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I would have never thought of Mr. Wright being a playable character!!!

And the Skyscraper move, thats just sweet!!!

Not playable - he's an assist trophy.

And so we witness the death of a dream. :razz:

And so we witness the death of a dream. :razz:




My heart just splitted in two:cry:




My heart just splitted in two:cry:

Read. It's good for the heart.

1)Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so let them voice it. You complaining about their "issues" about the updates makes you worse than them. Shut the fuck up.

2) You aren't cthonic, so stop signing your damn posts.

also lloyd irving as smash character plzkthx :o

Ok, so, I hate to respond to this here, but oh well.

1) I totally understand that everyone is entitled to an opinion. That's cool. What I was referring to in my post was that someone had flamed that dude for ctrl-c/ctrl-v'ing his exact post from the Gamefaqs boards, which I think is kind of a dumb thing to do. At least re-form your sentences, if not your thoughts. So, when I read the same post I had read on GF's, I lol'ed. Unfortunately, the person's post I was referring to has since been removed.

2) Why does anyone care about me signing my posts? It's an endearing character trait; I do it everywhere, not just on these boards. Like you said, it's a free world, so deal with it.

As for Dr. Wright... I wonder if he'll always pop up the same set of skyscrapers, or if it will be different each time. I think it'd be cool to see an office building one time and a business district another. Maybe they could do differing amounts of knockback and damage; the taller the building the more damage it does, but the shorter the building, the more ground it covers.

--Jack Kieser


2) Why does anyone care about me signing my posts? It's an endearing character trait;

That, my friend, is very much up for debate right now.

Good rule of thumb: When you are the only one that considers something you do as "an endearing character trait", it's not.

That, my friend, is very much up for debate right now.

Good rule of thumb: When you are the only one that considers something you do as "an endearing character trait", it's not.

Wow, never actually thought I'd ever get into a forum debate like this...

If you read (and quoted) on, you would have noticed that I said I carried it over from everything I write. I do it off this board, as well, like in e-mails. So... if you're willing to disregard everyone who knows me personally in real life, then yes, you're right. You would all determine whether it is a character trait or not. But you don't, so... yeah.

This is a Smash Bros. thread. Next time you guys want to complain to me, do it in a PM.

I do believe the current subject is the good Dr.?

--Jack Kieser

PS... There, I'm sorry I made a mistake in the choosing of my words; I changed it. It's a Smash Bros. THREAD. Doesn't change the fact that you don't rule the Internet. ;)

And Sir_NutS... I'm glad you heeded my request. Your respect really means a lot. [/sarcasm]

Wow, never actually thought I'd ever get into a forum debate like this...

If you read (and quoted) on, you would have noticed that I said I carried it over from everything I write. I do it off this board, as well, like in e-mails. So... if you're willing to disregard everyone know knows me personally in real life, then yes, you're right. You would all determine whether it is a character trait or not. But you don't, so... yeah.

This is a Smash Bros. forum. Next time you guys want to complain to me, do it in a PM.

I do believe the current subject is the good Dr.?

--Jack Kieser

-These are not smash bros forums, it's just a thread.

-signing your posts is retarded, that's what the signature section is for, unless, of course, you're cht, which is not the case.

-Internet is serious, serious business. Learn.


Wow. I LOVE the new update, not because i care about it (nice, give's us a sense of how obscure they are willing to go. that's it) but because since then i've witnessed:

Some 13 year olds really getting upset because they are not getting the full scoop on a game with a release date six months away, and a real life unmod style discussion about someone signing his post and how stupid it is.

So, massive lolz. It's great to see my need for SSBB opinions, internet drama, and someone being insulted by a gamedeveloper because said developer revealed an item all rolled into one thread.

I... i lurk to much.

And i miss unmod...

And..and, i LOVE you guys.

(And really hope to god some of you aren't real :D )


About Loyd Irving, i'm not giving it even a small chance. But damn, that WOULD be nice though.

Ahwell, with the inclusion of docter wright, everything seems possible. Inconsequential, stupid update that he is

--Nik (aw, lemme try it once, feels good :D


I hope that tomorrow, they reveal that Charizard is still inside a pokeball.

I'd love to see a discussion about that.

What i'm curious about is the level of extra content. Melee had an insane amount of content, which i loved. Curious if they can improve on that. Individual adventure modes, real endings, unlockable art, costumes, give everyone their one souledge and calibur weapon, and...

oh wait

Quick question: Is the Perfect Control video done with some sort of assistance?

Um. Yes. Notice the frame shuffler at the top. The game was pretty much slowed down to frame by frame and then put together. It's all possible, but near impossible to be that precise 100% of the time.

Hmmm.... I should really see if I can do that perfect Fox waveshine where he's changing his face direction.


So I got the new EGM in today. Rumor Mill column says, and I quote:

Here's a Super Smash Bros. Brawl nugget for you: I discovered the game will use the popular physics engine Havok (used in games like Crackdown).

So greet this with the normal skepticism that accompanies rumors, especially SSBB rumors, but keep in mind that Sakurai has touted the improved physics and that EGM's Rumor Mill is fairly selective and usually right. Not to say they don't make mistakes, but they've got a pretty good column.


Anyway, I hope they don't give away too many secrets - I still want this game to be a surprise when it comes out.

The thing is, you can stop reading here and stop watching the Smash site right now, but then there's still that bit of info you want to know that will really sell the game to you, but you don't want to know the info that would spoil it so you don't want to buy the game anymore.

When you realize the info you're reading will spoil it, it's already too late :)

So maybe a good question is: what bit of info is it that we need right now that would satisfy our needs completelt but not ruin the surprise?


Ha, release date n_n


As much as that would be nice... I really can't find it in myself to have the hope that Nintendo will give us a release date, even at minE3. Maybe a new trailer or something, but I just have this sneaking suspicion that Nintendo will give Brawl's release date separately, maybe when there isn't anything else to take away attention.

...even though all focus would be on that anyway. Meh.

--Jack Kieser

What i'm curious about is the level of extra content. Melee had an insane amount of content, which i loved. Curious if they can improve on that. Individual adventure modes, real endings, unlockable art, costumes, give everyone their one souledge and calibur weapon, and...

oh wait

Ah the truth comes out, even in sarcasm. I too wouldlike SSB to be mopre like Soul Calibur in terms of extra content. It would be better than the crappy trophy collecting of Melee.

I've got an idea/prediction.

Assist trophies get unlocked as you acquire them as trophies, ssbm style, in the single player.

Just a thought.

Seems more likely you'll simply encounter them as you fight, multiplayer, singleplayer, whatever. If there's a special "item select" for the assist trophies, chances are it'll be hidden by default (as tradition has dictated). Will this hypothetical "trophy select" screen contain all the trophies in the game, or only the ones you've encountered? Or will you unlock the trophy select screen BY encountering all the assist trophies?? If this screen does exist, will it have info on the trophies like the SSBM trophies? If so, approximately how big will the font be? 8 pixels tall? 9? 22? I'm personally hoping somewhere in the range of 11 to 11.4, but I'm not about to get my hopes up =(

Also, the guy who mentioned Mike Jones (from Star Tropics) - indeed, he'd be a great assist trophy. Heck, he'd make a great playable character with a fully awesome set of moves from the original game(s); seems the only thing to stop him is lack of popularity... that didn't stop Game & Watch though! :roll: Bah, I'm still pessimistic.

My prediction for stuff they'll release: the thing that Jack just said about the release date sounds likely. As for the stuff we all want to know about (character list etc.), such as Sonic... chances are they'll release that in a trailer, rather than a daily update. As for the updates, I'm hoping soon they'll give the shpiel on Zero Suit Samus (separate character or not?). I'm also looking forward to Metroid stages and Samus moves, Wario moves, Metaknight moves.... I'd be happy with a complete list of (non-hidden) characters and moves right about now =p I'd be happy if the kept a lot of the Final Smashes secret though, have them blow you away first-hand in the game ^_^

To the angry kid who couldn't handle today's update: if you weren't joking... just relax! :) NOW!! ;-)

I'd say "don't worry, tommorow's update is going to be better!", but chances are I'd be lying. To be honest, that was a great update. Obscure characters ahoy!

As for the whole "extra content" topic... I'd be completely content with the amount of stages/items/characters in Melee (less even), so long as they have a whole crapload of assist trophies. I much more care about the quality of extra stuff - if the extra stages aren't fun, if the extra characters are clones, if the assist trophies are totally lame... then it's just not worth it. If all the content gets as much care as Mr. Wright over there, looks like Brawl will be chock-full of quality stuff =]

I'm hoping for some nice single-player though... I want beating to it feel like it needs skill, rather than luck (often Melee depends on luck for me, as I often fall to my death out of the blue :oops:). Things like unique character entrances, unique character endings, etc. would be a bonus. Holy crap, they could have different bosses for each character, tailored to each character's fighting style for maximum fun-ness! That Master Hand's boring old predictable moves just don't cut it anymore.... Samus could fight one of the many classic Metroid bosses, Fox would be able to literally kick giant-Andross-face's face in the face, and Bowser could go up for a final clash against Mario... and of course, Kirby would fight Marx. Ahhh, we can only dream.......



To the angry kid who couldn't handle today's update: if you weren't joking... just relax! :) NOW!! ;-)

I'd say "don't worry, tommorow's update is going to be better!", but chances are I'd be lying. To be honest, that was a great update. Obscure characters ahoy!


I was partly joking, but in a way I was excited about using him... I really didn't notice the item icon on the top-right corner :sad:

Oh well...

About tomorrow's E3. It sucks that Brawl won't be in it :sad:


Nonono not you, the other guy :oops: Should've been more specific, heh.


Here we go:

I am disapointed.

I am BEYOND disapointed.


I can't believe that Sakurai put something so RIDICULOUS-looking in the game. A man with two giant orbs of green hair...and a Hitler moustache. Dear GOD' date=' so LAME.

I do not want to play some kiddy cartoony childish game made for little babies.

This information isn't exciting. It doesn't impact gameplay in very significant way. It's not interesting at all, it's just tiny inconsequential info. Another minor, lame update of no importance.

Sakurai, you are seriously making me angry. Show us something that actually matters.[/size']

Is that sarcasm? Please tell us, so we can unscrupulously judge you!

Originally Posted by anne amère viewpost.gif

I am disapointed.

I am BEYOND disapointed.


I can't believe that Sakurai put something so RIDICULOUS-looking in the game. A man with two giant orbs of green hair...and a Hitler moustache. Dear GOD, so LAME.

I do not want to play some kiddy cartoony childish game made for little babies.

This information isn't exciting. It doesn't impact gameplay in very significant way. It's not interesting at all, it's just tiny inconsequential info. Another minor, lame update of no importance.

Sakurai, you are seriously making me angry. Show us something that actually matters.


I think that was a lil too much... I mean the update wasn't that bad... I think that the one before yesterday's was far worse (imo)


I can't believe that Sakurai put something so RIDICULOUS-looking in the game. A man with two giant orbs of green hair...and a Hitler moustache. Dear GOD' date=' so LAME.

I do not want to play some kiddy cartoony childish (blah blah blah... edited for content by Strike911 because of incessant bitching)[/quote']

uhh... you realize there's a yellow cartoon mouse with red cheeks that only says "pikachu" over and over, right? Last time I checked Smash Bros wasn't the posterchild for M-rated hootinannies that you're so badly yearning for.

Oh... you know that. Ah, okay, just checking. Kthnx.

May I suggest the PS3 thread?



Edit: yay bumper!!!


We have known about the bumper for eight years.

This news is as old as could possibly be.

I would DEFINATELY prefer to learn something NEW instead of about some old stupid item nobody cares about.

Not to mention, this information isn't exciting. It doesn't impact gameplay in any very significant way. It's not interesting at all, it's just tiny inconsequential info. Another minor, lame update of no importance.

Sakurai, you have failed hard tonight.

"den y do u keep checkin 4 updaits lol"

On the 1/10000000000 chance it will actually be something relevant.

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