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SZRC - The Sonic Zone Remix Competition 2014 [TheGuitahHeroe wins - complete ZIP available!]

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Garp - ...

I realize I can't really comment much on source usage because I haven't actually PLAYED many Sonic games, so I'm not too familiar with the music.

I also apologize if anyone is offended, that's not my intent. I feel like I'd be doing you all a great disservice if I didn't give honest feedback. Good bunch of tracks, 'Buttniks


yOur'Re GonNa GeT YoUrS PhoNEtiC!! BeFoRe ThiS iS OveR!!

Thanks for the comments. About the drums are you saying they were mixed too weak or the sounds themselves are too weak ? It was a custom SSD Kit layered with an EDM kit with the EDM kit being reverbed seperately. Both were then sent to a Parallel Compression Aux where I believe I used a compressor that imitates a Urei 1176 in all button mode. Can't remember for sure though if I used that one or another one i'll have to take another look at it.

Posted (edited)

Ok, song subbed, time for short "reviews". Names in bold got my vote.

Tuberz vs Sterling:

Tuberz that was epic. There's room for improvement in the mixing side tho. Sterling, that was just weird.

Garpoc vs Dusk:

Close matchup as expected, went with Garpoc cuz his song flowed better for me, I liked how it felt each idea took its time to develop properly in the arrangement.

TheGuitahHeroe vs Eino:

Closest matchup of the round for me. Guitah's was full of energy, good arrangement ideas. I dig Eino's 70s style rock arrangement too, very authentic. very very though choice.

therex vs BrothaDom:

therex had a decent showing, tho the sounds used could have been better. Brotha needed way more energy than what's there in those vocals to drive the song. Gotta go Ham.

Flex vs Shaggy:

A shame that Shaggy had to go against such an epic song from Flex, cuz I actually enjoyed his entry a lot. Smooth, dude.

urdailywater vs BlackPanther:

I would've gone with BlackPanther if he finished his. Very nice groove and I'ma sucker for groovy 303s. urdaily had a solid showing.


It's Pete, not much to say, very solid arrangement and funky as hell.

Chernabogue vs Arceace

Not a bad showing from Chernabogue the compression gets kinda crazy at some points tho, but I appreciate the work that went into the arrangement, not easy to translate stuff like sonic to this genre. Arce had a very good song as well, with clean production.

Edited by Sir_NutS
Posted (edited)

Arceace - First of all how the hell do you pronounce your handle? Nobody was really sure during the OCR Talkback for Temporal Duality, and I'm sure we all sounded like a bunch of dummies :P

The way that I originally intended it to be pronounced is Are-Cease. ("Are" as in a pirates favorite letter, and "Cease" as in cease and desist.)

However, I have no problem going by my real name either. Feel free to call me whatever you guys want! :razz: I really only have the name Arceace because It's a name that's almost guaranteed not to be taken when I register for a website.

Edit: I've been reading some of the feedback you guys have been leaving for me, and I just wanted to thank everyone for being constructive and optimistic! It means a lot to me that you are willing to go out of your way to help newbies like myself.

Edited by Arceace
The way that I originally intended it to be pronounced is Are-Cease. ("Are" as in a pirates favorite letter, and "Cease" as in cease and desist.)
Thanks! All this time it's been "Arse-Ace" in my head, which hardly seemed intentional.

It always both depresses and encourages me when I see posted remixers refer to themselves as newbies. On one hand, it reminds me that I don't have to be perfect to get posted, but on the other, it reminds me that even when I do reach that watershed, which seems a long way away right now, I'll still have a long way to go.

Last night's SEGA Mixer Drive is now up on RadioSEGA Media. Go grab it! :)

Quickly becoming my favorite show! :)I was able to catch a little of the show yesterday but I wasn't able to get into irc.

It was kind of flattering and somehow a little cryptic hearing Rexy talk about me first appearing at DoD. :) For the record, I started doing DoD because it was the only way I was going to see myself on the front page of anything!(Don't bother looking them up, all those remixes suck.) :)I've really been a huge OCR fan years before that!

Was it me or did Tuberz's remix have a few sections where it sounded awesome with all that extra compression?

Thanks for the comments. About the drums are you saying they were mixed too weak or the sounds themselves are too weak ? It was a custom SSD Kit layered with an EDM kit with the EDM kit being reverbed seperately. Both were then sent to a Parallel Compression Aux where I believe I used a compressor that imitates a Urei 1176 in all button mode. Can't remember for sure though if I used that one or another one i'll have to take another look at it.

I'll address this in just a sec, but first, I gotta we've had a TON (aha! get it? because Theory of N is running it. but that's not funny) of drops on the SMRPG album, if any of y'all guys want/are able to do a track for it in the next couple months, Dustin would really appreciate it!

For the record, I started doing DoD because it was the only way I was going to see myself on the front page of anything!(Don't bother looking them up, all those remixes suck.) :)

Oh come on Gar, there's a handful of people at RS particularly on the RPG-following front that really enjoyed your treatment for Skies of Arcadia on there; one person in particular would rather listen to yours than zircon's :P

Addressing the 'extra compression', the mixer for SAM Broadcaster (the software that all DJs on RS use) generally deals with compression through the Gated AGC box. I brought the Gain level down to 3db (original value was 15) on one deck after similar criticisms when OneUp checked out the show a while back, but must've forgotten to do so on the OTHER deck. This'll take some time to figure out, but let's see what happens from next week xD

Thanks for the comments. About the drums are you saying they were mixed too weak or the sounds themselves are too weak ? It was a custom SSD Kit layered with an EDM kit with the EDM kit being reverbed seperately. Both were then sent to a Parallel Compression Aux where I believe I used a compressor that imitates a Urei 1176 in all button mode. Can't remember for sure though if I used that one or another one i'll have to take another look at it.

OK, so yeah. I think it's just that particular snare sound feels weak, the processing isn't necessarily bad. Another thing is that the snare's fundamental doesn't feel very strong (and also seems a little high, which can make it hard to get it to sound more powerful), so it might help to boost that in the EQ just to make it more present. You might also want to try playing with the compressor's attack, unless there's not a compressor on the snare chain (but there should be :P ). Even if you're using parallel compression, most drum samples still need compression for timbre shaping. I think

is a good example of lighter 80s electronic drums. They're a little more laid back and less boomy than a lot of other 80s drums (*cough*hairmetal*cough*), but they're still very snappy and present, if that makes sense
OK, so yeah. I think it's just that particular snare sound feels weak, the processing isn't necessarily bad. Another thing is that the snare's fundamental doesn't feel very strong (and also seems a little high, which can make it hard to get it to sound more powerful), so it might help to boost that in the EQ just to make it more present. You might also want to try playing with the compressor's attack, unless there's not a compressor on the snare chain (but there should be :P ). Even if you're using parallel compression, most drum samples still need compression for timbre shaping. I think
is a good example of lighter 80s electronic drums. They're a little more laid back and less boomy than a lot of other 80s drums (*cough*hairmetal*cough*), but they're still very snappy and present, if that makes sense

I stopped worrying about setting snare compression once I started replacing it with saturation. I just turn it up a smidge but it might be the crappier Dimension Pro EDM snare overpowering the SSD one. That one wasn't saturated.

Thanks! i'll get to fixing it hopefully before the start of the next round!


Quick reviews:

Tuberz - Nice intro! I love the mood of the song. Mixing is a bit muddy, the rhytm guitar is a bit drowned and many of the synths seem to have way too many high frequencies. Arrangement is very very cool though, so the production is forbidden :razz: Nice guitar playing too, even if the lead guitar is maybe a bit too wet.

Sterling - I don't feel the bass notes fit with the synth melodies much in this song. You should try to add percussion to this and keep practicing!

Garpocalypse - Very cool! It sounds so 80's. Production is nice, I like how the drums sound. Synths are a bit weaker though (the bass could be punchier for example), they sound like not very good presets. The small guitar notes you throw everywhere are very cool. Arrangement is cool though it feels a tad too long.

Dusk - Wow, orchestra! I don't feel Sonic music is the best kind of music to do orchestra but you did a good job here. The main horn/flute/whatever it is sounds fake and thin... Strings sound good though. Piano sounds strange, the delay and processing aren't natural sounding for an orchestra song. Still, it's a nice song!

GuitahHeroe - It might be just me, but that snare sound kills me :cry: Otherwise, the soundscape is cool, the synth strings are nice. Section beggining at 1:52 is particularly good! I have to say I don't feel Death Egg is that well implemented into the song, feels a bit medley-ish.

Eino - Something is odd with the mixing here, sounds like if I had placed a radio inside a box or something like that :razz: Snare sounds very mechanical too... On the positive things, the arrangement is cool. I like the sound of the guitars and the bass and the mood of the song.

therex - Intro synth made me think of Proto Man haha. I don't really like the "rhytm" synth you picked, it is very rough. Leads are a bit soft in volume in the intro too. Holy crap the bass is loud in the break. I believe this isn't really my style of music but the arrangement is interesting at least.

BrothaDom - I don't feel the piano and synth in the intro blend well. Voice is cool but it sounds like you were bored while recording! I have to agree with the criticism of the backing, it sadly ruins the song since it is very chaotic (in a negative way).

shaggy - Sax intro <3 I didn't feel the samples hurt this song, it sounds good to me. Can't really criticize much, other than say that I didn't like all the chord progressions (for example, the one at 0:13).

Flexstyle - This is very solid. I don't really feel like I should criticize the production in this but the vocal processing didn't sound good to me in the lower notes. It's a small nitpick though, since this is very nicely produced.

urdailywater - Nice kick sound! At times the soundscape feels a bit scarce but the arrangement is do damn stylish that it doesn't matter :-P Nice job.

BlackPanther - Smooth intro. Sadly, this is unfinished and has like no interaction between the sources...

Phonetic Hero - Nice! Very powerful sounding. Those orchestra hits make me think of Mega Man X :-P (maybe the style just reminds me of your songs for the Maverick Competition).

Chernabogue - Cool sounding intro. Percussion is a bit too loud though. I like the blend of the bass with the orchestral elements. Nice song!

Arceace - Nice buildup intro. Synth work is very good and the song is energetic. Good job :razz:

Nice songs this round!

Now... To finish my song!

OK, so yeah. I think it's just that particular snare sound feels weak, the processing isn't necessarily bad. Another thing is that the snare's fundamental doesn't feel very strong (and also seems a little high, which can make it hard to get it to sound more powerful), so it might help to boost that in the EQ just to make it more present. You might also want to try playing with the compressor's attack, unless there's not a compressor on the snare chain (but there should be :P ). Even if you're using parallel compression, most drum samples still need compression for timbre shaping. I think
is a good example of lighter 80s electronic drums. They're a little more laid back and less boomy than a lot of other 80s drums (*cough*hairmetal*cough*), but they're still very snappy and present, if that makes sense

if you wanna hear more about 80s snares, stay tuned for next round :-D

Phonetic Hero - Nice! Very powerful sounding. Those orchestra hits make me think of Mega Man X :-P (maybe the style just reminds me of your songs for the Maverick Competition).

Haha, good ear. Those ARE the hits from MMX, I used a soundfont for them as well as all the Genesis stuff (bass, leads, harmony stuff). All the instrumentation in my track was 100% free aside from that modulating pulse lead, which was made in about 5 seconds in PoiZone.

if you wanna hear more about 80s snares, stay tuned for next round :-D

I've got 3 bottles of hair gel and my high collar jacket, I'm ready

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