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SZRC - The Sonic Zone Remix Competition 2014 [TheGuitahHeroe wins - complete ZIP available!]

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Presented by the OverClocked ReMix forums

TheGuitahHeroe wins! Congratulations!!

Current News

The Sonic Zone Remix Competition 2014 has now ended! Congratulations TheGuitahHeroe on your victory! Thanks to all the awesome artists who participated in the competition and thanks to everyone who supported & enjoyed the tournament!

Check out the additional bonus tracks and grab the entire competition zip file below!



Everyone's final assigned zones, game/soundtrack info, and source links are on this Roster Spreadsheet. Get your personalized bracket sigs here!




The Sonic Zone Remix Competition (SZRC) is an individual, single-elimination style tournament featuring two brackets: a Sonic Bracket and a Robotnik Bracket which will compete on alternating weeks. Each remixer will choose a Zone theme from one of the core Sonic the Hedgehog platformer games. This will be your theme for the entire tournament.

When the round beings, remixers will have one week to write a single “VS Remix”, that is, a remix combining the theme of their Zone and their opponent’s Zone.

When the round ends, a public voting period of one week will be conducted for each match-up. If you win the match-up, you’ll move on to the next round and make a new remix combining your theme and the theme of your new opponent. If you lose, you’re out. The last participant standing at the end of the competition is the winner!

Submissions & File Names

All entries must be sent to me (SuperiorX) by the round deadline via PM on the forums, with a link to a reliable host (i.e., Dropbox, box.com) for me to download your mix from. Please send me your submissions in 16bit, 44.1KHz WAV format. Do not send MP3s, I will encode MP3s myself.

If your song includes vocals, please also send me the lyrics for your song.

File names must be in the following format:

Artist - Title (Your Zone Theme & Opponent Zone Theme)


SuperiorX – Green City (Green Hill & Crisis City).wav

You do not need to put “Zone” in your mix name. Your artist name and mix title can be whatever capitalization you want but the Zone themes must be capitalized properly (e.g. Green Hill, not green hill). Properly formatted file names make it much easier for me to tag everything properly, which ensures good, consistent metadata on all the files that will be distributed to voters.

Voting Rules

Voting will take place in the SZRC Social Group. There will be a separate thread for each match-up in the social group. Voting instructions:

  • Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote. Use your OCR Forums account and join the social group to place your votes.
  • When voting, consider three things: how well the mix is made from a technical standpoint, the enjoyability of the mix, and—most importantly—how well the mix arranges both source tunes.
  • Post only the name of the ReMixer whose remix you are voting for in the voting thread.
  • Do not post reviews in the social group voting threads. I encourage people to post reviews, but please post any reviews here in the main competition thread.

  • You are required to vote in each match-up taking place during the round. If you don't, none of your votes will be counted for that round. This includes participants as well; you need to vote in your own match-up in addition to other match-ups.
  • You are required to make an actual decision between two competitors for each match-up; you cannot declare a draw or a tie. This will be counted as not voting and your other votes will not be counted.
  • Post only once in each voting thread.
  • Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct.


When does it start? What's the schedule look like?

The recruitment period will last 2 weeks and open on the weekend of January 10th, 2014. The Sonic Bracket first round will begin on January 26th, and subsequently mix the weeks of February 9th, February 23rd, and March 9th. The Robotnik Bracket first round will begin February 2nd, and subsequently mix the weeks of February 16th, March 2nd, and March 16th. The Final Round will begin on March 30th.

Which Sonic games are eligible?

  • Sonic the Hedgehog 1 & 2 (8-bit MasterSystem/GameGear)
  • Sonic Chaos (GameGear)
  • Sonic Triple Trouble (GameGear)
  • Sonic 1, 2, 3&K (Genesis)
  • Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis & Saturn soundtracks)
  • Sonic CD (Sega CD - JP & US soundtracks)
  • Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 (Dreamcast)
  • Sonic Advance 1, 2, 3 (GBA)
  • Sonic Rush & Sonic Rush Adventure (DS)
  • Sonic Heroes (PS2/Xbox/GC)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog (2006 – PS3/Xbox360)
  • Sonic Unleashed (PS3/Xbox360)
  • Sonic Colors (Wii)
  • Sonic 4 - Episodes 1 & 2 (DLC)
  • Sonic Lost World (Wii U/3DS)

Do I just pick a Zone theme then? Is it first-come first-serve?

I'll be doing a draft for Zone theme selection. When the recruitment period opens, please post a list of five Zone themes you're interested in claiming, in the order of preference. Once everyone posts their lists, I'll go through and assign everyone their first-pick, resolving any conflicts with a coin-toss and moving down the lists as necessary. You will only be assigned one Zone theme for the competition.

When listing your picks please post the Zone title AND the game it is from: Angel Island (Sonic 3).

If necessary, also please specify the system/soundtrack. For example, Sonic CD has a US and JP soundtrack. Both are eligible. Someone could pick Tidal Tempest (US) and someone else could pick Tidal Tempest (JP). The same is true for Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis or Saturn).

Can I collaborate with another ReMixer on one of my songs?

Yes, as long as you, the participant, is still the primary mixer on the song. That means you need to do the bulk of the arrangement, sound design, production, etc. Having someone contribute vocals or an instrument solo would be acceptable. The contributor can be another remixer in the compo, or someone not involved in the compo.

What about Boss themes/Special Stage themes/Title themes?

Sorry, but those aren’t Zone themes. Themes have to be from one of the main zones/stages in the game.

What about other Sonic games, like racing and puzzle games?

Sorry, but the compo is limited to “core” Sonic platformer games. Any spinoffs like racing, puzzle, fighting, crossover games are not allowed. See the approved games list.

What if the Zone I choose has slightly different themes in Act 1, Act 2, etc.?

When you choose a Zone theme, you can use all variations of that Zone’s theme from any of the Acts. Some Sonic games have slightly different themes in Act 1 versus Act 2. So for example, if someone chooses Hydrocity Zone, they (and their opponent) can use both Act 1 & Act 2 sources in their mix if they want.

In Sonic CD, a ReMixer would be able to utilize the Present, Past, Good Future & Bad Future sources as well. The one exception to this would be if someone picked a Sonic CD US theme they could not use the Past theme, because in the US soundtrack the Past theme is the same as in the JP soundtrack. So that Past source would be reserved for the JP soundtrack only.

Check out the music from The Sonic Zone Remix Competition 2012

Edited by SuperiorX
Complete compo zip available!

I'm definitely interested, but not in taking part; music wise I appear to be in Sonic burnout thanks to the TSSMA12 and the track done for Temporal Duality. I will however:

* Have the doors wide open for anyone who wants me in one of their tracks (case in point: Liquid Metal 2 :lol:)

* Will air tracks from it on SEGA Mixer Drive during the compo's duration. Like last year's, we are itching to see what will come out of this one.

Good luck guys :)

I'm interested.

So you're saying that I get one zone and I keep that zone... does that mean I'm competing with just one mix or what?

No, it just means that that is the Zone theme you'd be remixing with for the entirety of the tournament. Each round you will mix your theme with your opponent's zone theme. So for example, say you have Green Hill Zone and your first opponent has Chemical Plant. You would write a mix combining both themes into one song. So would your opponent. Then there would be a one week public voting period. If you win, you'd move on to the next round. You would still have Green Hill, but in the next round you'd write a new mix combining it together with whatever your new opponent's theme is. Then voting. Continue.

Take a look at the bracket images in the first post of the SZRC 2012 thread and it'll make more sense.

No, it just means that that is the Zone theme you'd be remixing with for the entirety of the tournament. Each round you will mix your theme with your opponent's zone theme. So for example, say you have Green Hill Zone and your first opponent has Chemical Plant. You would write a mix combining both themes into one song. So would your opponent. Then there would be a one week public voting period. If you win, you'd move on to the next round. You would still have Green Hill, but in the next round you'd write a new mix combining it together with whatever your new opponent's theme is. Then voting. Continue.

Take a look at the bracket images in the first post of the SZRC 2012 thread and it'll make more sense.

makes sense, got it.

I will also accept Casino Night Zone, but only the 1 player version. Preferably in obnoxious a cappella format


That would actually be pretty funny since I was casino night 2P last time


Interest = yes.

So many good zone themes I'd be interested in this time around, I don't know WHAT TO PICK. I'll probably pick another one from Sonic 3D Blast Genesis, its da best.

Or maybe Wild Canyon...

I dunno how much time I'll actually have to devote to this since its my last semester of school coming up plus I'll be working and stuff but WHATEVER.

Sanic > Not Sanic

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