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Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening: Threshold of a Dream - History

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This project and this thread are now dead.

This thread is to inform and recruit people of and for the Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Remix project.

Please read any post that is linked to throughout this post. They are important updates that will give information about the style of music being asked of the remixers, and the practices and general history of the project and its members.

The Guidelines are as follows:

- Song lengths will probably be between 3 and 6 minutes.

- The genre is restricted to ambient, rock, and orchestral(non-cheesy, please), and preferably, electronic fusion of all three. I hope to have a cohesive mix of songs by way of this genre restriction.

I want this project to be moody and somewhat melancholy. The mood should be fueled by nostalgia. The album would end up being something one might listen to on a rainy day, or while studying. Something peaceful and reflective.

- Unfortunately, the timeframe of this project has been negatively affected by the laziness of certain remixers and myself, as well as several drop-outs, and injuries physical and computer related. That said, the project goes on forever, and will be done when it's done. Your deadline is "as soon as possible, forever"

Update Nov 8th, 2005

Read this: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=1995132&sid=d9db97c05043c08e1436adf3463d768f#1995132


I have changed the format so that any remixer who is on the project, but has not decisively chosen a track, is now an 'undecided' and anyone who has expressed interest, been given my okay, but has not given me a definitive 'yes I'll be on the project' is now a 'maybe' and everyone else is normal. yay.

Remixers in the project thus far:

Aetherius (lazy ass)

Iggy Koopa (done)

The Prophet of Mephisto (done and a half)

Rexy (done)


Dafydd (done)


chthonic (done)

The Joker (done)

Monobrow (busy, but has worked on it recently)

Ichitootah (missing in action, but I might use the submission anyway)

Anyone else who thinks they ought to have been on this list should send me a PM. Either I have neglected to insert you due to a perceived lack of interest on your part, or I have cut your song, because I did not feel it was up to snuff or in keeping with the style restrictions.

Please remember that I will have to have only those who can show that they could do a good job on the project.

Tracklisting and Remixer associated with it.

These are the songs that I have chosen to be arranged. 17 Tracks, which cover the main themes in the game. I've eliminated most repeating themes, which explains why any theme you might enjoy is missing. The same song arranged differently on the sound track will still be the same song arranged differently by us.

The (#/96) refers to which track is which on the gbs archive, which is available from zophar.net, and also on our webpage.

Track 1 > Legend of Zelda/Overworld Theme (5/96) ------------------

Track 2 > Koholint -Unarmed- (29/96) --------------------- chthonic (done)

Track 3 > Mabe Village (4/96)----------------- LessAshamedOfSelf

Track 4 > Houses (10/96) --------------------- Iggy Koopa (done)

Track 5 > Mysterious Woods (9/96) -----------------

Track 6 > Tal Tal Heights (6/96) ----------------- Tensai/fishy?

Track 7 > Tail Cave (82/96) ----------------- Monobrow

Track 8 > Key Cavern (22/96)

Track 9 > The Dream Shrine (83/96) ------------------ The Joker (done)

Track 10 > CatFish's Maw (75/92)

Track 11 > Face Shrine (88/96) ------------------ The Prophet of Mephisto (Done)

Track 12 > Eagle Tower (91/96) ------------------ Rexy (done)

Track 13 > Turtle Rock (90/96) ------------------ Dafydd (done)

Track 14 > Inside the Egg (18/96)

Track 15 > The Last Battle (35/96)

Track 16 > The Ballad of the Windfish (74/96) ------------ Aetherius

Track 17 > Ballad/End Theme (<63>61/96) ------------ Possible collab of all remixers?


Important Update: Nov 9th/14th

As of now, anybody who is accepted to the project, but hasn't got a track, is allowed to go through the .gbs themselves, and select a track that sounds sufficiently different from the tracks I have already selected to do. They can unofficially work on those songs, and post their wips here, and if there is room, and if the product is good enough, I will include it in the project. Please do not do this unless I have okay'd you as an artist for the project. Also, these tracks must be in the same style as I have set out for all other tracks.

Again, please try to pick songs which are different from the other tracks, yet melodic enough to actually base a song on. That said, remixes of the 'piece of power song' are unacceptable, as there is not enough material to produce something worthwhile that can still be considered a remix. End update.


EXTENDED Tracklisting and Remixer associated with it.

Bottle Grotto* (21/96)

Animal Village (11/96)

Richard's Villa (64/96) ------------ The Prophet of Mephisto & Fishy (done)

The Trendy/Fishing Games (2/96)<53/96>

Choose a Name (17/96)*

Mr. Write's (55/96) <50/96> ------------ (ichitootah?)

* I don't recommend using these tracks, as they are merely variations of pre-existing themes throughout the game. HOWEVER, I will accept them, if there is a good effort and a good remix to come of it.

There is some dispute as to who will do which tracks. I have taken Windfish, in order that the debate over who will do it, and in what style they will do it will be eliminated. If you don't like my version, well, I'm sorry.

I hope to clear up any debates in this thread as time progresses. (as it turns out, several debates have occurred.)

The IRC channel for the project has died, due to disinterest, asshats

Interested remixers can Post or PM with links to recent works, which I will use to judge whether or not I think you have a place in the project. Don't be offended if I turn you down. I'm happy to provide constructive criticism on your wips and things, but I'd rather not have to be holding your hand through this project. I want people to be independently able to produce good music. Likewise, if the music doesn't fit with the vision I have for this project, I will be inclined to turn it down.

edit: You CAN NOT choose a track until I have heard something recent from you, and determined whether your work would benefit the project. You MUST submit something that shows your current ability, or you will not be considered. I DO NOT know who you are, or your abilities just because you've been around the forums.

Thanks for your interest.



Hmm...tres interessante...

I can't really show you any of my work, since it's all for projects in progress, but I'll make up something for Track 2 (29/96), and show it to you. Just keep me in mind until I turn something in.

Nice idea. I sort of wanted to do a Zelda project after Chrono Symphonic, but since I dropped the idea, I guess this will work nicely. G'luck.



Wah-ho! Didn't see this coming. I remember back when the original thread was around, and you guys were trying to label all 96 songs in the .gbs.

Hm...moody? Guess that throws out my idea for a salsa-type remix of the last track in the .gbs...oh well.

Good luck with this; great to see something of the past come forward with new light!


+ interest points in this thread. I can really get involved in this music. Especially if it versatile in a .mid file (which I found).

I'll take Tail Cave!

you can't do a salsa remix of a salsa song. It's the same song.


I knew it was too perfect...

But that doesn't mean I can't do some nice moody sax for this, now can't I?

The Zelda theme would work very nice...no, wait; the Overworld theme...cuz that little extra section in there has burned into my memory and now I can't play the original theme. :(


edit: You CAN NOT choose a track until I have heard something recent from you, and determined whether your work would benefit the project. You MUST submit something that shows your current ability, or you will not be considered. I DO NOT know who you are, or your abilities just because you've been around the forums.


Here ya go. The best thing there is Thunder 'N Lightning, which isn't really that ambient and all, but meh.


edit: You CAN NOT choose a track until I have heard something recent from you, and determined whether your work would benefit the project. You MUST submit something that shows your current ability, or you will not be considered. I DO NOT know who you are, or your abilities just because you've been around the forums.



This is my most recent, but I've gotten better since then, and am already working on something Ambient-like for Tail Cave.


Huh, I find it odd you chose to omit track 5 and chose track 1 for the Zelda theme instead. I only say this because track 5 is more unique to the Link's Awakening where as track 1 is pretty much the same Zelda theme we've all heard countless remixes of. Though, I'm sure you thought it through, and probably have your reasons. I guess it is an arrangement in itself.

Anyway, good luck on the project. Hope all goes well.

Well, Sixto, you're definitely in, though, You're confined to slow rock and ambient type stuff...I don't know how well that suits you. *shrugs* Do you even have time?!

Suits me just fine. And I have about four or five months of free time. :D

I'll do track 1/96, by the way.


Actually, you're right. I should change track one to track four. There is that important mid-bit that is left out. Sixto, Adhesive_Boy and Hemophiliac claim that they MIGHT (read "probably won't") do a collab of that first track, but...chances are you'll pull through and they won't.

Just so everyone knows, track one is now 5/96, which is the overworld theme from the game.


I'd be happy to join, if I did i'd probably take something like a slow minor key interpretation of turtle rock. Though I guess I'll let you decide for yourself if you even want me. :)

Remix- Path of the Wind

Here's a WIP of a remix of a song from the anime Totoro. It's my most recent work, and in my style pretty much, even though its not finished.

You have to sign up to get it, but I'm afraid I don't have many other options but soundclick.


If you want I could join in; ironically so I've done more moody stuff than anything, according to my VGMix bio. O.o

Anyways, tracks showing my current ability. Let's scoop out a few samples and crap.

"Snowflakes" (piano variation on Ichitootah's "Winter Steppe" for ORC22)

"Anguished Beyond Words" (this *was* going to be the site's first Dragon Warrior 2 mix, but the judges rejected it in the last minute... ouch)

"Time's Anxiety" (covering Castlevania: CotM's Clock Tower theme, and it was this piece that made me move onto the finals for RPGamer.com's Splendid Performance contest)

I hope this is as deep as we can get it O.o


I just read Blizihizake was interested in making a remix of the tal tal heights theme.

I just wanted to tell you that I gave that same song a listen a few days ago and it reminded me so much of the music from "the good, the bad and the ugly". Maybe you don't see it, but that's what I saw. Anyway, if you run out of ideas or haven't come up with a better one already, please consider letting your mix take on the same style as the music from the movie mentioned above. You know, spanish guitars, a marching drum, some choir, and a trumpet in the lead. At least, give the movie music a listen and the idea a thought.

Best of luck to you, and to the entire project.

I'll do track 1/96, by the way.

Welcome to the project !

Anyway, I have to inform you that 1/96 is not available anymore. Someone pointed out that it's just the Zelda theme that has been remixed all over and over. Therefore Track 1 of the project will now be 5/96, which is the overworld theme.

Knowing this, which track would you like to do ?

I'll do track 1/96, by the way.

Welcome to the project !

Anyway, I have to inform you that 1/96 is not available anymore. Someone pointed out that it's just the Zelda theme that has been remixed all over and over. Therefore Track 1 of the project will now be 5/96, which is the overworld theme.

Knowing this, which track would you like to do ?

Way to be totally redundant, Epo.

Rexy, your links don't lead to files, they lead to the index page. Send something over IRC. I imagine you'll do fine, but I want to hear something anyway.

Ichitootah I like it, You can be on the project. some of your samples sound a tad muffled, you know, and quite bass-heavy, but as you say, it's a wip. I think it shows that you could pull something good off, though.

Let it be known that Taucer has relinquished his hold on Mabe Village, and will also be dropping down to 'maybe' status. This is a sad day. Someone replace him.

Rexy, your links don't lead to files, they lead to the index page. Send something over IRC. I imagine you'll do fine, but I want to hear something anyway.

Strange, the links work fine with me O.o Have you tried right-clicking and Save Target As?

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