djpretzel Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
ILLiterate Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 First off, Mazedude's remixes inspired me to start remixing (for better or worse). Also, I'm a chiptune fanatic, can't get enough of them. With that out of the way this remix is one hell of a mix It's gritty, the chiptune vibes are wonderful, and while it does have that low fi sound, the sequencing is no where near the chiptune level, and is actually insanely well done, as we are used to from Mazedude A BIG gg and download (P.S: "it will forever remain a mystery to me how 130 or so pixels worth of horizontal space suddenly became jihad-worthy" is one of the greatest quotes ever) Quote
Dhsu Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 One of the few BT tracks that still get regular play. I don't think the bass gets monotonous at all, I could totally listen to this mix 24/7. Quote
OverCoat Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 This rules. I don't see what's so controversial about it. Personally I think chiptunes should be given just as much consideration on OCR, and they ARE, in my mind, just as valid as any of the "higher quality" productions found on this site. After all, what is NES/C64/Genesis/SMS music? In fact, I admire the people who stick to system limitations, since that is very difficult to pull off while also making a short, catchy chip. How well do you think you can work with 2 squarewaves, a triangle, a sinewave, and white noise? However, NES chiptune arrangements of other NES chips seems kind of silly, however RushJet1 made a "Konami's Moon Base" song which is like a NES dancemix of Duck Tales or something, which was really cool. I don't know how well it would sit with the judge panel, but I certainly like it. Another application of chiptunes I see is for the newer, current generation or last generation [or next!] of video games or PC games. Say I made an Amiga chip arrangement of TES4: Oblivion Music by Jeremy Soule. I'm probably not going to, now, but just as an example, since it could be done. If I were to chip one of his songs, I would be taking sort of a "deconstructionist" approach to the audio, which seems perfectly valid to me. Especially since I'm working on a chipdisk of my own, full of covers of my favorite anime themes [hahaha I am such a nerd]. The only real problem I see is judging whether the chip was well-constructed or not, not how "artistically valid" it is. But anyway, those are my thoughts on chiptunes in general. I love the C64 sound, and Mazedude embodies it well in this mix. Is it available anywhere in .sid format? or maybe just .it, I don't know what Mazedude works in. Quote
apoc Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 I was pretty worried after reading the judges decision on this piece, but after listening to it, I surprisingly enjoyed it. I'm not knowledgeable about all the technical stuff that goes into these remixes, but I thought it was well done overall. On the other hand, I'm more concerned about the quality of the sound and the overall atmosphere that's created when I listen to these mixes. This mix sounded like it came from some highly advanced NES machine - so it's probably not something I'd put on my iPod . Quote
Cyan_Ide Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 An amazing addition to an amazing set of music. Great job to Mazedude, and thanks again to him as well as the rest of the artists and workers on the Bound Together project. Quote
Israfel Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Great stuff from one of my favorite mixers. I don't really think this should have been a controversy, but then, I think Espergirl (a Shnabubula chiptune; don't think it was ever submitted) is probably ocr-worthy too, so I'm apparently coming at this issue from a different angle. Quote
Dave Harris Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Yes, very engaging piece here. I am surprised it got accepted actually, what with the whole "retro sounds - GTFO our OCR" deal that has been quite present in the last year or so. I'm glad that it did though, and personally I'd love to hear more pieces like this pushing the envelope of what's acceptable on this site. This is quite a sparse track, doesn't tend to do a lot, it has to be said, though the things it does do seem to grab my attention. It ties in well with the quirkyness of the original soundtrack (much of which's material is also quite sparse and atmospheric). Personally I think chiptunes should be given just as much consideration on OCR, and they ARE, in my mind, just as valid as any of the "higher quality" productions found on this site. As do I. It's important to realise that technical prowess, in whatever field, isn't necessarily proportional to what the goal of this site is, which is providing enjoyable remixed game audio. I don't really think this should have been a controversy, but then, I think Espergirl (a Shnabubula chiptune; don't think it was ever submitted) is probably ocr-worthy too, so I'm apparently coming at this issue from a different angle. I think Shnab submitted it, from what I remember. It'sa-comin' hopefully! And it'll be ridiculously controversial if/when it does - moreso than the FF6 Figaro Chiptune, for sure. I said to him at the time, if they reject that one they may aswell put a great big "we don't accept chip mixes" badge on the site somewhere. Anyway, should be great fun! Hmm, I wonder how djp figured this was Suzuki and not Tanaka? Is this some sign that there's some hope in finding comprehensive track credits for this game? I'd jump for joy if that's indeed the case. Quote
DJ Skratch 'n' Sniff Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 I downloaded this song a long time ago off mazedude's site so, when I first saw it here, I was like, "Man, that's an old one." I hope he submits Homestar's Mystic Quest; it's off the heezy. Anywho, I don't see what the hell this chip tune negativity's all about. Good music is good music and ain't that enough? Figaro Chiptune is way more experimental than See Sixty Funk but, you know, whatever. Honestly, I think there may be a bit of elitism going on around here; submission standards have changed so much since 2000... I mean, I understand bandwidth issues and OC's surprising success but sigh... I guess that's why we have vgmix and Overlooked; because not everyone's good enough for Overclocked. Man, that was a lot of incoherant rambling; just forget I said anything at all. Mazedude rocks. Quote
OverCoat Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Anywho' date=' I don't see what the hell this chip tune negativity's all about. Good music is good music and ain't that enough?[/quote']I agree with you, but I think the main problem is that the objective of the site is to showcase high quality arrangements, and some probably feel that, since chiptunes have intentionally low audio quality, they don't belong here. But then, "quality" is pretty subjective. However, the judge panel sets a precedent for the site by allowing this song, so I think if a chiptune is very well composed [like this one], then it would most likely be passed. And, on top of that, read Darke's quote in the ReMix writeup he makes a good point and I think that quote seals the deal on this whole "chiptune controversy" thing. Quote
binster Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Bad ass. Being game music fans, I'd think that everyone was born with an inate love of old-skool beeps. I certainly am. This is great. It's complex at the core, with simplistic tones at the fore. It takes you by surprise. Binster Quote
zircon Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Keep in mind this is not technically a chiptune. It does not adhere to any chiptune standards I'm aware of. That is what made the decision harder for us. Quote
zircon Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 There's too much polyphony and there are sampled drums in there that don't sound 8bit. If a C64 could actually do everything in this song with no modifications I'd be shocked. Quote
The Orichalcon Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Wiki article on Chiptunes]Generally chip tunes consist of basic waveforms, such as sine waves, square waves and sawtooth or triangle waves, and basic percussion, often generated from white noise going through an ADSR envelope controlled synthesizer. I suppose that technically this adheres to the chiptune genre. Since Mazedude's shaped the mix around basic waveforms. However he's also added a lot of modern stuff that wouldn't be found in a chiptune, which would either reclassify it's genre, or make it a subgenre. How's "Mutated Chiptune" sound? Quote
OverCoat Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Coincidentally, I have an old Jesper Kyd mod called "Mutants Amiga" Though, it's still 4 channels... since it's a .mod and all. Quote
A-RoN Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Uh..huh. I'm into this considering it's artificial. I've always loved how Mazedude blends chiptunes with actual music. Check out his arrangement of Commander Keen 5. Quote
Fusilliban Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 So much drama in tha O.C.R. I recognize that this mix is a fine instance of its genre, but I don't like the genre, so I don't like the mix. Still glad to see it posted. Quote
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 I was a big fan of this song before it became an OCR. It's the most 'giving-the-horns-while-headbanging' worthy mutated chiptune there ever was and maybe even will be. It's just pure unadulterated awesome. More than a chiptune; check. Now a few words about the chiptune/quality debate... I have to say; if the mix of Sam's that was rejected was his Dueling Consoles - (mirror) cover of the Secret Of Mana Boss Theme (which I think it is) the judges are finally off their rockers. Mazedude's was about 70% chiptune 30% mutation and Sam's was closer to 80-20... Is that the only thing that kept it from passing? Sadly, I know this is likely not the case. Politics, as much as I'd like to pretend they weren't a factor, must've been. I thought Dueling Consoles was, and I say this precautiously, his best work... The song captivated me so much I blogged SOLELY about it 'melting my brain through my ears' shortly after I first heard it. It's not short on arrangement, quality, originality, it's source, it's not repetitive, and it's filled with content. Keeping that mix hosted only on his much less visible angelfire site is a travesty. FLAT OUT: I think the fans of Shna that don't hear the track are missing out, and I would be suprised if fans of Shna weren't around for the duration of OCR. I really didn't want to pick any fights here, I just feel this particular track is worth defending. His Terra cover of late, while similarly creative, is undeniably much closer to 100% chiptune; this being denied I fully understand. Quote
GrayLightning Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Now a few words about the chiptune/quality debate... I have to say; if the mix of Sam's that was rejected was his Dueling Consoles - (mirror) cover of the Secret Of Mana Boss Theme (which I think it is) the judges are finally off their rockers. Mazedude's was about 70% chiptune 30% mutation and Sam's was closer to 80-20... Is that the only thing that kept it from passing? Sadly, I know this is likely not the case. Politics, as much as I'd like to pretend they weren't a factor, must've been. I thought Dueling Consoles was, and I say this precautiously, his best work... The song captivated me so much I blogged SOLELY about it 'melting my brain through my ears' shortly after I first heard it. It's not short on arrangement, quality, originality, it's source, it's not repetitive, and it's filled with content. Keeping that mix hosted only on his much less visible angelfire site is a travesty. FLAT OUT: I think the fans of Shna that don't hear the track are missing out, and I would be suprised if fans of Shna weren't around for the duration of OCR. No, that wasn't the mix in question. Also what politics are you talking about? Like 90% of shna's stuff in the last year passes the panel with almost universal and HIGH praising YES - that's even after his removal, he still gets ALL yes votes. Before attacking us and flat out calling us biased, do a bit of homework first, eh? This isn't the thread to get into such discussions (PM us privately if you wish). This thread is to discuss Mazedude's new mix specifically. Quote
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Now a few words about the chiptune/quality debate... I have to say; if the mix of Sam's that was rejected was his Dueling Consoles - (mirror) cover of the Secret Of Mana Boss Theme (which I think it is) the judges are finally off their rockers. Mazedude's was about 70% chiptune 30% mutation and Sam's was closer to 80-20... Is that the only thing that kept it from passing? Sadly, I know this is likely not the case. Politics, as much as I'd like to pretend they weren't a factor, must've been. I thought Dueling Consoles was, and I say this precautiously, his best work... The song captivated me so much I blogged SOLELY about it 'melting my brain through my ears' shortly after I first heard it. It's not short on arrangement, quality, originality, it's source, it's not repetitive, and it's filled with content. Keeping that mix hosted only on his much less visible angelfire site is a travesty. FLAT OUT: I think the fans of Shna that don't hear the track are missing out, and I would be suprised if fans of Shna weren't around for the duration of OCR. No, that wasn't the mix in question. Also what politics are you talking about? Like 90% of shna's stuff in the last year passes the panel with almost universal and HIGH praising YES - that's even after his removal, he still gets ALL yes votes. Before attacking us and flat out calling us biased, do a bit of homework first, eh? This isn't the thread to get into such discussions (PM us privately if you wish). This thread is to discuss Mazedude's new mix specifically. Damn; thought that might've been the case. Sorry. I was pretty sure given the time frame... You're all back on your rockers again... ...for now... Quote
GrayLightning Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Now a few words about the chiptune/quality debate... I have to say; if the mix of Sam's that was rejected was his Dueling Consoles - (mirror) cover of the Secret Of Mana Boss Theme (which I think it is) the judges are finally off their rockers. Mazedude's was about 70% chiptune 30% mutation and Sam's was closer to 80-20... Is that the only thing that kept it from passing? Sadly, I know this is likely not the case. Politics, as much as I'd like to pretend they weren't a factor, must've been. I thought Dueling Consoles was, and I say this precautiously, his best work... The song captivated me so much I blogged SOLELY about it 'melting my brain through my ears' shortly after I first heard it. It's not short on arrangement, quality, originality, it's source, it's not repetitive, and it's filled with content. Keeping that mix hosted only on his much less visible angelfire site is a travesty. FLAT OUT: I think the fans of Shna that don't hear the track are missing out, and I would be suprised if fans of Shna weren't around for the duration of OCR. No, that wasn't the mix in question. Also what politics are you talking about? Like 90% of shna's stuff in the last year passes the panel with almost universal and HIGH praising YES - that's even after his removal, he still gets ALL yes votes. Before attacking us and flat out calling us biased, do a bit of homework first, eh? This isn't the thread to get into such discussions (PM us privately if you wish). This thread is to discuss Mazedude's new mix specifically. Damn; thought that might've been the case. Sorry. I was pretty sure given the time frame... You're all back on your rockers again... ...for now... We try. Quote
ubernym Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 Well, I can certainly see why there was such a debate over this piece. It's quite obvious that the arrangement is absolutely stellar. I'm not a big fan of chiptunes in general (mostly because they seem like a novelty genre), but this one is so well done and a fresh enough take on the original that I'm happy to add it to my collection. Edit: and I know it isn't technically a chiptune, but really, it sounds like a chiptune to me (and probably most people), so the description fits. Quote
Amayirot Akago Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 Teh Maze does it yet again! Brilliant work. Quote
PriZm Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 While I think this is brilliantly arranged, I can understand some of the judges reticences regarding this mix. The arrangement and sound structure sure is brilliant, but, considering this, this song gains absolutely NOTHING being lo-fi. I do not see the lo-fi charm here, just something brilliantly done with poor samples. Given the style of the song (repetitive, groove oriented), I would have liked a pounding bass line and drum. Panning is pretty good but synths could have been so much more interesting with a little more texture. The biggest gripe here is that I picture this song being very danceable, but the poor quality of the drum make it sound like a ultra hi-fi SNES song; the problem here being that, given the drum fills and all that shit, it could never play in a SNES game. So I like the structure and ideas of this a lot, but I think making it sound chiptunesque (it's obvious it's not an actual chiptune) is a very bad idea. Quote
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