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Why isn't this being released on Steam again? ಠ_ಠ

Exposure, in my opinion.

The way they're doing this strikes me as getting the most goodwill from us for the least effort from them. The hardcore fans will download it, and a handful of people who've always wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

Being on Steam would expose the game for what it is: a middling RPG that was in the right place at the right time. And with the way that Square's last few games have gone over, they're really looking to minimize bad press.


If they can't even do a re-translation of a game they keep re-releasing, then it doesn't matter where the hell they port/re-port it to. FF7's translation is horrible and altered some plot points. Not to mention that the oodles of spin-off games have changed the original canon, so you would figure that SE would want to fix the original to coincide with the later games.

But nah, it's just easier to tack on a few achievements and re-sell a game that's 15 years with no new content. Why add new content? FF7 is their cash cow.

I'd rather stick with the old PC version anyway, at least the modding community for it looks pretty cool.

I've bought this game in different forms at least 4 times now, including the original PC version, so I may just pirate this. I'd like to see if it is in 16:9. But yeah, how many times can one guy buy the same game!? D:

Remake it already.

They've made a ton of money just from re-releases.

That's just it though isn't it. Why spend the money remaking it when peeps will buy the re-release. I am intrigued as well as to whether they'll add higher resolutions/wide-screen


I saw this and got excited... no, not really. ._.;

The fact it will come with an I Win button (character booster) amuses me. FF7 was never all that challenging.


I'd be tempted to get this, since I'm sick and tired of trying to make the Eidos port to work on W7.

But my PSX and original copy of the game work just fine, so probably not going to happen, unless it comes out that they've expanded the story, added new content, something like that.

It does amaze me all the hate that SE is getting over it though (well, I guess it doesn't amaze me). Honestly don't get it - if you don't want to play it, don't buy it.


I wonder if they were intelligent enough to just cut a check to the dudes who made the stuff that's in the Ultimania version that's floating around on the interwebs. That would certainly be easier (lazier) on their parts, and provide a superior product.

Man, who cares? We all know, deep in our hearts, that all we really want from Square is a Rad Racer remake.

While we're asking for awesome things, Blizzard needs to step up and bring back The Lost Vikings. /offtopic

I wonder if they were intelligent enough to just cut a check to the dudes who made the stuff that's in the Ultimania version that's floating around on the interwebs. That would certainly be easier (lazier) on their parts, and provide a superior product.

One can hope. Interplay was smart enough to include fan patches in that Fallout Collection a couple years ago, so there is precedent.

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