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another try then.


LT: I'm cool on Ike here, but I need to know what specific installment of Fire Emblem that art is from before I can add it.

The others, I'd rather not see the images cut out, then placed on black backgrounds unless it looks seamless. Feel free to keep whatever background the original crop had. Please also let me know what game(s) they're from.


Ike for Arek:


A brighter Kratos for Frustration Raptor:


And Zenki and Chiaki Enno from Kishin Dōji Zenki: Batoru Raiden:


LT: Not feeling that chick; face just looks goofy. Others are a go, but I need to know what FE installment Ike is taken from. Gracias!



Doulifee's looks the best to fit the bill for what I am looking for, but the others are great too! I really hope all 3 get accepted so others can use them :)

*sitenote- larry, can i have the one doulifee made as a custom personal avatar if it is accepted?

LT: No, because you didn't make it yourself. Them's my rules. :lol: That's my cutoff, otherwise everyone would request 'em.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Ike for Arek:


LT: I need to know what FE installment Ike is taken from.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (source).

LT: Danke. Added.

I stumbled upon the true identities of the following avatars, erroneously labeled Kamikaze Kaitō Jeanne 1 and 2 (probably due to the KKJ initials). From Kareshi Kanojo no Jijō:

kkj_1.gifYukino Miyazawa

kkj_2.gifSōichirō Arima

LT: Always appreciative of any fixes. Thanks!

P.S. What of these guys?

LT: Yeah, I didn't forget that one. Just wanted to compare the WC2 ones with the old versions to see if I was feelin' em, but felt lazy at first. :lol:


LT: I'm cool on Ike here, but I need to know what specific installment of Fire Emblem that art is from before I can add it.

The others, I'd rather not see the images cut out, then placed on black backgrounds unless it looks seamless. Feel free to keep whatever background the original crop had. Please also let me know what game(s) they're from.

Fixed the BG, it's now a white one. Ike is from Path of radiance. All the others characters are from Phoenix Wright:

Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney

maya.gif judge.gif dick.gif

Phoenix Wright : Justice for all

pearl.gif pearl2.gif mia.gif

The name of each character is the filename itself. for the file called mia.gif, i can turn the black part white, it's part of her hairs [original gif here for reference]

LT: Hmm. Unless that's literally how the sprite was placed in the game, seems like the borders on Mia are really rough. If there was a way to smooth out the look of the black bordering so that it didn't look so pixelated, it would help. Can anyone else look into this also?

Well, as long as it's not egregiously large, let's see how Hammer Jack looks in a standard pose.

All right, here's Hammer Jack in two out of four weapon-whirling poses (the other two don't look so hot IMO):


Thoughts? I'm sure you don't want an influx of avatars that go above the limits, but I know you're not banning them outright since we already have "giants" like Metroid Fusion Samus* and Crono.

LT: Yeah, having a couple of outliers like those are the reason why I was open to this one in the first place. They're not ostentatiously larger than the standard avatars. So the first Hammer Jack is a go. Hard to see it on a white background, but I love that the lil' swoosh/motion line was left intact. It's a nice touch.

And since I feel sorry for The Coop, I tried my hand at recoloring the backgrounds of the 4 black sheep from Puzzle Bobble 2:


LT: I'll take the pink character with the pink background. Nice work. The rest are "nah". Man, if you can't get 'em to work, who can?

P: Haha, I appreciate your faith in me. Don't worry, there's still other background colors to try. I'll see what else may/may not work. In the meantime, here's the pink chick: http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d13/polo_83/puzzlebobble2_woolen.gif

* I didn't notice at first, but met_samus.gif is labeled as "Super Metroid: Samus"; it should be Metroid Fusion Samus (in her Fusion Suit).

LT: Glad to fix it.


Looks like I haven't been here in too long. So the 32x32 limit is gone now? I didn't find either of the giants you talked about, Polo, but I noticed the Super Metroid samus in there (42 pixels tall).

LT: It's my discretion, so, no, I don't plan on doing larger images often. I love the 32x32 size restriction and plan to keep with it in the major majority of cases.

Understood. I didn't think there were any exceptions, that's all. That means the Decap Attack dude (as well as several others) could be added (at your discretion, as always). At least now I know posting an avatar larger than 32x32 does not mean a 0% chance of acceptance without cropping. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm leaving for a while now you'd be seeing some big ones in this thread pronto, but now that's going to have to wait until August.

So the 32x32 limit is gone now?

I didn't say it was gone. Larry wanted to see Hammer Jack in his full pose (more than 32 pixels tall/wide). Whether he takes him as an exception to the rule I can't say.

I didn't find either of the giants you talked about, Polo, but I noticed the Super Metroid samus in there (42 pixels tall).

"Giants" = bigger than 32 pixels one or both ways. I was talking about this Crono:


and this Samus:


She's the Metroid Fusion Samus (but is currently mislabeled as from Super Metroid; THAT Samus is even bigger).

LT: Thanks for the extra Samus. Why not, eh? Other one was almost as tall anyway. The correction on the previous Samus is also appreciated!

P: No problem. But credit for the extra Samus goes to Gollgagh. :-P


LT: Hmm. Unless that's literally how the sprite was placed in the game, seems like the borders on Mia are really rough. If there was a way to smooth out the look of the black bordering so that it didn't look so pixelated, it would help. Can anyone else look into this also?

Made another try from a different angle:


LT: The thick black bordering on the sprite looks awkward on a light background, so let's try a black background.


Here are the three Liquid Kids avatars you liked...


LT: Need transparent backgrounds on these. Seems like some white/blank backgrounds got retained somoehow.

... and here's my next attempt for the final four from Puzzle Bobble 2...


LT: Whoaz. Haha! Gradients?


More colorations:




LT: Gradients?

And the pink chick (I posted it above after your comment as well):


LT: Yep, already grabbed it!

I also learned that the cat from the game is named Packy.

LT: Danke.


Re-uploaded the three Liquid Kids ones. I have no idea how a white background got on them, but they've got transparencies now. Also, are you suggesting gradients with your reply LT?

LT: Yes, sir. Big problem seems to be that no matter what color is used on those last three, part of the character's outfit or body gets absorbed into the background and it just doesn't look good. And some of the lightest colors are just too much of a contrast and don't work with the sprite as a good background.


LT: The thick black bordering on the sprite looks awkward on a light background, so let's try a black background.

another try , one with the black background and the other one i worked on the black border to reduce it.


LT: Let's go ahead with the black. What game in the series is this Mia image from?


Sure. Here's a go at it:




LT: I like the smoother gradient style of the middle column, the girl. Whether gradient or solid color, I'd say base the background color off their clothing, so purple for the vampy chick, turquoise for the girl and red for the robot. That seems like the best approach when looking at the other accepted avatar, that girl in the pink dress. She had a slightly darker pink as her background.


I suppose this is suitable to mention here...

I was browsing the avatars and noticed one titled ".hack//SIGN - Tsukasa" under anime. The character pictured is actually Elk from the .hack games. Also, Orca is not actually from .hack//SIGN but the .hack games. Probably the best thing to do would be to label them both as .hack.

I'm splitting hairs, but .hack is one of my favourite series. I like to see it correctly titled as much as possible. :3


I made a few sprites of Gooey from Kirby's Dreamland 3 for SNES by HAL Laboratory. Now add them so I can use them ;*



LT: I don't like the 3rd one with the tongue sticking out, but make the backgrounds of the other 3 transparent and we can run with them. If you like, you can pick one to be your custom/exclusive avatar.



it was requested so... atempt.

LT: Extremely blurry. You know that's no good. :-P

[*Fixed the blurr*]

LT: Hmmm... Well, it's definitely sharper, but the image itself doesn't really contrast well on the light background color of the forums. I wish I could say I was feeling this, but unfortunately I'm not. :'-(


I was complaining about there not being any avatars from Ultima, so I thought I'd put a few minutes of my time where my mouth was and do something about it. Here's some from Ultima VII: The Black Gate, by Origin Systems Inc.


From left to right: The Avatar (male), The Avatar (female), Lord British, Nystul

apparently I can only do 4 per post...

LT: Nystul is oogly, but that's not your fault. Good on the rest!

so here's Iolo, Shamino, and Dupre:


Sorry for the double post. Hope these are formatted ok.

LT: Yep. Looks cool.



Generic fighter - International Karate

© 1984 System 3/Archer Maclean

LT: Brighten up the color a bit and we can roll with this. Looks really dark compared to other avatars. Genesis ones end up like that too for whatever reason.


little fix: marioblock.gif

image must be 32x32 pixels and in gif format.

Now just be patient and wait for Liontamer to accept it or not.

LT: Nah. I'd use the image at regular size. Looks like it got enlarged and the image doesn't look sharp now.

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