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No one called you an eliteist.

They are still saying that hardcore players are elitists. The hardcore players here are trying to say that they are ok with both ways of playing, and that they respect casual players. The casual players here are saying that playing hardcore is playing anally, and that the hardcore players are elitist. Maybe I'm missing something here?

#3907 and Red Shadow, I play SSBM competitively.I know all the advanced techniques and everything. Am I an elitist? Do you think it is stupid to play the game competitively? How exactly are hardcore SSBM players elitist? Are you just saying that because they play hardcore? Remember, I'm a hardcore player, and all I've been saying is that I respect casual players and the way the play the game. I just wish I would get respect back, instead of being called anal.

No one called you an eliteist.

They are still saying that hardcore players are elitists. The hardcore players here are trying to say that they are ok with both ways of playing, and that they respect casual players. The casual players here are saying that playing hardcore is playing anally, and that the hardcore players are elitist. Maybe I'm missing something here?

#3907 and Red Shadow, I play SSBM competitively.I know all the advanced techniques and everything. Am I an elitist? Do you think it is stupid to play the game competitively? How exactly are hardcore SSBM players elitist? Are you just saying that because they play hardcore? Remember, I'm a hardcore player, and all I've been saying is that I respect casual players and the way the play the game. I just wish I would get respect back, instead of being called anal.

Hardcore = Disregarding casual play.


Hardcore = Eliteists.

You don't disregard casual play.


You = Not Eliteist.


Hahaha, I didn't call you anything, just stirring up the pot :D

Just messing with you, but some of the comments, just... I dunno, whatever. No use in arguing. I didn't call you out anyways, I said they "sounded" like they were, didn't say specifically who, but I've seen many a "hardcore" players just disregard the items and stages and things that were put into the game. Still I do admit that it is pretty fun when playing competitively, but it's just not as fun when like you have all items turned on, but thats just personal preference.

No one called you an eliteist.

They are still saying that hardcore players are elitists. The hardcore players here are trying to say that they are ok with both ways of playing, and that they respect casual players. The casual players here are saying that playing hardcore is playing anally, and that the hardcore players are elitist. Maybe I'm missing something here?

#3907 and Red Shadow, I play SSBM competitively.I know all the advanced techniques and everything. Am I an elitist? Do you think it is stupid to play the game competitively? How exactly are hardcore SSBM players elitist? Are you just saying that because they play hardcore? Remember, I'm a hardcore player, and all I've been saying is that I respect casual players and the way the play the game. I just wish I would get respect back, instead of being called anal.

Well the problem is that most professional players have a "holier than thou" attitude coupled with a severe lack of self-esteem, so they take pride in the fact that they can play the game, and be awarded for doing so. Casual play ruins all of the variables that were locked firmly in place by tournament rules. So they lose their security and start calling out "You don't know this game like me cuz I wavedash N00B!" because they feel threatened that they may not seem superior anymore.

Basically elitists do this stuff, and it pisses off a alot of people:

Claim the tiers are infallible and that Mewtwo will always lose to Falco

Constantly brag

Refuse to play with less-skilled players

Refuse to play with low tier characters

Refuse to play without tournament rules

Consider all people who even think about casual play as a weaker fighter

Basically they just make themselves seem better. And that's just disgusting. Its a GODDAMN GAME.


Cerrax hits the nail on the head and as such I don't think I'll post in this thread anymore until this phase of conversation has finished.

Also, tcp, like ce said, youre not being a dick about it so you dont fit the elitist bill. You just enjoy playing by those rules.

Great how this was all started by me saying "fuck wavedashing."


I just like using everybody, like it's fun and challenging. Most of the time though, if I want to win, I'll use Marth. Ganon is a guy I play around with, just because he's so freaking strong.

I also love using Jigglypuff just to annoy people.


Well, I still don't agree that most professional players are what Cerrax described. I met a lot of the top professionals when I went to OC2, like Ken, Isai, members from Skypal and everything, and I havn't seen anyone like that.

Claim the tiers are infallible and that Mewtwo will always lose to Falco
Do you still not know what the tiers are? They are only there to give you an idea of how well characters do currently in high-level tournaments. That's why it is constantly updated. Before Ken started going to tournaments, nobody knew Marth could be so good, and he was low on the tier list. Then Ken introduced things like short-hop-double-forward aerial and won the tournament. After that they were happy to move Marth up on the tier list. If someone figures out new stuff with Mewtwo and wins tournaments, they will be happy to move him up on the tier list. Whoever told you that the tiers are infallible clearly doesn't know what the tiers are.
Constantly brag
Of course out of all the people who play competitively, there are bound to be a few people who brag, but out of all the poeple I played at OC2 and when I went to a Skypal Smashfest, nobody who was a lot better than me bragged when they won. I got four stocked craploads of times, and there was no trash talking or anything. They know that I know it is just a learning exeperience on my part, and we're both ok with the fact that one of us is better.
Refuse to play with less-skilled players
Go to a tournament or smashfest in your area and see if they won't let you play. I haven't heard of this happening, please give me an example. Of course, if you will only play with items and crazy stages, they won't want to play unless they are just messing around.
Refuse to play with low tier characters
That is simply not true. Of course most professionals will only use high tier characters in tournaments, when they are playing to win, but almost every professional has at least one low tier character. Look at Azen and Isai. But even still, there are quite a few professionals who use low tier characters in big tournaments, like The Germ, Taj, Ness players, Bowser players, etc.
Refuse to play without tournament rules
I dunno if you maybe went to a Smashfest to find this out or something, but if that is the case, of course they aren't going to want to play without tournament rules because this is how they practice. Although I agree, most of us don't play with items and such unless we're really just messing around. That's just our personal preferance, the same way you prefer to have items on.
Consider all people who even think about casual play as a weaker fighter
I don't know where you are getting this from. I've never heard anyone say that, and I go to Smashboards pretty much every day. Maybe there are a few people who would say that, but I highly doubt that the majority of professional smashers would say that.

Can we post match videos in this thread?

I don't know well they rank up there with the top Gannon and CF players, and it takes place in Mute City, but fuck it, it's still a fun match.

Can we post match videos in this thread?

I don't know well they rank up there with the top Gannon and CF players, and it takes place in Mute City, but fuck it, it's still a fun match.

At first it started out pretty average and slow but it got a lot more fun to watch as it went on. They started to get their timing down... though sometimes they missed their L-Cancels when it mattered. Either way, it was a good match. I thought Ganondorf had it in the bag until Falcon started nailing those knees spot on.


As for the question earlier about characters...

I main Falco (got that dashing short hop laser fast fall / pillaring combos / L-Cancelling timing down).

Other characters I play include Jigglypuff (probably my 2nd best), Ness (3rd), Ice Climbers (4th). People say I'm pretty good with all of them so far (When I meet new people I play everyone but Falco unless they beat me).

I'm currently trying to learn Captain Falcon and Marth right now. I don't know if I will buckle under and learn Sheik at some point.. :roll:

howabout a turn of discussion. Who do you main as?

I main as Falco, but I also play as Samus, Fox, and Jigglypuff.

Ness, Game&Watch, Mewtwo, Dr. Mario, Ice Climbers.

In that order.

Ness gets 90% of the playtime.

Also I've been able to beat my friends on a near consistent basis with every single character BUT bowser. Can't stand him.


I play with every character. I guess my focus usually goes to Mario, Samus, Kirby and Peach. Not in any particular order, but I'm into nimble characters. Ganondorf and Link come at a close second.


DK FTW... i like his strength but dosent lose much in the way of speed or jumping, unlike ganondorf

And Falco if i am feeling like they may be able to put up a fight...

howabout a turn of discussion. Who do you main as?

I main as Falco, but I also play as Samus, Fox, and Jigglypuff.

Ness, Game&Watch, Mewtwo, Dr. Mario, Ice Climbers.

In that order.

Ness gets 90% of the playtime.

Also I've been able to beat my friends on a near consistent basis with every single character BUT bowser. Can't stand him.

Ness is a really good character, but his recovery is SO easily interrupted. tcp over there plays that dude, and it's pretty fun.

Heh, the reason I even bother playing any other character most of the time is when my friends force me to, as they get tired of me winning within two minutes.

They seem to think that if I wanted to I could do really well in tournaments too.

howabout a turn of discussion. Who do you main as?

I main as Falco, but I also play as Samus, Fox, and Jigglypuff.

Ness, Game&Watch, Mewtwo, Dr. Mario, Ice Climbers.

In that order.

Ness gets 90% of the playtime.

Also I've been able to beat my friends on a near consistent basis with every single character BUT bowser. Can't stand him.

Ness is a really good character, but his recovery is SO easily interrupted. tcp over there plays that dude, and it's pretty fun.

Heh, the reason I even bother playing any other character most of the time is when my friends force me to, as they get tired of me winning within two minutes.

They seem to think that if I wanted to I could do really well in tournaments too.

Ness, eh? Have you heard of the Yoyo Glitch? It takes a little practice/experimenting to get it down, so you might consider it anal, but it's totally worth it to see the look on people's faces who havn't seen it before.

Heh, with the time you've spent telling me how anal advanced techniques are and everything about casual and competitive play in this thread, you could have learned some cool stuff, like wavedashing and shfflc'ing. It really just takes a couple minutes to learn how to do. After that, you just have to do them in your matches for a while until you find their uses.


I wouldn't mind knowing about and messing around with glitches or advanced techniques, just incorporating them into the way I play doesn't interest me.

So what's this glitch then?


My mains are.

Fox Link Mario Ness

Enemys Ness

Glitches in the uhhhhh 2nd stage for link the one thats really small the turtle part?? yah you can fall in that crack easy and die fast.


Alright, this is how you do the glitch: Do an up smash on someone, distancing yourself so that the yoyo hits them. If you upsmash and it hits them immediately and you spaced it right so it hits at the tip, they will go flying away. It's easiest to do if you run into the up smash. Now after they have been hit, you keep charging the upsmash for just a split second. This is the part that takes experimenting, because you just have to know how long to hold it. If you charge it for too long it won't work, but it does need some charge. Now what you have done is you've set an invisible hitbox on the ground that stays there until you die, or it gets tripped. The most basic way to trip the hitbox is if your opponent simply walks over the hitbox. No matter where you are on the stage, they will take a little hit and sometimes fall over when the walk over the hitbox. I did this to my friend a few times and he didn't say anything, so I said "Is your character having trouble walking? I don't know, it looks like he keeps tripping when he tries to walk." Haha, he got so mad. But there are some way more interesting ways to trip the hitbox. For one thing, as long as your opponent is between you and the hitbox, any attack you do will hit them. This means you can grab from across the stage! That's probably the best way to suprise someone. Now there are some more complicated ways to trip the hitbox, they are called jackets that you equip. The most well known is the Thunder jacket. After you set the hitbox, make sure you're opponent is not between you and the hitbox, jump into the air and do an up B, blasting yourself straight down into the ground so that there's an explosion when you hit. Now you have equipped the thunder jacket. What this means is the next time you touch your opponent, even if you're not doing a move and no matter where they are on the stage, it will have the effect of you hittting them as a human missile from the up B. The other jackets you can equip are up air and down air jackets, but those require an advanced technique called double jump cancelling, so I won't get into that.

In a real match, it's really hard to do the thunder jacket, so grabbing people from across the stage is probably the best thing to do. It's not too hard, and it has a really funny effect. They just dissapear and reappear in your hands.


I main with Link.

I don't really have a second because I'm pretty much the same skill level with every character, but I do have a preference for the swordsmen.

So I guess my mains are:




Young Link

Glitches? Well I'm an old-school smasher, so no wavedashing for me. I don't really use the mid-air dodge/sidestep very much at all. I Mainly use the quick-down attack (which works great when it hits :/ ) I prefer 64 smash to melee but I play both pretty well.

Mains: Mario, Young Link

I play best as Mario, but I can have fun with YL.

Woah I've never played against someone who's main was Mario, as he is mine. You can have lots of fun as Mario spinning people around with the cape and whatnot.

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