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I get:


Welp... it's kind of strange that when I import a wav it never plays back at the right speed even if the tempo of the wav is the same tempo Cubase is set to. :?


Edit: Oh yeah. And now that I have Cubase I now officially consider myself part of the whole group of musicians who use PRO software like VSTs and hosts and all that good terminology. or something. 8)

it's kind of strange that when I import a wav it never plays back at the right speed even if the tempo of the wav is the same tempo Cubase is set to. :?

Check your samplerates, sir.

Edit: Oh yeah. And now that I have Cubase I now officially consider myself part of the whole group of musicians who use PRO software like VSTs and hosts and all that good terminology. or something. 8)

Yeah, but where's your controller and your ASIO-soundcard and your Zirconium Badge Of Honor?

I got this.


Mainly because Christmas here isn't for the gifts (we've got Sinterklaas for that).

It's my third MIDI interface but at least I'll have my Nord Micromodular separated from the rest :).


The only music related thing was from my girlfriend who I had spent endless hours complaining to about my lack of music tools (a USB MIDI interface was amongst them)

So, I got this:


Of course, I would have preferred the one Yoozer posted above, but hey, you can't hint at everything!

Well, actually, I also bought myself a tabla set but that doesn't really count.

Well, actually, I also bought myself a tabla set but that doesn't really count.

Hell yes it does! Give us a demo!

If I get a mic anytime soon, you'll be the first to hear it :wink:

It's actually #3 in my collection of Indian percussion. I love Indian percussion. So nice.


I actually don't celebrate Christmas either, but hey, when in Rome.......

But i might treat myself to something or other sometime soon. Maybe a EMU0404

What do you have now?

Edit: Oh yeah. And now that I have Cubase I now officially consider myself part of the whole group of musicians who use PRO software like VSTs and hosts and all that good terminology. or something. 8)

Good, if you have questions regarding Cubase, you know their boards. And does that mean you only bugged us with hacked software so far? Glad that I didn't answer one of your single questions.

Happy holidays anyway.

What I got for X-Mas?

- Rayzoon Jamstix (beginning of december)

- a mp3 stick (cause my selfsoldered cables for my cellphone were busted, and I'm not in the mood building a new one)

"Quiet days" aren't over in out family yet. Chances are I still get a 100-150 Euro budget for new samples (I pay the rest if needed, but I have an eye on a certain orchestra package...)

And yeah, I guess I'll celebrate x-mas and birthday alltogether while building an own synthesizer:



- MIDIbox FM (planned for summer)

You can read more about that in the Make your own chiptunes thread, or dig out the old NES sound Emulator thread.


Unfortunately, Santa didn't bring me anything related to making music... but hopefully with the job I have between the semesters, I can buy something... though I'm not really sure what would get...


Nothing directly, but I did get some early Christmas presents that I needed for various projects and my wife was kind enough to give me the green-light on:

Shure SM-57 mic and stand

Behringer MIC200 preamp

And I got my wife a 512MB MP3 player (among other things, but that's the musical thing).



Behringer Ub1202 Mixer

Shure SM57 mic

Sony MDR 7506 headphones

Dimension Pro upgrade(didn't think I'd get that too...I lucked out this year)

And my dog jumped on my laptop (that I do my music on) and busted the LCD :? I might be able to get it fixed for free though.

ONLY 512!?!?!? come onnn maaaaan

Oh, I should have mentioned that my sister got 30gig ipod (with video). Heheh. That's 60 times more space that 512 :D :D :D

LOL kewlio!@!@!

In the real world, that $300 I could have spent on a video ipod my wife wouldn't use except for the mp3 functionality (and she doesn't have the 7,000 mp3s it supposedly holds) is going to replace our car that may not start up again after the short trip to my mom's on Xmas night. In fact, that $300 ipod was just about our entire Christmas budget, but I guess you won't learn that spending time with a wife and son is more enjoyable than spending lots of money on things until you no longer rely on your parents to provide basic needs.


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