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Posted (edited)

Soooo yeah...this just happened.

On the heels of the epic success of man of steel at SDCC WB and Zach Snyder made this epic announcement.

"I want you to remember, Clark…in all the years to come…in your most private moments…I want you to remember…my hand…at your throat…I want…you to remember…the one man who beat you."

For those who dont know. This is from the epic The Dark Knight Returns comic and Animated Movie.


Scheduled for 2015 with a Flash Movie not far behind and Justice League at 2017.

I at this point need to point people to how they started the ball rolling with the ANIMATED versions of Justice League.

Batman got his own animated series. Supes got his own animated series not that long after. At some point (i dont have specifics) they started showing back to back. And they got a BIG crossover. World's Finest was the episode name it got made into a full blown animated movie (i think it took 3 eps to tell.) After that the road to Justice League was pretty clear. And the only OTHER DCU character to get an animated showing was FLASH. In the run up Pre JL. I think WB is going to attempt to apply the ANIMATED formula to this.

So yeah...this just happened.

Update 7/31


This is also in my latest post on the thread but for those just cruising to see what changed.

Yes That Frank Miller. The one who wrote The Dark Knight Returns. The other half of the epic paring that gave us 300. They're together again for this project.

Edited by Hyperion5182

As a DC comics fan, I should be incredibly excited about this, but I'm not. Man of Steel was a major disappointment. DCE is just not doing a good job with their movies at all, and I'm resigned to the fact that they seem to think that Man of Steel is a good movie to launch DC's cinematic universe.


man of steel was a great movie fuck the haters

that being said I've always been a staunch holder of the opinion that a batman/superman movie will never ever work ever

man of steel was a great movie fuck the haters

that being said I've always been a staunch holder of the opinion that a batman/superman movie will never ever work ever

You really think it was a great movie? I found the whole thing to be tedious and utterly joyless, which are two things that should never be used to describe a Superman story. The whole thing also showed very little understanding of the character of Clark Kent.

You really think it was a great movie? I found the whole thing to be tedious and utterly joyless, which are two things that should never be used to describe a Superman story. The whole thing also showed very little understanding of the character of Clark Kent.

it was a great film

it was not a richard donner superman campfest

it's okay that you don't like it but a bad movie it was not i'm afraid

it was a great film

it was not a richard donner superman campfest

it's okay that you don't like it but a bad movie it was not i'm afraid

I don't like Donner's Superman movies either, and I think that it takes a lot more than just being "not-Donner" to tell a great Superman story.

let's hear your formula

I'm not a film-maker or a writer, I don't have a formula. But here are a couple of things that I think are important to have in a Superman story.

First, Clark Kent is an investigative journalist, and I mean that this is an intrinsic part of his character, not just his job or his cover identity. It speaks to the idea that Superman fights for truth and justice. Clark seeks out the truth about corruption and evil in order to bring about justice. He exposes the wrong-doings of others by writing about them. Mark Waid used this to great effect in Superman: Birthright; rather than having Clark be a fisherman or a busboy at a bar, Clark traveled the world exposing the truth about corrupt politicians and bringing warlords in third-world countries to justice. Superman is not just about a strong guy holding up a collapsing oil-rig while the workers run to the helicopter; there is way more to Clark Kent than his powers.

Next, Clark protects people. He doesn't haphazardly throw his opponents into buildings and oil tankers. He doesn't put people in danger by exposing them to unbelievable amounts of collateral damage. Superman is an amazing fighter, but he's not about the fight. He performs feats far beyond the capabilities of mortal men; feats that save lives, not put them in danger. Man of Steel's Superman showed very little concern for everything that was happening around him while fighting Faora and Zod, and I don't think that really jives at all with the character of Clark Kent.

Superman is also an inspirational figure. He fills people with wonder, not fear. He interacts with people, and they're excited to see him. The first time people ever see Superman should not be after Metropolis is destroyed and a hundred thousand people have died. People should know and trust Superman; they need to be familiar with him to be able to understand that he's there to help and protect.

Also, and this might be more of a gripe than anything else I've said, but don't color correct a Superman movie to be a desaturated grey blob. It's Superman, it should have a lot of color. Krypton especially is always portrayed in film as this bleak, grey mess, whereas in comic books Krypton is filled with colorful alien vistas.

Anyway those are just a couple of points; ideally I think a great Superman movie would combine elements of Birthright for Clark's origin with Brainiac for the main hero/villain conflict. Also the movie wouldn't be an origin story; Superman would be around already for a couple of years and the origin would be referenced in a couple of flashbacks.

Posted (edited)

How about M. Night instead?


I honestly liked most of Man of Steel, then the whole thing came apart for me towards the end of the film. Kinda like Metropolis and how it's the world's largest parking lot now.

I wouldn't be surprised if this Batman Superman film turns out the same way. A subtitle they should add to the title is, "We're desperate to be viably compete against Marvel's movies".

Edited by Toadofsky
Posted (edited)
Next, Clark protects people. He doesn't haphazardly throw his opponents into buildings and oil tankers. He doesn't put people in danger by exposing them to unbelievable amounts of collateral damage. Superman is an amazing fighter, but he's not about the fight. He performs feats far beyond the capabilities of mortal men; feats that save lives, not put them in danger. Man of Steel's Superman showed very little concern for everything that was happening around him while fighting Faora and Zod, and I don't think that really jives at all with the character of Clark Kent.

This bothered me so much in Man of Steel. The whole city gets wrecked, possibly thousands of lives taken, yet Superman suddenly gets a conscience when one family is about to get burned by Zod's laser eyes and snaps his neck? WTF?! The movie's message is convoluted and confusing at best.

Edited by Cerrax

I thought Batman and Superman was about when Supergirl came to Earth and the comic was drawn by Michael Turner? They even made an animated movie adaptation.

I don't know, I don't like DC comics that much and I hate Superman, but I do like Batman.

So this movie fills me with conflicting feelings. I am interested in it, but at the same time I am not. :-?


I don't know, I don't like DC comics that much and I hate Superman, but I do like Batman.

Exactly why I serious have a case of "fuck no" with this idea. Superman (and Captain America) suck major imo.

Also the movie wouldn't be an origin story; Superman would be around already for a couple of years and the origin would be referenced in a couple of flashbacks.

So much this. I wish people would realize that the origin stories have been done to death, and I for one want the super hero universe to actually... idk... progress as a cohesive whole rather than "OH, HERE'S HOW BATMAN STARTED OUT, AND HERE'S HOW SUPERMAN STARTED OUT, AND HERE'S HOW THE FLASH STARTED OUT, AND HERE'S HOW THE X-MEN STARTED OUT, AND HERE'S HOW IRON MAN STARTED OUT (though the first Iron Man was excellent and I was fine with it as a first installment), AND HERE'S HOW SPIDER-MAN STARTED OUT *AGAIN*!! SO NOW THAT YOU GUYS KNOW WE CAN HURRY UP AND NEVER DELVE INTO THE COOL STORIES FROM THE COMICS, WHOOO"

if this does happen, I really hope it's not Nolan's Batman

he's just not the super-genius type you need to really compliment Supes, I feel

I'm going to disagree. They went with a more organic batman for Nolan (but they've already stated Nolan's isnt going to be the one they use. Much to most dismay imo.) They went with a Batman who used what he had in the timeframe he had. That Batman wasn't as much 'Detective' as 'Guardian' One of the key things here was that they wanted to give it an arc. Rather than an unending sequence. Which is why they made it look like Dent got killed by batman at the end of TDK Which runs COUNTER to ALL of the Canon Material for the record. When you're the #1 wanted criminal in Gotham its hard to go with Standard Operating Protocol.

I personally think that Nolan's Batman fit the time and Era of the world he was dropped into the one thing about THIS batman? He wanted it to end. Not knew it had to. He WANTED it to end. He believed in TDK that Harvey Dent was the solution to cleaning up the city. To Truly reviving Gotham. That's why he went so far as Bruce to back him up. He didnt want to BE Batman the rest of his life. That cant be said for the Canon version.

But in a straight up fight, where Canon Bruce has an IQ of the head of Star Labs. This guy makes up for it in improvisation. And i dont mean 'right tool right time' I mean just making it up as he went along. He wasnt thinking 200 steps ahead. You were lucky at times if he was thinking more than three or four. But that also made him unpredictable.

This project is a Gamble dont get me wrong. But as a launching point for Justice League. I cant argue it.

I thought Batman and Superman was about when Supergirl came to Earth and the comic was drawn by Michael Turner? They even made an animated movie adaptation.

That is one six issue storyline from a very long, 80+ issue comic book series called Superman/Batman.

There's no one story about Superman and Batman. The characters have existed together in the DC universe for over 70 years. There have been many ongoing books and mini-series about the two of them working together. In fact, the two characters are paired together so much that there's a special name for them when they work together: the World's Finest (and if you add Wonder Woman into the mix, they become known as the Trinity).

Also for all you people that think Superman sucks: never speak to me, ever.

Posted (edited)
That is one six issue storyline from a very long, 80+ issue comic book series called Superman/Batman.

There's no one story about Superman and Batman. The characters have existed together in the DC universe for over 70 years. There have been many ongoing books and mini-series about the two of them working together. In fact, the two characters are paired together so much that there's a special name for them when they work together: the World's Finest (and if you add Wonder Woman into the mix, they become known as the Trinity).

Also for all you people that think Superman sucks: never speak to me, ever.

World's Finest is also the name of the Animated Dual Episode/Movie that was the foundation imo for the Animated Justice League. Which is why i think that DC is going to take that Arc in plot at least in the basic footsteps. Batman movie -> Superman Movie > Teamup > enter another DC hero in some form (They introduced only ONE other JL hero in the animated series BEFORE JL hit. And that was Flash) > Justice League.

That i think is the plot arc they've decided on giving them the best chance to make it to the big screen using the characters most likely to gin up the interest. Batman Supes and Flash.

It'll be interesting to see how they cast JL since several characters will likely be cold entries.

The most likely






-----also likely-----


Aquaman (variant is unknown)

Green Lantern

Now here's where it gets interesting. They may choose NOT to go this direct route in which case i only consider 5 of that list locks. Given the route they apparently want to go with Arrow. Its not IMPOSSIBLE that they could call upon the actual Green Arrow straight from the TV show. Don't bet on it. But Arrow and Canary are also two important components of the JL. Anyway its all speculation but based off previous evidence and how DC/WB did it on the animated level it LOOKS like they're going to try the same thing again.

this game sounds like a missed opportunity when it really should have been "Superman VS. Goku".

THAT would sell.

uhhh...yeah about that.

It got done....well sort of. And i'm not talking about the 1980's magazine thing either.


These guys put four+ months of planning animation and voice acting into that one. Best one of that series so far. Would it sell sure but even without invoking pre-crisis superman it boils down to the fact Goku has limits. Aaaand superman apparently doesnt.

For the record i dont believe the result gets any different SSJ4 gogeta vs Blue Sun Superman.

Edited by Hyperion5182

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