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6.) Prototype #2 - I actually really like this one. It’s sort of basic for what it is but it really works. Occasionally, I felt like your rapping didn’t flow quite enough in parts, but it is still a really awesome job. The lyrics are really great as well.

Good job KT :) Usually I don't care for lyrics but yours works quite well. Enjoyed the story you rapped :)

Posted (edited)


Heated Plasma Gun - The beginning organ is really loud and low quality and muds up the mix. The first real issue I noticed was the offkey lead at 0:16 and other spots, such as 0:59. It's a minor third too high, if I'm transposing it correctly. I'm really just doing it by ear. The 0:43 lead would work really well in an ambient section if you ever want to try something like that. The bass from this point on is very static in the sequencing, but the tone itself could be good with more refined EQ. Overall, the instrumentation is pretty basic, and some sounds *are* good in quality, but they're used in an awkward context IMO.

Storm the Games! - Really nice drums. They could have used a bit more taming with compression though, as I hear some distortion artifacts. You do have a good DnB base here in regards to the drums and the bass themselves. At 0:36, that *is* a good bass timbre, but it's too loud, and doesn't work very well as a lead. At 1:11, the lead is good, but it seems very wide, or just very panned. I don't really hear anything in the center. Even though wide panning is good for stereo imaging, too much and it still becomes mud anyways. The 2:05 fade seemed to come at an entirely separate tempo. I really couldn't tell that 2:12 was a buildup until the DnB just came out of nowhere, in a sense. Pretty loud overall, and could have used some more careful balancing.

Wily Must Die - Good piano timbre. Seems a little bit on the lower end of sample quality to me. The vocals starting at 0:33 had interesting reverb, though the high cut was too high, and it brought out the sibilance and fricatives too much for me. The recording quality was also a bit strange to me, and somewhat lo-fi. It sounds like some low end is missing, or the mids are boosted awkwardly. 3:06 felt a little stiff to me on the piano. I don't know if you quantized any sort of live MIDI playing too tightly, or if it was something else. Aside from that, nice (prog?) rock track.

For Everlasting Peace - This is actually rather good, even for free samples off of Reason. The strings in particular were well-sequenced, and the tubular bells were a nice touch. The brass was easily the most fake of the samples you used, but aside from that and the loudness (quietness) of the mixing, this is still pretty good for what I think is one of your first tries at orchestral.

Blam - Apparently, not Disney-related lol. Nice Prodigy vibe. Personally, I did feel the distortion was a little bit too much, even if it's technically accurate and intentional. Not by much though, maybe 5~10%. Rabcandy did a good job on the vocals too. I did think the bitcrushed wah bass was too upfront, as it overshadowed some of the source usage a bit sometimes.

Prototype #2 - Awesome lyrics. The background instrumentation was a bit basic, and there was quite a bit of lyrics in comparison to the actual time used for instrumental sections. I think if you polished up the backing, it could come rather close to the awesomeness of "Oil Ocean" already on OC ReMix. Oh, and PLUTO'S NOT A PLANET ANYMOAR. DEAL WITH IT BRO.

UMADEON, BRO? - I'ma use this opportunity to comment. I did have some issues with merging different tempos because I had such exciting ideas that I really wanted to come together in one song, not separate songs. Ah well, I did what I could on that end, and I'm pretty happy with the Madeon vibe I injected into this "heavycore" track. Oh, and the dubstep at 2:16~2:34 is me callin' you out, NutS.

My Castle is Burning Down - Good DnB from you, Esperado. The piano was low quality though. Sounded like 4Front Piano or something. 0:38 - I noticed that SFX thar. It's also in In Everlasting Pieces. 1:20 sounded like distorted mic feedback. Overall, I think the production is really bringing this down. It sounds like it should be high energy, but the drums are rather weak, some of the basses are very basic saws (like default saws with little other mods. 1:48, for example) and one other bass is actually really loud in the 95-ish Hz range.

Amnesia - Good first effort at trance. Psytrance, if you want me to get into particulars. As a personal taste thing, the snare was actually not tight enough. Visually, it makes me picture a snare being slammed every time, and its mids were kinda cluttering the mix. The kick was not coming through super well, regardless of the apparent trend that psytrance uses clicky pitch envelope kicks. A good boost at the fundamental and near 4000Hz should help a bit. As I often say, the clarity is hurt due to the many instruments someone has using the same waveform, and saws in particular suffer the most from this choice because of the many harmonics it has (which I'm sure you know all about) that give it a powerful timbre, second only to the square wave in body. Typically, saw waves tend to pierce and dominate a mix, which is why saws tend to be good leads, and detuned saws fill up soundscapes rather quickly. The repetition probably would have fared better if there was more clarity, IMO, as I do believe you're a stickler for good arrangements. ;)

Third Wave Roboethics - The pads were well-designed, but the 0:28 strings were pretty exposed and fake. Not really sure that they actually fit in this particular context as they are. The chiptunes are definitely the strength here. I like the C64 arps. The rhythmic changes and bridges were also very welcome. The lead fills and neighboring notes/trills were great. I love little details like that. What you didn't have in vibrato you made up for in portamento (and the 1/32-or-1/64-synched square-wave-sloped LFO in the C64 arp).

In Everlasting Pieces - Can't believe you accidentally picked almost the same name as Xarnax. :P Nice FM work. Drums were pretty good, though I thought the mids on the kick were a little too prevalent still. At 1:07, the FM thwip was pretty resonant for me, and probably could have used some ring modulation to tone that down, or just a lower frequency on the self-modulations (that kind of timbre comes from a synth modulating its own frequency). In the breakdown at around 1:32, I thought the lead was too quiet, but not buried. The bass was a bit louder than it though. 2:02 - Aha, that SFX. Good work overall arrangement-wise.

Edited by timaeus222
Posted (edited)
Bro, above all else, you get the award for the most lyrics in a game vocal mix evar. XD

lol really? :lol: Not the first time I've done something with this many words; you should check out my Sonic rap remixes on my SoundCloud; one of them was in last year's Sonic Zone Remix Competition.

KingTiger: Vocals are pretty cheesy in the beginning, but I love cheesy vocals. Source useage is rockin; you blend sources vertically which I love. Transitions are nice too.

hah, cheesy vocals are cheesy! :P I'm glad the transitions worked for you, I was a bit worried that they may have been too dry or basic or something. Also glad that you were able to pick out all the crazy source usage.

KingTiger: Great lyrics, great flow. Nice way to summarize the story so far.

Thanks :) I thought about rapping about something a bit more serious, but I figured re-hashing the story would be more fun and interesting (for me and for you guys).

Prototype #2: Epic lyrics. Use of Proto Man is pretty light, and in some of the rap sections it was hard to hear any source at all. The rap over the main Wily theme worked especially well, though. Synths were a little thin, could have used something more complex.

I was a bit concerned that the source usage may be too covered up under the lyrics; but there's actually a lot of each source there; see the bottom of this post for the source breakdown. Glad you liked the lyrics too :)

Prototype #2 - I actually really like this one. It’s sort of basic for what it is but it really works. Occasionally, I felt like your rapping didn’t flow quite enough in parts, but it is still a really awesome job. The lyrics are really great as well.

It is pretty basic, but that honestly is what I was going for; just like MindWanderer commented above that the synths were thin (there were actually only 4 synths - the bass, the "rnb" lead that comes in when the drum beat first starts and carries throughout the song, the pad in the intro, and the subtle offbeat choral effect in the choruses), I suppose, but that's actually what I wanted. A lot of hip hop/rap has seemingly simple stuff going on instrumentally, and that's what I was trying to emulate. Personal choice, I guess, and I know not everyone will like it.

As far as the flow goes, I'm glad it *mostly* worked :P It's something I've been working on.

Good job KT :) Usually I don't care for lyrics but yours works quite well. Enjoyed the story you rapped :)

Thanks! I was really hoping the story would be enjoyable. I was trying to be clever with the way I portrayed things (another very common hip hop/rap thing).

Prototype #2 - Awesome lyrics. The background instrumentation was a bit basic, and there was quite a bit of lyrics in comparison to the actual time used for instrumental sections. I think if you polished up the backing, it could come rather close to the awesomeness of "Oil Ocean" already on OC ReMix. Oh, and PLUTO'S NOT A PLANET ANYMOAR. DEAL WITH IT BRO.

Are you talking about this one here? Yeah, I'm seeing that I could beef up the backing stuff a bit more. I might be able to come up with some more instrumental-only sections for this track too, but we'll have to see - that was never the direction I wanted to take it. Regardless, after a week or two or three, after some time has passed, I'll be willing to come back to this and really work my magic.

and about Pluto DON'T GO THERE

I'll just leave this here...


0:05 - 0:22 (the cheesy intro, up until where the drum beat starts) Proto Man in the EP

0:33 - 0:50, 1:23 - 1:39, 3:05 - 3:22 (the choruses) Galaxy Man in the sang melody (backed by the piano), Wily Stage in the bass

0:51 - 1:07, 1:15 - 1:23, 1:39 - 1:56, 2:04 - 2:13 (the first 1/2 and last 1/4 of the first 2 verses) Galaxy Man in the bass, Proto Man in the piano

2:31 - 2:48, 2:56 - 3:04 (first 1/2 and last 1/4 of the last verse) Galaxy Man in the bass still but also in the piano this time

1:07 - 1:15, 1:56 - 2:04, 2:48 - 2:56 (third 1/4 of every verse) Wily Stage in the EP

2:13 - 2:31 (bridge) Galaxy Man in the bass and the synth lead, Proto Man in the EP

3:31 (the very very end) That's actually Galaxy Man in that super quick piano arpeggio

Edited by KingTiger

that piano sound haha. Its totally actually a really nice piano vst that i just picked up but i have some learning to do with making it sound more rich, human and enjoyable.

thanks for the reviews so far!

Posted (edited)
lmfao, where'd you even get that picture Gar? I assume MAGFest, but it looks like one I've not seen

Maybe you forgot who I was when we met. I was the guy standing right next to the TV in your room at MAGfest wondering why the heck everyone was sitting around watching TheRex play pokemon when there was a full friggen free-play arcade some five floors below us.

That's when I snapped the picture. Apparently something happened when therex was playing because everyone was looking kinda funny at that exact moment. I didn't understand what I was looking at. Some jewels and stuff. Reminded me of columns, but it wasn't.


Good times. You all better be there for the next MAG.


Edited by Garpocalypse
Maybe you forgot who I was when we met. I was the guy standing right next to the TV in your room at MAGfest wondering why the heck everyone was sitting around watching TheRex play pokemon when there was a full friggen free-play arcade some five floors below us.

That's when I snapped the picture. Apparently something happened when therex was playing because everyone was looking kinda funny at that exact moment. I didn't understand what I was looking at. Some jewels and stuff. Reminded me of columns, but it wasn't.


Good times. You all better be there for the next MAG.

Wow, I look really greasy, and Ethan looks like he has a Skrillex cut. What an odd picture. But nah man, I remember you, just not the picture :D We'll all be there again, you can count on it <3

Maybe you forgot who I was when we met. I was the guy standing right next to the TV in your room at MAGfest wondering why the heck everyone was sitting around watching TheRex play pokemon when there was a full friggen free-play arcade some five floors below us.

That's when I snapped the picture. Apparently something happened when therex was playing because everyone was looking kinda funny at that exact moment. I didn't understand what I was looking at. Some jewels and stuff. Reminded me of columns, but it wasn't.


Good times. You all better be there for the next MAG.


I'm pretty sure I was in that same room at some point (with lukas or shinnymetal) pretty buzzed watching that random jewel game. I had no idea what the hell was going on.

Maybe you forgot who I was when we met. I was the guy standing right next to the TV in your room at MAGfest wondering why the heck everyone was sitting around watching TheRex play pokemon when there was a full friggen free-play arcade some five floors below us.

That's when I snapped the picture. Apparently something happened when therex was playing because everyone was looking kinda funny at that exact moment. I didn't understand what I was looking at. Some jewels and stuff. Reminded me of columns, but it wasn't.

Pokemon puzzle league has a strange effect on people.

Also hell yeah I remember you man. You had us each sign your book if I remember correctly.

EDIT: Wait Shrack you were there? Shit man, there were so many people coming through therex's lovely room of magic and wonder™ that I guess I missed meeting you. Next year for sure!

I'm pretty sure I was in that same room at some point (with lukas or shinnymetal) pretty buzzed watching that random jewel game. I had no idea what the hell was going on.

I recall having quite the drunken conversation with you and Will Roget. I think it was excellent! It was probably excellent. I have no idea if it was excellent or not.

EDIT: Wait Shrack you were there? Shit man, there were so many people coming through therex's lovely room of magic and wonder™ that I guess I missed meeting you. Next year for sure!

Yep, I'm sure you met him. You might not've made the connection at the time, but we were all hanging out with him and Will pretty frequently during the nights

I'm pretty sure I was in that same room at some point (with lukas or shinnymetal) pretty buzzed watching that random jewel game. I had no idea what the hell was going on.

Someone was standing to the side of me though and I can't remember who it was. We were talking about pen flipping. Now i'm wondering if that was shrack.

Shrack it sounds like we were standing in the same room at some point ...and you didn't sign my book!!

You had us each sign your book if I remember correctly.

Yea, guess what you'll be signing again. Well, it won't be the same book i can tell you that. :) unless of course, you don't want to. :(

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