MechaFone Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Luke Skywalker confirmed. Haha yes I can see his final smash. The screen freezes, we pan in on Luke, we hear Ben say 'Use the force, Luke.' He raises his hand and force throws everyone off the stage. Jedi Mind Tricks +5
cobaltstarfire Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 It makes me think they won't announce them or any of the unlockables. The original four unlockables were unlockables in Melee. So, I gotta wonder--are all of these announced characters just the starting characters? I wouldn't think so, maybe I was hallucinating but I though Sakarui had mentioned something about debating whether to have certain characters at E for everyone cause they weren't starting characters. Or maybe I just construed that... Or maybe I was just dreaming I dunno.
Kiyosuki Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 I know its late but isn't that Fire Emblem song godly? I'm glad to finally be able to hear it clearly without the banshee women at E for All. Edit: Yes I'm slow. lol Yes I remember that. The old Japanese game commercials were great. I mean as cheesy as it is how could you not want to buy that game after seeing that? I think the song totally fits the FE feel. And remember too all stages will have multiple songs that are selectable I think so there will probably be a more up beat battle song from FE in there somewhere.
Antipode Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 tomorrow's update - new item: stop watch That's just what I was thinking.
SoloGamer Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Quick, compile a list of games that have a stopwatch!!I'll start: - StarTropics - Legend of Zelda - Super Mario Bros. 2 Castlevania Simon Belmont confirmed.
Neo Samus Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 I was going crazy at first trying to figure out why everyone was saying stop watch, but I finally looked closer at the pics and saw the watch. That is awesome. but the real question is......what does it really do???
Brushfire Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 It is obvious what the stopwatch will do: It will start a timer from 5 on someone you throw it at and once that timer reaches 0 it's an instant KO. Complete with a massive explosion. At least that is what I hope.
Neo Samus Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 For all we know it could have the opposite effect on someone/everyone. Like it could speed up the game play.
Brushfire Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 That would be interesting but not nearly as fun as the time bomb idea. Think Halo's sticky grenades.
Fb=MC2 Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 the updates are getting pretty lame. anyway I think the characters in the updates are part of the starting line-up and any unlockable character will not be announced. But they should have amaterasu and megaman.
Bigfoot Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 the updates are getting pretty lame. anyway I think the characters in the updates are part of the starting line-up and any unlockable character will not be announced. But they should have amaterasu and megaman. Less exciting updates are to be expected now since they delayed the game.
Steben Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 It is obvious what the stopwatch will do: It will start a timer from 5 on someone you throw it at and once that timer reaches 0 it's an instant KO. Complete with a massive explosion. At least that is what I hope. What game is that from? In Super Mario Bros. 2, StarTropics, and the original Zelda, the stopwatch just froze all the enemies onscreen. That'd be my guess - freeze time so that you can (a) deal more damage for free or ( run away to get out of danger or grab another item. Think Hiro Nakamura from Heroes.
Bigfoot Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 My take on the stop watch is pretty simple. Maybe it'll work like this: When used, everything(items, stage movement, music) except the user will be frozen in place for a few seconds(lets say 5 for example). The user will then have that time to beat the crap out of them. Players being hit won't be moved at all(think Ice Climbers glitch) until time runs out. Or here's a theory for fun: Think of the timer on a Mario game when it gets low. The music speeds up, then every player has 10 seconds. When time runs out, the player with the higher % dies
BardicKnowledge Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 I think the stopwatch will trigger slow-motion gameplay for a certain period of time -- people seemed to like the mode in Melee, so why not throw some randomness into the main combat?
Fb=MC2 Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 I think it's just going to stop time for everyone except the person who used it for about 5 or 10 sec.s like in mario 2. But I still say the most fun item would be the cane of pacci from minish cap.
Alpine Flame Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 I think it's just going to stop time for everyone except the person who used it for about 5 or 10 sec.s like in mario 2.But I still say the most fun item would be the cane of pacci from minish cap. And that would... flip players? Or maybe the floor underneath them, launching them in the air. Also, Belmont for Brawl. Im starting to consider holding my breath until the game comes out.
Triad Orion Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Which Belmont? Simon? Trevor? Julius? Richter? ...Hell, any of 'em, really. XD
Aninymouse Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 So long as they use a Vampire Killer whip, who cares?
Dexie Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Which Belmont? Simon? Trevor? Julius? Richter? ...Hell, any of 'em, really. XD Juese. Seriously, though, I think Simon would be best. More iconic than the others, IMO.
!Nekko! Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 I think 5 seconds would be too long. Maybe 2 or 3 seconds. I'm not looking forward to this though, if it is mass effect. Also, theres a stop watch in animal crossing. I forget what it does, though. I think it's for when you compete with friends at catching fish/bugs or something. Only thing is that the stop watch is gold in AC, not blue. Also, the Castlevania watch is a pocket watch, not a stop watch.
OceansAndrew Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Beam sword + Fire flower + Homerun bat = MIND BLOWN. What will they thnk of next?
Kiyosuki Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 It has to be Simon. He represents Castlevania as a whole despite the fact he hasn't been in a newer game in a really long time. That or you could have Simon, Richter, Trevor, Julius, and/or maybe Juste be different "colors" of the same character, though they probably wouldn't go that far and I'd hate for all those characters to have the same voice.
Theory of N Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 That would be interesting but not nearly as fun as the time bomb idea.Think Halo's sticky grenades. They already have an item like that. The very first Smash Bros. Dojo update, the Gooey Bomb. Whoah. I just looked at the Gooey Bomb page and the picture's been updated. Or added. I don't remember if it was there before, but the main image looks different than the gooey bombs in the other pictures.
cobaltstarfire Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Maybe the watch doesn't do just one thing, it might be random with how it effects time, maybe sometimes it stops time, or slows it down, or speeds it up. Dunno how the effect would be dispersed though.
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