ILLiterate Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 If you play as Kirby in SSBM, I'm sorry, he's so nerfed, but you can do a few things 1. Get near the edge and inhale someone, quickly jump off and fall for a bit, spit them out, jump up back to the stage and they'll either fall or you can edgehog to kill them 2. If you have more lives than the opponent and you know you'll die soon, do some damage to them (about 20%) then get near as close to the edge as you can with you facing the middle of the stage (do this by getting near the edge and do a roll "off the stage", you won't fall off but you'll get as close to the edge as possible). Grab them and push the back or away direction and you'll kamikaze off the stage killing both of you (great if you have 2 stocks and they only have one) 3. Don't use his b-attacks, other than for recovery purposes or sucking someone in and spitting them off the stage 4. Use his air attacks often especally d-air (l cancel into grabs), b-air (GREAT Knockback), u-air (good move, good knockback), try and avoid the f-air unless you know you'll hit at least two of the kicks For more REAL info from REAL Kirby players, check out his sub-forum in
Rambo Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 Samus's charge shot looks almost exactly like it does in metroid, so I don't know what your problem is with that one. I'm going to assume he means the size, fact she can't move while charging, and the ability to save it for whenever she so desires.... but I don't personally see these as being inappropriate differences. Like it's already been said, it's to create new elements of game play. As far as I'm concerned, the moves were based off the characters, and their traits. All games and characters evolve as new additions to series are released. There are A LOT of new concepts introduce to SSB and especially SSBM... but that's because it's an entirely different game style from where the characters originated. And moreover, the designers have more freedom, especially if the last appearance was on an older platform (game and watch). I mean, he never even fought! So his presence wouldn't be very impressive if all he could do was walk around and choose which animation to perform. It would be different if they arbitrarily assigned characters foreign abilities (like if Mario had NEVER been seen with a cape) and I know thats been done for some moves, but on the whole, there was very little. And sure Ganondorf never did a warlock punch in past games, but again, he didnt do a whole lot. He DID however have a fist... and he has the ability to use magic... so its not as though its absolutely garbage. Anyway, games and their characters develop and evolve. If people didn't want that, no copies of Mario golf, kart, tennis, etc. would sell. Peach adopted 2 of her three smash moves through those games! The other was birthed in Mario RPG, in which (like all RPGs) there were many different selectable weapons, and they couldn't possibly limit those to past games... since peach only ever picked up and threw turnips before that. If the characters were all pulled solely from their original appearances... most would have 0 - 3 attacks. Aaaand... I forget exactly what it is I'm trying to argue.. so I'll stop.
chrono26 Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 If you play as Kirby in SSBM, I'm sorry, he's so nerfed, but you can do a few things like the kirby-korner except you'll get your ass handed to you if you try it on a really good player.
HideousBeing Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 And whoever was saying that "Kirby would suck up Meta-Knight and become Meta-Knight!!!" no, you're wrong, that was dumb. Two completely different characters, Kirby would only have his neutral b move, and as we all should know, most neutral b moves are complete crap compared to the rest of that characters movesYou misunderstood. I didn't mean that Kirby's move set would become Meta Knight's, I meant that the costume Kirby would acquire would make him look like meta knight, because Meta Knight, without his apparel, is actually just a blue kirby.
Rambo Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 That Kirby is absolutely terrifying... Nightmarishly so. Christ.... And I'm glad Meta-Knight wears a mask... because I doubt he'd be nearly as menacing and cool with a chubby blue Kirby face...
HideousBeing Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Here is a sprite sheet from TSR (The Spriters Resource) of Meta Knight. I have highlighted with a box the sprites where Kirby cuts Meta Knight's mask in half, and the "blue kirby" beneath is revealed.
The Mutericator Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Here is a sprite sheet from TSR (The Spriters Resource) of Meta Knight. I have highlighted with a box the sprites where Kirby cuts Meta Knight's mask in half, and the "blue kirby" beneath is revealed. Oh ROFL, I know the guy who made that sprite sheet from a completely unrelated forum.
FuriousFure Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 And whoever was saying that "Kirby would suck up Meta-Knight and become Meta-Knight!!!" no, you're wrong, that was dumb. Two completely different characters, Kirby would only have his neutral b move, and as we all should know, most neutral b moves are complete crap compared to the rest of that characters moves Ah.... You should really take it EazyP, as in Chill. I was agreeing with he who brought up Kirby's appearance would have to look extremely similar to Meta-Knight's ecspecially if you chose a Blue Kirby from the Costume Screen. I was the one who proposed that particular concept. as in, I thought it would sure make things more hectic in battle but I didn't and still don't think that would be the case in Brawl. But in all seriousness, You should really take it down a notch... or two.
chrono26 Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 It's all about the Luigi! flamming dragon punch and head-butt bitches
Geoffrey Taucer Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Luigi is definitely fun to play, and can play some killer mindgames.
Ray Falling Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 *sigh* I tried playing SSBM again but for some reason I can't get into it all! It's effing frustrating. Maybe it's cause I'm just so tired and I get easily irritated but I really get the feeling that the cpu AI is horribly unfair. They know they have to grab me the second before I even know I'm going to use the shield and all cpu attacks are always faster than mine 0_0. Maybe I'm just looking for excuses as to why I suck so bad at the game now, but it sure aint what it used to be. I don't know how them pro-people do it. Maybe it's just some kind of talent you need to have which I don't. *sigh again* Games haven't been fun for me lately, I don't know why. DBZ Wii was a horrible let down. I'm just getting too old for this crap ;_; give me a good game again!
HideousBeing Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 *sigh* I tried playing SSBM again but for some reason I can't get into it all! It's effing frustrating. Maybe it's cause I'm just so tired and I get easily irritated but I really get the feeling that the cpu AI is horribly unfair. They know they have to grab me the second before I even know I'm going to use the shield and all cpu attacks are always faster than mine 0_0. Maybe I'm just looking for excuses as to why I suck so bad at the game now, but it sure aint what it used to be. I don't know how them pro-people do it. Maybe it's just some kind of talent you need to have which I don't. *sigh again* Games haven't been fun for me lately, I don't know why. DBZ Wii was a horrible let down. I'm just getting too old for this crap ;_; give me a good game again! If you're referring to having difficulty taking computer players. All it takes is hours of practice. You start to recognize patterns soon and in time, the computer players will be extremely predictable. Practice, practice, practice.
JoeFu Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Playing SSBM just makes me want SSBB even more. I played again yesterday, just with random characters against my friend. I can't wait for SSBB, I hope more characters are going to be revealed soon. So far we only know 10 people right?
Ray Falling Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 If you're referring to having difficulty taking computer players. All it takes is hours of practice. You start to recognize patterns soon and in time, the computer players will be extremely predictable. Practice, practice, practice. Well the thing is, I used to play this game every day since I got it and I got pretty good at it. I'm just horribly out of practice. I do know all the moves etc. The computer isnt even that predictable, but they don't play "fun", They just wack you with random attacks. Sometimes I can't even land a hit 0_0. Thats why I wish I had actual people to play againts "back in the day". That would have been much more fun. Oh well, hopefully I'll get better at SSBB when it comes out.
The Mutericator Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Playing SSBM just makes me want SSBB even more. I played again yesterday, just with random characters against my friend. I can't wait for SSBB, I hope more characters are going to be revealed soon. So far we only know 10 people right? Mario, Link, Pikachu, Kirby, Samus, Fox, Snake, Wario, Pit, MetaKnight.
HideousBeing Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Mario, Link, Pikachu, Kirby, Samus, Fox, Snake, Wario, Pit, MetaKnight. Luigi will probably be a hidden character again in Brawl. Even though he is Mario's closest counterpart, he is -since the first game- a hidden character always. All of the hidden characters that were on SSB showed up as unhidden characters in SSBM, except for Luigi. Or do you have to unlock Jigglypuff? I can't remember it was so long ago that I unlocked all the characters...
Effector Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Luigi will probably be a hidden character again in Brawl. Even though he is Mario's closest counterpart, he is -since the first game- a hidden character always. All of the hidden characters that were on SSB showed up as unhidden characters in SSBM, except for Luigi.Or do you have to unlock Jigglypuff? I can't remember it was so long ago that I unlocked all the characters... Falcon and Ness weren't secret in SSBM. Luigi and Jigglypuff both were again, though.
Ray Falling Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 I'm curious about the characters too of course but I'm really really curious about the extra game modes (if any) I thought the addition of all-star mode and adventure mode was really good. Made for a lot of extra hours of fun. The missions thing was amazing too. Especially since you have to work hard to unlock them all so it's not like you'll be done in one afternoon of playing. I'm hoping for a lot of extra modes as well as the trophy thing, only many many more. Anything less, game modes wise, than SSBM is a step back in my opinion.
JoeFu Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 I'm hoping adventure mode will be character specific, or at least series specific. I also hope it is more fleshed out this time, like longer levels or something. It was really fun playing the first level on adventure mode, but the Zelda one sucked.
HideousBeing Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 O.K. I'd like to hear some speculation about the nature of Brawl when it is put on the Wi-Fi. Does anyone have any insight on how they may organize the system? Here's what I'm wondering: -Will there be ratings (i.e. stats)? -If there are ratings, will the more skilled players be pitted against the more skilled players, and the less skilled players be pitted against the less skilled players? Basically, will players compete against players of their difficulty level? -Will you be able to choose the games you play in? (Like StarCraft allows)? -Or will you be able to only specify the settings and stages you would like (Like WarCraft III allows)? -Will you be able to play ladder? -Will there be tournaments that can be played online? -Will Nintendo be able to add patches to fix bugs via the Wi-Fi? I'm dying of anticipation here, so hopefully we'll know more soon. Anyway, what does everyone think about this? How will this be set up? Please post your thoughts or more questions that we may be wondering about.
Ray Falling Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 I'm hoping adventure mode will be character specific, or at least series specific. I also hope it is more fleshed out this time, like longer levels or something. It was really fun playing the first level on adventure mode, but the Zelda one sucked. I like that idea. I guess adventure mode lacked a little because the game is intended to be a fighting game, cross-genres often don't work well. In this case the platform part could have been better. Each character having their own rivals as second to last boss would be cool too me thinks.
Kiyosuki Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 My biggest hope is for Simon Belmont. They already have one Konami character in there and it doesn't seem like something either they nor Igarashi would have a huge problem with, although I don't know that for sure of course. I just think right along with Pitt, Simon would make a great throwback character to throw in there. When you think of all the old Nintendo games, Castlevania is just one of the ones on the list. A good idea someone told me too is that he could be a subtle algamation of the other Belmonts via moves etc. Maybe even his alternate "colors" could be Richter (Dracula X was ported on the SNES remember, albiet not in the best way.), Trevor/Ralph, and Julius. Although I think that may be a bit much, just Simon would be good enough for me. For moves, something they could do is make it so he could have 4 of the classic Castlevania weapons, and he could switch between them somehow...probably by using a B motion. I think this would be a neat setup. B - Subweapon use, can be charged for slight additional results. (throws 3 knives at once, Axe goes higher/arc is bigger or something, Cross goes further and faster, Holy Water's fire is bigger etc.) Forward B - Subweapon switch. A small box on top of Simon's percentage shows whats chosen. Selection is of course, Dagger, Axe, Cross, Holy Water (I imagine Stop Watchwould be a bit broken. It'd make a good item in general for everyone). Up B - Spear Thrust. Simon's third jump (Its Richter's "uppercut" move) Down B - Slide. If done in the air it becomes that snazzy kick that darts straight down. (Its a bit similar to Falcon Kick I guess aesthetically but it could function completely different.) For Super Smashes or whatever they are, he could use an Item Crash depending on the subweapon thats currently chosen. That or just fire up the whip.
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