KyleJCrb Posted July 15, 2012 Posted July 15, 2012 $50 reward for an album that costs $10 to make + $17 package ($27) From my discussion with Liontamer, the rewards aren't set in stone and the staff is trying to figure out ways to make them better with the extra funding. Based on your numbers, the additional reward that is being hinted at on the Kickstarter update page is going to push the value of the $50 reward they're giving up OVER that price point, which means that if your numbers are correct, they'll be taking a small loss. So i tried to look up your pull quote, Torzelan. Here are some things I learned:-That quote doesn't exist. I couldn't find it. I read through the site and even did control+F and watched the video. Didn't see it. So. Uhhhh..? It's in the pop-out under this question in the FAQ on the bottom of the page: Will I be able to buy the album some other way, after the Kickstarter is over? Quote
djpretzel Posted July 15, 2012 Posted July 15, 2012 The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result. I've been doing that, and I've definitely gone insane. So consider this my last post on the subject in these forums. Call me an asshole, a conspiracy theorist, pulling facts out of my ass, a hater, whatever. The facts are there. if you choose to pretend otherwise, thats your problem. I'm not sure about asshole or conspiracy theorist... with regard to what I'll label "anal fact-puller," you do indeed seem to be getting a lot of things wrong, or extrapolating them out of thin air i.e. your posterior. My positive interpretation of this is that I think it's more due to reading comprehension on your part, or lack thereof, as opposed to true fabrication. That's the glass-half-full version, at least. From your behavior here and elsewhere, I can certainly say that I don't trust you at all, and am personally glad you intend to cease responding. Now, I personally don't have an issue with what's going on with the OCR fund. I have faith in the ability of the staff to not start clamoring for every dime that they can hang on to with a death grip while purchasing a six inch-tall gold statue of the Nice Work Guy for every room in DJP's house. But at the same time, I can understand why some eyebrows got raised here when the numbers kept climbing. The ways the extra funds will be used here are far more in line with the fundraiser than what EC did, but that people raised their hands to ask a question (or ten) isn't outlandish in my book. The tone of the questions certainly wasn't always very friendly, but... Damn, now we have to cancel that statue just so we don't look bad Even with an abundance of trust in OCR, this is new territory. I'm not sure if eyebrows should be raised, per se, but at the very least interests should be piqued, so questions are completely appropriate. However, for a lot of these points, it's ridiculously circular logic that seems more like venting, and I can absolutely guarantee that venting, ranting, & self-ascribed insanity are not only counterproductive to anyone's questions being answered, they are counterproductive to the kickstarter itself and to any future communication between ranter & rantee. Sometimes it's not the question itself, but how you ask it... but sometimes the question itself can be fundamentally flawed and/or antagonistic. At this point I think I'm really only referring to one person, who has apparently thrown in the towel, so if anyone wants to clearly reiterate any previous questions they felt were missed, that's fine by me. Quote
Cash Posted July 15, 2012 Posted July 15, 2012 FoxxDragon, it's a matter of interpretation of the facts, not the facts themselves. The intention of the Kickstarter was obviously to fund the album, with physical albums as rewards. Obviously, you have a different interpretation. You interpret the reward for the $50 level as the asking price for the physical album. It is true that in order to actually have the physical album in your hands, you have to pay $50. If you chose to interpret the reward as an asking price, well probably nothing said here will change your stance. In the end, it comes down to a philosophical difference. You and some others feel the price is too high because the actual cost of the physical album is lower, others were willing to pay $50 because they view the album as a reward to a donation, as intended. Trying to get the OCR staff to admit Kickstarter was advertised all wrong is just ridiculous. Think about this from their standpoint. Why would they say this was advertised all wrong? This project has received such overwhelming support, it was and still is a huge success. You say this was set up poorly, yet the facts say otherwise. The original goal was 15k, now they are at over 65k with 24 days left, that doesn't look like a case of poor advertising. Quote
Melbu Frahma Posted July 15, 2012 Posted July 15, 2012 FoxxDragon, it's a matter of interpretation of the facts, not the facts themselves. The intention of the Kickstarter was obviously to fund the album, with physical albums as rewards. Obviously, you have a different interpretation. You interpret the reward for the $50 level as the asking price for the physical album. It is true that in order to actually have the physical album in your hands, you have to pay $50. If you chose to interpret the reward as an asking price, well probably nothing said here will change your stance. In the end, it comes down to a philosophical difference. You and some others feel the price is too high because the actual cost of the physical album is lower, others were willing to pay $50 because they view the album as a reward to a donation, as intended. ^ This isn't a sale. It's a fundraiser. The whole point of a fundraiser is to get donations, not purchases, and with fundraising drives like this the point isn't to spend X amount of money in exchange for something of equal value, the point is that you're contributing to a project or organization that you feel is worth the money you're giving to them. If they give you some sort of reward as a token of their appreciation for you, you don't sit around comparing its market value to the amount you "shelled out" for it; you feel proud to have given to a cause you feel worthwhile. Think of all the cancer fundraisers, or boy scout fundraisers, or whatever fundraiser you've seen in the past. You really think that rubber bracelet costs anywhere near $2 to make? You really believe that those braided keychains really cost $10 to hand-craft from Wal*Mart beads? No, and that's not the point. The point is you're giving money to a cause you believe in. If I had any way of donating to this album/site fundraiser, I'd do it in a heartbeat - and I wouldn't care if I got a physical copy, or download codes for some other awesome albums, or signed copies of anything. (I do admit that the remix request is extremely tantalizing though.) That's not the point. The point is I love FF6's music. I love the music many of these artists make. I love the community, and the ideals it stands for, and its goals - and because of that, I would give them my money, because it's a worthwhile cause and it needs the support. Quote
Radiowar Posted July 15, 2012 Posted July 15, 2012 im not sure if this has already been suggested, but seeing as the kickstarter has met its goal 4 times over, why not divert some portion of those funds to future projects? assuming from the overwhelming support that this is not the last time ocr intends to pursue physical releases. that way the use of the money is in keeping with the spirit of the kickstarter (as opposed to the nebulous "operating costs" that seems to be drawing controversy), and whatever results from that can be used in contests, promotional giveaways, fundraising events (ones which are explicitly intended for supporting the website, like Support OCR Month), and the like. Quote
SnappleMan Posted July 15, 2012 Posted July 15, 2012 I think it's time to stop debating about the kickstarter and just be happy that people clearly care a good bit about our collective hobby of remixing game music. Quote
KyleJCrb Posted July 16, 2012 Posted July 16, 2012 For those who are interested in the history of and learning some more answers regarding the OCR Kickstarter, Larry and I talked about it on our radio show for a bit here: Quote
Arcana Posted July 16, 2012 Posted July 16, 2012 The fact that you took all of that overage and decided to make a printing of a second album (FF7) in addition to FF6 really does show that you guys are thinking of the backers. Please tell me that this'll go to present and future backers instead of the ones who already donated! I didn't contribute initially, well, I'm generally under the impression that Kickstarter is just all drama. But seeing the reinforced "for the backers" extra print run makes me want in on this, I think I'll do this when I get home. By the way, the fact they added a second print run on another album and will give it to backers should be a statement that this money isn't just going to OCR's bank account. Quote
zircon Posted July 16, 2012 Posted July 16, 2012 Oh absolutely, VotL is going out to any NEW backers at $50+ as well. Quote
shawnphaseoftss Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 good grief, what a shitstorm for 65 large, ocr could certainly afford to send out a copy to every ocr member gratis and then some with all the printing trimmings and have a bunch left over. is there any chance of it getting to that point if say, $100k is raised? this is some weirdass hail mary fundraising stuff that makes me question why we need more final fantasy 6 remixes in the first place. Quote
Fishy Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 for 65 large, ocr could certainly afford to send out a copy to every ocr member gratis and then some with all the printing trimmings and have a bunch left over. is there any chance of it getting to that point if say, $100k is raised? OCR could 'certainly' not afford to send all 28,000+ members a 4-disc album. Besides the funky math, it would be a logistical nightmare to collect the necessary information. The people being rewarded will be the donators, so addition funds = more rewards for them. We've already more then doubled the reward for $50 from 4 discs to 8 discs and a DVD and haven't ruled out more. Quote
shawnphaseoftss Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 it doesnt even necessarily have to be all 28k members, but the ones who cared to sign up for it could be a nice gesture. certainly would be feasible and honestly, why dump on a bunch of rewards and bloat on something that is already bloated because of more funding? why not try and make a completely free physical release when you have this level of funding involved? or take it further. it doesnt seem all that unrealistic. not only that, it would be doing something that really hasnt ever been done before. Quote
Gario Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 it doesnt even necessarily have to be all 28k members, but the ones who cared to sign up for it could be a nice gesture. certainly would be feasible and honestly, why dump on a bunch of rewards and bloat on something that is already bloated because of more funding? why not try and make a completely free physical release when you have this level of funding involved? or take it further. it doesnt seem all that unrealistic. not only that, it would be doing something that really hasnt ever been done before. The logistics of what you're suggesting is insane. Shipping, getting in touch with people, printing costs, etc., would not only cost a restrictive amount of money if we were to do this for even half of the signed members of the website, it would take a great deal of the time from the people that work here (as in "We would need to dedicate more time to it than our jobs would allow"). What you're asking isn't feasible, so it isn't going to happen. Sorry, bro - only those contributing are going to get the said rewards. Quote
zircon Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 Well now, don't forget we'll have hundreds of copies left to give away for free at panels and stuff. Quote
shawnphaseoftss Posted July 17, 2012 Posted July 17, 2012 i am not a bro, gario. i dont appreciate that kind of insult. also, anything is possible if it is wanted enough. Quote
halc Posted July 18, 2012 Posted July 18, 2012 jeez gario, going a little off the rails there. I think you need a bit of an attitude adjustment. Quote
Shadablade Posted July 19, 2012 Posted July 19, 2012 So did something happen? The kickstarter page is saying that the OCR project is no longer available? Quote
ad.mixx Posted July 19, 2012 Posted July 19, 2012 I'm getting that same message. I hope nothing bad happened to the project page. Probably just a bug, though.. Quote
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