Ichitootah Posted October 31, 2005 Posted October 31, 2005 Hm. WIP from me. Meridian Child WIP 1 If you've got anything in mind I'd be glad to hear it. I can't decide if the main melody of my song should come in as groovy, orchestral, or... groovechestral. I would use the other forum but it's like... deserted. And in a language I don't know.
Usa Posted October 31, 2005 Author Posted October 31, 2005 Hm. WIP from me. Meridian Child WIP 1If you've got anything in mind I'd be glad to hear it. I can't decide if the main melody of my song should come in as groovy, orchestral, or... groovechestral. I would use the other forum but it's like... deserted. And in a language I don't know. It's deserted? You mean, you don't see the proper forums? ZAA~AAK! Please add Ichitootah to the remixers group! btw. I really like the way your WIP turned out! Very relaxing ^-^ Sixto: It's not a problem with the missing guitars right now, we all can imagine them being there Seriously, hope you will get better soon! And yeah, you should check the tracklist in the first post and look up the songs you are signed up for and listen to the *NEW* SPC set and look if they are the ones you wanted. Just to make sure
Xaleph Posted October 31, 2005 Posted October 31, 2005 Que paso?I guess one of the tracks I'm doing is "Bad Medicine" then. Whatever was labeled as "Secret of Mana." My WIPs won't have any guitar for a while because I broke three fingers on my left hand. But they should heal in a couple of months. The only problem right now is time. I've been working in New Orleans and haven't had much time to do anything else, but I'll be getting a laptop pretty soon which will allow me to work on music anywhere I go. I remember asking for this a long time ago. it's called 'Strange Medicine' with the id3 tags, but the file is called 'Secret of Mana'. I'm quite confused what is going on... -dj carbunk1e
Sixto Posted October 31, 2005 Posted October 31, 2005 "Obsession" is the track I chose along with "Reincarnation." I also just bought a laptop so I'll have a WIP pretty soon.
Usa Posted October 31, 2005 Author Posted October 31, 2005 I'm quite confused what is going on... Please go to the first post of the thread and download the new SPC set with all the correct names, then listen through the musics and tell me which one is yours (Tell me the correct name from the new SPC set) and we will work things out
Xaleph Posted October 31, 2005 Posted October 31, 2005 I'm quite confused what is going on... Please go to the first post of the thread and download the new SPC set with all the correct names, then listen through the musics and tell me which one is yours (Tell me the correct name from the new SPC set) and we will work things out I did, the name of the file is: Seiken Densetsu III-Disc 3-Track 03-Secret of Mana.spc The name of the tag in winamp is: 2-20-Strange Medicine
Ichitootah Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 Hm. WIP from me. Meridian Child WIP 1If you've got anything in mind I'd be glad to hear it. I can't decide if the main melody of my song should come in as groovy, orchestral, or... groovechestral. I would use the other forum but it's like... deserted. And in a language I don't know. It's deserted? You mean, you don't see the proper forums? ZAA~AAK! Please add Ichitootah to the remixers group! btw. I really like the way your WIP turned out! Very relaxing ^-^ Sixto: It's not a problem with the missing guitars right now, we all can imagine them being there Seriously, hope you will get better soon! And yeah, you should check the tracklist in the first post and look up the songs you are signed up for and listen to the *NEW* SPC set and look if they are the ones you wanted. Just to make sure Oright. I should've registered. Forgot they were private forums. But now I'm trying to and I get an error. I'll try again later. Oh well, at least I know you guys have a proper forum now.
Usa Posted November 1, 2005 Author Posted November 1, 2005 I did, the name of the file is:Seiken Densetsu III-Disc 3-Track 03-Secret of Mana.spc The name of the tag in winamp is: 2-20-Strange Medicine The file name is the correct thing. I didn't change the tags
The Joker Posted November 2, 2005 Posted November 2, 2005 You know, I haven;t been able to log in to the forum. It either just sends me right back to the same page I started on, or it gives m a 404 message if I hit register. That name & password you gave me donut work... no sir. LEt me know what's the deal as I'm eager to post a new version of 3 of darkside & gets the feedback (& the ladies).
Usa Posted November 2, 2005 Author Posted November 2, 2005 You know, I haven;t been able to log in to the forum. It either just sends me right back to the same page I started on, or it gives m a 404 message if I hit register. That name & password you gave me donut work... no sir. LEt me know what's the deal as I'm eager to post a new version of 3 of darkside & gets the feedback (& the ladies). We have just found out that the complete board has been corrupted and malfunctioning since the hack attack on the site. We are setting up a new board right now, so hold on, it will be released soon. Also, Zak wants to apologize for not being here actively for some time Oh yeah, and on to not-so-good news: Kirbymixer has left us I hope we get this project filled out, though, we have to see how it turns out in the end...
Usa Posted November 8, 2005 Author Posted November 8, 2005 There will be a new board set up by Zak soon where everything is working fine. We will give out links soon when it gets finished. Oh yeah, and thanks fly out to all of you who already did some work on this project. Without you, this wouldn't be possible in the first place! The rest of you, remember, it's only 6 days until the first WIP deadline!
Holy Warrior Azar Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 I'm starting Raven over after the deadline. I cant do a midi so I'll work with what I've got and be sure to post sometime after the 15th since I already got that one in. Now as for Political Pressure, I want to tighten some things up. I have been having trouble because I've been confliciting with different styles to do the song and certain aspects of my program that I cant seem to figure out (like having notes carry over and diminuendo's and stuff). I will try my hardest to have that one tomorrow, but as with the other one it may not be very good (that is until I can figure how to use these specific aspects of the program).
polar- Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 Can't wait to hear a "Few Paths Forbidden" -mix, very cool song.
herograw Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 That's because they follow the procedure. ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFL yeah, that's why...
Sinewav Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 Man... am I right in seeing that no one has taken 1-02 yet? Where Angels Fear to Tread? That song is beautiful. Is there some kind of audition process for this project? Any certain genre or theme you're looking for? If I'm allowed, I'd really like to take this song.
MaliceX Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 I may be thinking to start my Female Turbulance remix over, but I will post the one I have left dusting for the past month or so. Breezin remix will get back on track with it, need a reminder.
Usa Posted November 10, 2005 Author Posted November 10, 2005 Man... am I right in seeing that no one has taken 1-02 yet? Where Angels Fear to Tread? That song is beautiful.Is there some kind of audition process for this project? Any certain genre or theme you're looking for? If I'm allowed, I'd really like to take this song. There is no specific genre for the song to take, but it should not be *too* strange or off of the original, but you got a lot of freedom. You don't need to send me audition material. If you feel confident enough, I can just sign you up for the mix and yeah, I'm looking forward to hear your first WIP! After you get your WIP, you are highly encouraged to post it on the private WIP forum of this project so every other person involved in this project can comment on it and give you suggestions. That's basically how things work here. It's not "my" project, it's everyone's, thus it's not my part to dictate what style or sounds to take, and there are enough talented people around here that are willing to help out on getting the best out of this album
Holy Warrior Azar Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 I sent you a pm on the other boards Usa regarding my wip(and no it wont be an excuse for not having it, because I do have it).
Sinewav Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 Sweet! Sign me up then, for 1-02. I do have two more questions... First where is this other board that you speak of? Secondly, do I still need to have a WIP in by the 15th? That would mean it is due on Tuesday. I haven't even started remixing yet....
Usa Posted November 11, 2005 Author Posted November 11, 2005 Sweet! Sign me up then, for 1-02.I do have two more questions... First where is this other board that you speak of? Secondly, do I still need to have a WIP in by the 15th? That would mean it is due on Tuesday. I haven't even started remixing yet.... Don't worry about your WIP now... it's OK that you have it later, since you signed up right before the first deadline. There will be a second deadline, don't worry The other board recently got hacked and thus doesn't work for all people anymore. We are working on a solution to this and will give out the new URL when the new board is all set and the entries got copied from the old one. In the meantime, you can give any WIPs to me EDIT: Azar, Your WIP isn't half bad. Good ideas in there! That choir reminds me a bit of the chozo themes of the recent Metroid title's soundtracks. Some of the sounds were a bit out of place, but as you told, it's very rough. Don't worry too much about it, though. There are people that just joined this project, so the second WIP deadline will be MUCH more important than the first one! REMINDER: Only 4 days until the first WIP deadline!!
Sinewav Posted November 11, 2005 Posted November 11, 2005 What you could do is set up one of those freebie message board systems and then PM the URL only to the remixers who are on the project. Just an idea to prevent future hacking.
Usa Posted November 11, 2005 Author Posted November 11, 2005 What you could do is set up one of those freebie message board systems and then PM the URL only to the remixers who are on the project.Just an idea to prevent future hacking. The board was affected by the hacking attack because it was on the same server together with some other sites. One of the other sites suffered a hack attack and some of the server side stuff went haywire because of that, even though the SD3 project's board was not directly attacked. Now Zak wants to set up a new board and copy the messages to the new one, at least the important ones. We have to wait a bit, though, because he is kinda busy right now. This will be remedied in around a week, he told me. So, until then, we have to wait, so just PM the links with the WIPs to me
Sinewav Posted November 12, 2005 Posted November 12, 2005 Ah, I see... Dang, I just realized how huge this project is. How many CDs will this go on?
KyleJCrb Posted November 12, 2005 Posted November 12, 2005 Ah, I see...Dang, I just realized how huge this project is. How many CDs will this go on? Better buy a 50-pack spindle.
Ichitootah Posted November 12, 2005 Posted November 12, 2005 Ah, I see...Dang, I just realized how huge this project is. How many CDs will this go on? Better buy a 50-pack spindle. It seems like one of the toughest things will be to make sure that each track individually is worth listening to as well.
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