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Incidentally, I'm currently playing through my old Ruby cart, and I actually did choose Mudkip as my starter. It's a over-leveled Swampert now. It seems to like eating opponents.

Stop reading my mind. It's becoming creepy and a little unsettling. I'll get a psychic restraining order out against you if I have to.

Happy birthday to an awesome project director.

Fixed. But thanks any way.

Stop reading my mind. It's becoming creepy and a little unsettling. I'll get a psychic restraining order out against you if I have to.

it's a shame i'm a dark-type, none of your psychic moves will affect me.

but if you kill me i'll be a ghost type and then they'll be super effective D:


While in Calgary, after our failed attempt to get into the Expo without weekend passes that were pre-paid weeks in advance, we went to a Goodwill store. There, in the toy section, was this:


The plush stump is from an older Totoro set I got back in 199X or 200X. Not really sure any more.

But the Treecko is free of smells, stains, rips, missing labels, seams and limbs. It was a golden nugget in a sea of crap.

I promtply threw it at my friends while saying "Use Tackle!", alternating with "Treecko, tree tree, treecko!" and "But if we kill them, how will we get back to Edmonton?" "Treecko!" "Ahh, good point. Their bodies would make a good raft".

I am no longer allowed in that Goodwill store.

Also, something like, $500 in Lego from the Lego store there. Two Avengers Lego sets and that big Imperial Shuttle set that is like 10000 pieces and weighs about ten pounds.

So yeah, I got myself some good stuff. NO ONE ELSE WILL.

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