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So yeah. That was just announced.

I'm pretty excited, especially with the new Call of Duty and Halo TV series. Everything about the announcement seemed to be pretty awesome. Personally I think it went way better than the PS4 announcement.

Not gonna say a lot here. Just starting the thread, I guess. Hopefully this was the right category to post the thread in. :-P


I stand by what I've been saying this past hour...

Like any console, it has potential but this presentation was all about the quality of graphics and the 'online experience'. These are not things that excite me anymore.

Wanna see GAMES. not just dudebro sports games. E3 coming up though, right?

Yes and they did say that a whole bunch of games will be announced then. This announcement was definitely much more about the console itself.

Yeah, I was a little annoyed when they just started talking about sports games. I wanted them to shut up and show me some real video games.

Luckily the Halo TV series announcement and CoD: Ghosts kept me from complaining to much. :-D

Wanna see GAMES. not just dudebro sports games. E3 coming up though, right?

mustin your profile gif fits so well with what your saying xD

"heres a ball full of sports games for the new xbox1"

"games or gtfo"


My opinion?

they should of went with my name for the console...


Posted (edited)

I was first annoyed by the lack of games announced and shown (as Ghost was leaked weeks ago, and announcing a new yearly sports game from EA is like announcing the sunrise), but once someone suggested that this might be so they can spend all of E3 showcasing the games, it made sense.

Get the console out of the way before. Let everyone absorb the info. In two weeks, after they are ready for more, bam! Day after day of game announcements. Should keep everyone going until fall when the system should be ready to ship.

Makes sense.

Edited by The Damned
I as first annoyed by the lack of games announced and shown (as Ghost was leaked weeks ago, and announcing a new yearly sports game from EA is like announcing the sunrise), but once someone suggested that this might be so they can spend all of E3 showcasing the games, it made sense.

Get the console out of the way before. Let everyone absorb the info. In two weeks, after they are ready for more, bam! Day after day of game announcements. Should keep everyone going until fall when the system should be ready to ship.

Makes sense.


And yeah, MW1 was pretty groundbreaking. But that happened a while back and up until now, things haven't dramatically changed except for increased graphics and more stuff in the game. haha


THis was the final nail for me. I have been hoping that Microsoft would pretend to care about games, but they don't. After Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft all failing to deliver anything worthwhile, Console gaming is dead to me. What a tragic time indeed.

Halo TV show directed by Speilburg is alright though. Just so most people are aware, that is a TV show. Not a video game. So it doesn't count.

THis was the final nail for me. I have been hoping that Microsoft would pretend to care about games, but they don't. After Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft all failing to deliver anything worthwhile, Console gaming is dead to me. What a tragic time indeed.

Halo TV show directed by Speilburg is alright though. Just so most people are aware, that is a TV show. Not a video game. So it doesn't count.

I do totally understand you, though. Although I really am excited and happy about the new game console, my favorite times were when the game console only worked if you put in a game cartridge, and that was all it could do.


The only thing this presentation did was redeem Nintendo in my eyes.

The Wii U may be a disaster so far but at least they're TRYING to do something new and different.


I hatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehate the name. Awful.

I am not impressed by the Kinect 2.0 voice recognition stuff. I turned that off on my Kinect after a few weeks because my xbox constantly thought it was hearing things I was not saying (such as Netflix randomly rewinding the show I was watching). It also kept recognizing false hand movements as I shifted on my couch.

I will pass for now, but I might be interested after it gets redesigned. Once it's cheaper and they fix whatever red-ring-of-death issue the first model has that nobody knows about yet, I'll consider it.

I'd consider buying one myself if I wasn't such a big fan of playing video games

And this is the biggest reason why this console is dead in the water.

Remember when all those CD-based consoles in the 90s billed themselves as multimedia devices?

Those did pretty well, right?



I won't even start to say all my issues so far.

All I can say is that if Xbox One integrates with all the devices in my living room, can I hook it up to my gaming console?

Also, EA? Can you just... die, or something? The last thing we need is more sports games.


Welp, there goes a lot of support from me and everyone else.

The PS4 is being hit hard because they are failing to do this as well, at least in meaning of owning a physical copy of a PS3 game. Instead, you have to go and by all the games online now for the PS4. Inconvenient.

What the crap, Microsoft and Sony? Why did we suddenly stop doing backwards compatibility?

Look, there's one thing Nintendo actually did right with the Wii U.

Don't get that last statement wrong. The Wii U seems like a pretty decent console. I just haven't bought one yet because there aren't any good games for it. But it looks like there will be.


Kinda cool, but I'm not too sure about the whole "Paying extra to play used games" thing (seems like a dick move to me) and I really don't care about all that TV shit. I buy a video game system to play video games. I guess I'm just simple like that...

Now, I must say, Call of Duty looks fucking awesome and THEY GOT A DOG FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! Can't wait to get my hands on that one.

IMO, the PS4 has a more exciting game lineup so far, but I will probably wait until both systems are out and decide which one I'm getting. I want to see some hands-on reviews.

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