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Wild. Kind of wish we got a Square-Enix character more relevant to Nintendo (Erdrick?) but as long as Cloud doesn't just do the same Marth/Ike stuff he'll be a welcome addition. And that Mako Reactor map is like Unova League stage on 3DS on steroids.




Cloud seems way out of place on this list. I thought Final Fantasy is a Square Enix brand and they want nothing to do with Nintendo. Same I guess can be said with Ryu being Capcom and Snake being Konami. Characters who are out of place in Sm4sh just seem to devalue the concept. I have nothing against Cloud, Ryu, Mega Man or Snake, it is just that they have been out of Nintendos' line-up for a long time (over 20 years) and having them in Sm4sh makes it seem like any character from any system can be apart of it. I am glad though they have updates for Sm4sh, I just hope they don't go overboard with characters have little-to-nothing to do with Nintendo.


My opinion anyway (=





Cloud seems way out of place on this list. I thought Final Fantasy is a Square Enix brand and they want nothing to do with Nintendo. Same I guess can be said with Ryu being Capcom and Snake being Konami. Characters who are out of place in Sm4sh just seem to devalue the concept. I have nothing against Cloud, Ryu, Mega Man or Snake, it is just that they have been out of Nintendos' line-up for a long time (over 20 years) and having them in Sm4sh makes it seem like any character from any system can be apart of it. I am glad though they have updates for Sm4sh, I just hope they don't go overboard with characters have little-to-nothing to do with Nintendo.


Don't know when you were born.  I was born in 1985, and to me growing up MegaMan is synonymous with Nintendo.  Classic MegaMan especially feels right at home in Smash.  It is a bit weird that Cloud has never appeared in a game on a Nintendo system.  However I am still glad to see him.  Would have loved to of seen Kain from FFIV but that would have been to obscure for a lot of people.


Don't know when you were born.  I was born in 1985, and to me growing up MegaMan is synonymous with Nintendo.  Classic MegaMan especially feels right at home in Smash.  It is a bit weird that Cloud has never appeared in a game on a Nintendo system.  However I am still glad to see him.  Would have loved to of seen Kain from FFIV but that would have been to obscure for a lot of people.

With Final Fantasy Explorers (announced in the same Direct, though not the first time we've heard of it), Cloud will indeed be on a Nintendo system. And he's probably the most visually iconic Final Fantasy character. Snake was an equally strange choice; even though he'd been in Metal Gear and its sequels on the NES, and in the Twin Snakes remake on GCN, most people know him from the PS1/2 games.
  • 1 month later...

Corrin and Bayonetta are both pretty neat-looking. Love that Bayonetta stage.


As for Cloud, he's alright. He definitely feels strong, and despite being a swordsman, has a much different feel from Marth, Ike, or Shulk. Limit Breaks felt a bit OP, but that might've just been because I was playing Classic 6.0 and All-Star. I only wish they actually worked magic and materia into his moves somehow. Maybe instead of blade beam make a cycling spell attack special or something. Oh well.


The Midgar stage is definitely cool. The summons are a visual spectacle without being unavoidable or distracting. Still, no Shiva summon? Whaaaaa?


To be fair, Corrin isn't exactly a swordfighter. His moveset itself seems rather unique.

That said, I'm rather disappointed that they chose him, though I get why. More irritated that outside of a trophy and a song (that was a carryover from Brawl), Isaac had NO representation in this game whereas at least he was an Assist Trophy in Brawl. 

And happy about Bayonetta, but again, why not Isaac?


I thought it was hype. Corrin looks very unique and that Dragon Lunge move seems very cool. Bayonetta was awesome. Looks incredible to play.

My biggest surprise was no Wolf. Everything pointed to him returning (Roy and Lucas being DLC, Star Fox Zero) but he didn't. I wonder why...


Got Cloud today.  Beat all four of my level 50 amiibos with him.  Beat my Marth amiibo for only the 2nd or 3rd time ever.  Cloud is lethal.  Really fun to play with.  Took a stock off of level 50 Link without taking a single hit.  I am just an OK smash player too.  Win rate on for glory is 33%.

I am also super bummed Isaac didn't get in the game.  Could care less about Bayonetta to be perfectly honest.  Can see why she would be a good character in general.


She does have an interesting stage, though.  I was kinda hoping for more stages by themselves, like some of the previous DLC, but the game is still nicely packed.



I like the announcement of Nintendo Branded characters making it to the roster. Sad to say but Shovel Knight is indie branded not Nintendo branded. Then again same can really be said for Ryu and Mega Man about them not being Nintendo Branded as well as Cloud. But I am sad to hear that soon they are going to stop making DLC for Smash. I am guessing it will be after the NX is released. I just hope they don't shut down their servers like they did with Wii.. Going off topic... 


I haven't been on Smash since earlier this month, I plan on buying all 3 of the newest announcements. Corrin, Cloud, and Bayonetta. I just hope they are cheap (=


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