Xbob42 Posted November 26, 2007 Posted November 26, 2007 It'd be nice, sure. But positive changes to gameplay are what I'm more worried about. I can always listen to my music on my PC which is right where my consoles are. My PC has much better speakers than my TV. Yes well, remember that everyone is not you and people might not want to open up Winamp/iTunes/etc to listen to their music when it can be played on the stage. I'm already assured the gameplay is awesome! Extras are what keep folks like me coming back for more!
atmuh Posted November 26, 2007 Posted November 26, 2007 and if you play it through your tv (which for me has a home theater system) the sound effects and character noises still play it doesnt sound like much but it makes a difference
Xbob42 Posted November 26, 2007 Posted November 26, 2007 Yeah, it's the difference between adding to the experience, or just replacing it with your own tunes. For some of us, something as small as that really does make a difference and it certainly will to reviewers. Whether or not we'll actually get that feature is anyone's guess, but it couldn't hurt. But don't think (not for one second!) I disagree about amazing gameplay, it's just I doubt they could fudge it up at this point and that it's already sweet.
Scufo Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 I think any game that is stage-based (as opposed to a free-roaming world type deal) should provide the option to replace a stage's music with your own. Smash I consider an exception to this, though it would still be nice.
Aninymouse Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Everyone gets so wrapped up in all the features they want... maybe because it's about the only easy topic to discuss freely and with some intelligence. Even so, honestly, there isn't much of anything else that Sakurai could do with Brawl that he has yet to reveal that could make me enjoy this game for longer. At least, nothing I've thought of yet. *A bigger, better roster. *Custom stages, and the ability to share them. *Universal screen shot mode, and the ability to share screen shots. *Full control over what music does play, in spite of what may or may not be available. *Fully customizable controls and four different controllers to abuse this on. *Semi-customizable taunts. *Online competitive and co-op modes of play, customizable. *A story-driven single/co-op mode with beautiful CGI cut scenes, five difficulties. *Final Smashes, for what they're worth. *New game mechanics, new physics, better graphics... *Stickers and trophies to help fill in the gaps with needless fan service and to appease the obsessive-compulsives *More ways to customize the "special brawl" modes. *Stadium and Classic modes return. *The recording and sharing of vs. matches over wi-fi. *Assist trophies... *And finally, though this is no testament to quality specifically, the largest group of composers ever hired to work on a single game's soundtrack. I like to read through those points a few times, myself. See, everything on that list is a new feature, i.e. wasn't in Melee, with the exception of "the return of Classic and Stadium." I think that's a lot. Maybe to some that's only a little above par due to how fighting games have progressed over the years, but I like to remember a time before Nintendo was sure they could get Sakurai to forsake his own company to devote his time to Brawl, before it even was Brawl. Remember what it was? "Melee with online." Certainly doesn't sound like a bad thing at all, but I can't say I'd be too enthused about playing a six year old game with added functionality. I would still buy it, sure, but playing the same old thing isn't as enjoyable as something new if it's better. Gimpyfish so far seems to like Brawl better in some aspects over Melee. I trust his opinion, but that's beyond the scope of what I'm getting at. So, anyway. Right now I'm waiting until I get to see Captain Falcon, Mewtwo and Midna on the DOJO in some shape or form. At that point, I'll have everything I wanted, so anything else in between is cool by me. WAIT, EDIT: I thought of one thing that would make Brawl better that hasn't been announced! If there was a Mii character on the roster, we'd essentially have a "create a character mode," inadvertently, right? Well, there's my "one thing." If that doesn't make it it, it'll suck, and I might even lament on it a few times, but it won't break my heart... but there it is!
Xbob42 Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 WAIT, EDIT: I thought of one thing that would make Brawl better that hasn't been announced! If there was a Mii character on the roster, we'd essentially have a "create a character mode," inadvertently, right? Well, there's my "one thing." If that doesn't make it it, it'll suck, and I might even lament on it a few times, but it won't break my heart... but there it is! Finding action figures of characters performing certain moves throughout the stages and thereby unlocking that move of that character for use on your Mii. Create a character with a crazy moveset! Select weight class! (Would limit moves you could or could not use for balance purposes.) Find pieces of clothing/accessories to spruce up your Mii with.
Mastertoku Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 As long as we're dreaming... the functionality to create your own stage background using images from your Photo Channel would be entertaining... Perhaps - through the Shop channel, maybe - programmers could make updates, including perhaps every once in a while a little update pack containing a new character and a new stage... but then again, that whole "Downloadable updates on the shop channel" thing hasn't really gone anywhere yet... Or - and this is just a peculiar thing I thought up - a Final Battle mode in which regular attacks don't hurt your opponents at all, and the only way to score kills is with Final Smashes. But this is all just peculiar imaginings, of course. Of course, there is one idea so crazy that it's almost impossible to accomplish - a Monster-Rancheresque disc scan style function in which you can run any of your Wii games through the scanning process and extract the protagonist (or antagonist, I suppose) from that game to use as a fighter. Please note that I'm not pushing this forward as an actual suggestion for Brawl, but a "wouldn't it be cool if".
atmuh Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 i could tear that list of new stuff apart but ive done so many times already you got one thing wrong through they have not announced online co op its only local actually im in a happy mood so i think i will tear at least some of it up "*A bigger, better roster." bigger does NOT necessarily mean better it can mean worse in a fighting game as the balance gets thrown off so stop dreaming about creating a fighter because then the balance REALLY goes to the crapper "*Semi-customizable taunts." you can add a couple of words big freaking deal i guess the only way i can tell my team mate i need help in wifi mode is make a taunt say HELP ME FAGGOT but by then youd be dead "*A story-driven single/co-op mode with beautiful CGI cut scenes, five difficulties." thats not new they called it ADVENTURE mode in the last game woohoo there are cut scenes i cant remember a game in which the cut scenes ever made me like it more most people skip them anyway "*Stickers and trophies to help fill in the gaps with needless fan service and to appease the obsessive-compulsives" not new and still as useless as the photo channel "*The recording and sharing of vs. matches over wi-fi." 3 FREAKING MINUTES thats one match if youre lucky FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LET US USE OUR FREAKING SD CARDS "*Assist trophies..." to appease the fanboys but like any item after a few days this gets old and turned off and to the dude that mentioned dlc all i can say is ahahahahahaha
Broken Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 I made one comment, and somehow this is interpreted as a maelstrom of complaints..I like Sakurai, but I HATE how Nintendo constantly makes up some proposed date, and then goes back on it, TBAes, and then adds a year on. I've played Nintendo since the NES, they've ALWAYS done this crap, and with any other sort of enterprise, if you set a date, you have to make that date. I may not have 75 billion bucks in my bank account, but I do realize that if they really want to delay, just keep TBA on the Zelda, Mario and other major games, and just suggest something like 'we're targeting it for 03 2009' or something business-speak like. But they don't. They didn't do it when I played NES, and they don't do it with the Wii now. So needless to say, I'm not expecting them to change, but when I hear a Nintendo employee, or de facto one like Sakurai get smug, it's really, really annoying. I wrote like a month ago I'm actually glad they delayed, but, the fact they delayed makes Sakurai's smug statement a little outrageous. So yeah, they either need better time management, or to be more honest with us, their customers. And all they need is to just post 'TBA' on most of their major titles... as they will almost certainly be delayed anyway. Nothing of substance would change, just the trust of their customers. Please. Nintendo is one of many companies that do the same thing. Blame the video game industry as a whole for its inability to adhere to release dates, not individual companies. That said, it still sucks that I won't be playing Brawl in a couple of days. Edit: Atma, stop crapping on people's opinions. You have few valid arguments anyway. Just play on your xbox or something.
Bigfoot Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Atma, a bigger roster is better when it comes to Smash. More opportunities for people to have their favorite video game star to be in the game. Who cares if it makes characters unbalanced? It's not like Melee is balanced.
atmuh Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Atma, a bigger roster is better when it comes to Smash. More opportunities for people to have their favorite video game star to be in the game. Who cares if it makes characters unbalanced? It's not like Melee is balanced. melees lack of balance is the biggest thing that bugs me about it i cant stand going to a tourney and having 90% of the people fox or falco (actually i personally like that since jigglypuff wrecks them) id much rather have all characters have an equal shot, not having a few tower over the rest id think most people who view smash as a fighter (especially if its mostly 1 on 1) would agree that balance is very important
Bigfoot Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Balance is important, yes, but Smash will probably never be balanced.
SotSS Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Speaking of balance... does Bowser still suck, or has he been improved? Does anyone know?
Bigfoot Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Speaking of balance... does Bowser still suck, or has he been improved? Does anyone know? I think someone said a while back that he seems a little better than what he was in Melee. Then a few pages back, someone DK is actually worse IIRC.
Xbob42 Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 melees lack of balance is the biggest thing that bugs me about iti cant stand going to a tourney and having 90% of the people fox or falco (actually i personally like that since jigglypuff wrecks them) id much rather have all characters have an equal shot, not having a few tower over the rest id think most people who view smash as a fighter (especially if its mostly 1 on 1) would agree that balance is very important Your complete hatred of all Smash news shows what a dedicated an passionate fan of the series you are.
Paratha Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 I'm getting a sense of deja vu from the last post... Trend in this thread since the beginning of time: 1) Atma says something 2) Everyone gets annoyed 3) Atma clarfies his intentions 4) ... 5) 940 pages!
atmuh Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Your complete hatred of all Smash news shows what a dedicated an passionate fan of the series you are. once again we have someone who doesnt have the sense to read my posts i love smash but i want a new installment in the series to be AS BEST AS POSSIBLE if youd actually READ some of the things ive said youd see that ive LIKED some of the updates, some a LOT but there is no such thing as a perfect game (not since last generation anyway) and i am a FIRM believer in that so i seem to be good at finding problems with games and when people are solely positive about every little thing about something and i see problems with that i LET THEM KNOW and if you dont think im a fan get over here and play me in a round of melee tourney style
Broken Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 I'm getting a sense of deja vu from the last post...Trend in this thread since the beginning of time: 1) Atma says something 2) Everyone gets annoyed 3) Atma clarfies his intentions 4) ... 5) 940 pages! No, actually this ongoing witty banter between atma and the rest of us has only been going on since about pg.830+ You've missed out on the "Melee...for fun or for tournaments?" flame war, the "What if (insert character here) is in this? convo, and the OMG SONIC'S IN BRAWL!!! happy time. You need to get up to snuff with your smash thread knowledge me thinks.
linkspast Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 No, actually this ongoing witty banter between atma and the rest of us has only been going on since about pg.830+You've missed out on the "Melee...for fun or for tournaments?" flame war, the "What if (insert character here) is in this? convo, and the OMG SONIC'S IN BRAWL!!! happy time. You need to get up to snuff with your smash thread knowledge me thinks. Yeah then theres the couple of pages here and there that have nothing to do with smash at all.... And then pages where we talk about how epic this thread is... Like this post...
Mastertoku Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Sakurai's got something big cooking for tonight's update... I can feel it. EDIT: A little late tonight... is Sakurai teasing us?...
MasterSenshi Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Balance is overrated... as long as my fave characters play well, I'm a happy camper. Actually it's even better if my fave characters play BETTER; it makes beating people who like other characters easier. Of course, when they screw up Ness and Kirby, and weaken Pikachu, that's when I get annoyed.
Wipomatic Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Haha oh wow. I really don't think they were planning on moving the release date.
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