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Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History

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The deadline only means we're opening everything that wasn't finished so we can get fresh blood and some actual activity on some of the mixes that have just been sat on for months if not years with little or no progress. I don't think you'll get a new mix done by the time I wake up on the "morning" of March 1st, but the project isn't done until all tracks are covered, so there's still time. It might just be that you'll have more competition for the track.

Alternatively, if you feel better about a different source, you can change. We'll be opening tracks on March 1st, and we're always accepting multiple remixes of the same source, so if a different open track speaks to you, feel free to remix that instead.

In other words, we're not banning ppl from the album, we're just inviting more competition and changing your colors and stuff like that. Cuz, you know, we wanna finish this and show everyone all the cool tracks we've been talking about.

Sweet. Yeah, I might just switch it up to something else. Though I like my old WIP, I don't think it's quite suitable for the project.

I'll check the tracklist when you update it and let you know what's up.


There's still around 10 hours until I wake up tomorrow (the announced deadline), so there's still lots and lots of time. Besides, I have work tomorrow, so it might not be until some time in the evening until I get to this stuff. Then it takes a while to go through it all. There's time.

Just dunno when I'll actually be able to respond to all of these tracks that have rained in. But they make me happy. :D

Because we can't master an MP3.
Wasn't aware that you guys were gonna remaster all the tracks before release.

Does this mean we gotta remove all processing from our mixes and re-up them?

Just dunno when I'll actually be able to respond to all of these tracks that have rained in. But they make me happy. :D

Crushing dreams is no small task. Take all the time you need good sir. :)!!

Wasn't aware that you guys were gonna remaster all the tracks before release.

Does this mean we gotta remove all processing from our mixes and re-up them?

I'm not sure just yet what we're going to do. We were going to have them mastered by Usa, one of the original project directors, but now... we can't find him. Anywhere. He hasn't shown up anywhere in months.

So, no, I don't think that will really be necessary, but we'll find out once we get there and try to make it the least hassling we possibly can.

But no, we're not mastering MP3s. We need the top quality files. MP3s are debatable in quality and while you can't HEAR the differences oftentimes, it's still a degraded quality that just isn't suitable for mastering.

Think those brickwall'd fan-posted music videos and lyric videos on Youtube. Yeah. That's what we're hoping to avoid there.


We want wavs, and preferebly dynamic ones without a lot of processing on the actual output, so that any adjustments we have to make won't cause a lot of artifacts.

Imagine if we were talking about images instead. A wav would be a high-resolution, full-color image, and an mp3 would be a normal-sized jpeg-compressed file. If we then have to resize and adjust colors on the jpegs, they'll end up with ugly blocks, blurry stretching, odd color blotches, stuff like that. Do a google image search for low quality image jpeg compression, see how those pics look. We don't want the audio to be like that.

So the wavs you get us would ideally be mixed well enough so we don't have to do any adjustments, but if we do, we'd prefer to have more control and not have to do a lot of damage control to try to undo overcompression and other problems.

I'm not gonna ask everyone to get us new, unprocessed wavs, just to leave us some headroom and stuff to work with on your unfinished tracks.

Also, Meteo does not get to name anything. Ever.


While I sent an MP3 your way for any potential feedback on Monday, the WAV however is going to be late. Within the past couple of days I ended up with a shoulder injury, thus heavily affecting my computer time. I'll try and get it within the coming week, or whenever it starts healing up :(


No one's editing your work - the point of mastering, beyond reaching the peak of audio quality, is to have each and every track on a project match, as best as possible, in terms of level equalization and volume. We're not going to have some tracks louder or quieter than others or hotter in one EQ than another and forego any tools we can use for a professional output just to appease an "artist".

This is a serious project guided towards communal effort and we will use every available tool for that professional output. If there's a problem with the track, as you say, we'll find a way to fix it and get it where it needs to be. No one's tampering with anyone's artistic dignity or whatever, but by the time it goes to mastering, thats pretty much a moot point.


"Imagine if we were talking about images instead. A wav would be a high-resolution, full-color image, and an mp3 would be a normal-sized jpeg-compressed file. If we then have to resize and adjust colors on the jpegs, they'll end up with ugly blocks, blurry stretching, odd color blotches, stuff like that. Do a google image search for low quality image jpeg compression, see how those pics look. We don't want the audio to be like that.

So the wavs you get us would ideally be mixed well enough so we don't have to do any adjustments, but if we do, we'd prefer to have more control and not have to do a lot of damage control to try to undo overcompression and other problems."

Agaaa, I know. Master processing with complete compressed mixture is not same as with uncompressed parts of this mixture.

In most of my remixes(including this project), all guitars are mp3. Thats why I asked that stupid question. Nevermind. Listen to ROZO! He is da Boss!


Oyar I missed that which Rozo had said I think. I can stand by that excerpt. I try to get my stuff to pass and I master it just so there doesn't have to be an hassle involved with my tracks :-o If the songs are passed then I'd be more comfortable if they didn't get tweaked, especially since they are already mastered and mastering a mastered wav is not generally a good idea. :-o


Okay, so... I just went over the tracks we've got and wrote a tracklist based on all that. Todo:

1. listen to all the tracks that came in

2. reply to ppl

3. update tracklist on whether or not tracks are finished

4. clean stuff up, open tracks ppl have been sitting on for too long

5. update public tracklist, add new colors for whether we need consent for tracks

6... oh right, that public teaser trailer I've been promising... well, my job term is coming to an end, so I should have time...


Nah, that's not how I write double remixes. Fixing it now.

While I'm here, I might us well remind ppl that having your name taken off the tracklist doesn't mean we hate you and want you to go away, it just means we're not sure about your progress. There's a simple and obvious solution to that. ;)

Proper tracklist update (and replies to ppl) coming once I've sorted the tracks out. Which will be later.

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