the melody throughout every chorus? Did you forget to hear the endless amount of processing and creativity that I poured into the percussion so people WOULDN'T call this 'generic trance'? Did you nonchalantly pass over the rapid-changing song structure and variation that I used to prevent people from calling this 'boring'?


Point #3: What you posted was not 'criticism'. I have absolutely no problem with either of you hating this song. I'm sorry it doesn't strike your fancy, but what can I do? It's the way that you decided to present your opinions that pissed me off, and I am going to deal with you both seperately on this issue.

MaGi_TekK: What you posted was just plain mean. You act like an asshole, you get the same kind of response. And don't forget the general ignorance of music portrayed by your bullshit statement about the dentist's office and muzak. Maybe if you wouldn't be a dickweed, I wouldn't get so defensive.

jorgandar: Again, ignorance. The only reason I responded to you is to let you know that your opinion was backed up by facts that were completely flawed. I will admit the word 'derivative' does make sense in this context, and for that I apologize. However, every other number in my response is true and you know it. I looked into your past posting habits. You're a trance-troll. You find anything with trance in the description and automatically deem it 'boring' and 'generic'. In fact, I recall a skirmish with you regarding Rellik's "Dreaming on Distant Shores". If I may recall from memory:

Just because you know what a 909 hat sounds like does not make you an electronica expert. Please do not judge anything so harshly until you obtain some musical sense.

Same applies here, only this time it's personal.

Let's recap: Don't state negative opinions like assholes, and you won't get defense from me. But like I stated before, I created this, it is a work of art, and I will defend it furiously if I have to.

No hard feelings, just watch what you say about other people's work and don't get shitty when they defend themselves.


i just have one question. me and jorgander are like two of the four people who wrote a negative review for this song, and we were viciously attacked for our opinions. People will always say, "You said such and such is garbage, but you fail to back it up." Yet there are plenty of positive reviews that say nothing more than "this is awesome! thx! i will listen to it in my car, while on the toilet, etc etc." Yet these people don't backup their claim of why the song is so great. So all I'm saying is, stop reviewing negative reviews. Just cause someone doesn't agree with your positive views doesn't make you all just and moral. People should take criticism and learn to handle it. Otherwise they'll be setup for dismal failure later in life. If anyone responds to this message in a negative light, you will only be proving my point, so don't bother!!

2. If you didn't like a particular mix' date=' please refrain from using an insulting or offensive tone. It's okay to say you wouldn't recommend a mix, would never listen to it again, etc., but making personal attacks or posting extreme and non-constructive reviews like "this sucks" etc. is not cool. Just try to keep things civil - again, this makes everyone's life easier. [/quote']

Not reading rules before we state things is also setting up for dismal failure later in life. Face it, there's a huge difference between constructive criticism (bass was weak, drums were static and stale, etc) and negative criticism (this mix sucked, what a waste of time, genre bashing, etc). Sure, we can pander on about where the line is drawn, but I think the general gist isn't too hard to distinguish between.

Us mods don't cut down on this sort of rule breaking too much, unless it gets out of hand. Don't let this one get out of hand, please - both sides. Chth, I know you feel the need to defend your mix, but let's keep this for reviews and constructive criticism.

Like Smelly Oji said: "Stick to reviewing the song."


Ah, fun stuff here. A lot of people call this song something like pop-trance or something like that... I don't quite understand the classification, but this is definitely something that is upbeat and pumping. It's not quite four-on-the-floor. There's an intereseting mesh of genres here.

Lots of stuff going on - there's the breakdown to the awesome AE Metalman tribute (hahah!) maybe a minute into the song, after the brief trance part of the song. There are a few references to the Link's Awakening themes.

If there is a low part in the song, it's the drum section starting at 1:53 - the instrumental here is a bit weak and lacks energy. I kind of tuned out in this section, until the nod to the Dark World, which just made me perk up. I expected the comeback to be a bit stronger than it was, as well. The lead (square wave) at the end was a bit flabbier than I would have liked, but was not noticeable enough to detract from the rest of the song.

I enjoyed this mix, myself, although I do not think it is among chthonic's strongest. It has above-average production and an average arrangement, but there's nothing that strongly identifies this mix as a "must have".

Still - I would recommend it to someone, for at least one listen. This is not bad music by any means.

i just have one question. me and jorgander are like two of the four people who wrote a negative review for this song, and we were viciously attacked for our opinions. People will always say, "You said such and such is garbage, but you fail to back it up." Yet there are plenty of positive reviews that say nothing more than "this is awesome! thx! i will listen to it in my car, while on the toilet, etc etc." Yet these people don't backup their claim of why the song is so great. So all I'm saying is, stop reviewing negative reviews. Just cause someone doesn't agree with your positive views doesn't make you all just and moral. People should take criticism and learn to handle it. Otherwise they'll be setup for dismal failure later in life. If anyone responds to this message in a negative light, you will only be proving my point, so don't bother!!

you know what, you're right. I have a negative review and shouldnt really have to be personally attacked for not liking everything I hear.

At the same time I realize I came down a little too harsh with my words. I should apologize for that. Me and my mood swings... Anyway, sorry.

chthonic, the song has plenty of merrit. I realize that you have plenty of talent. When someone writes something you may not want to hear about your work though it can be painful to read. I know my works have gotten slammed on other websites and it's hard to take in. I shouldnt have slammmed it hashly and instead slammed it constructively. There's a tendency in the music community to be excessively cruel to each other for no reason. It's very destructive. Im part of that problem and i apologize for that.


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