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As for liking Castlevania, well, if you like Metroids, the latest CVs have been like Metroid only somewhat better.

Sure haven't.

So maybe in March when Phantom Hourglass comes out Nintendo will surprise us again with a preorder bundle since hey, it'll be Zelda's 20th birthday as well.

More importantly, they better make this game feel different (other than the touch screen control; I want new concepts introduced). Minish Cap burned me out on Zelda because I felt like I played the same damned game for the umpteenth time.

So maybe in March when Phantom Hourglass comes out Nintendo will surprise us again with a preorder bundle since hey, it'll be Zelda's 20th birthday as well.

More importantly, they better make this game feel different (other than the touch screen control; I want new concepts introduced). Minish Cap burned me out on Zelda because I felt like I played the same damned game for the umpteenth time.

What the hell do you want?



I mean, its zelda, if would not be zelda if there were no dungeons and items. What the hell do you want ? A flower aranging game?

So maybe in March when Phantom Hourglass comes out Nintendo will surprise us again with a preorder bundle since hey, it'll be Zelda's 20th birthday as well.

More importantly, they better make this game feel different (other than the touch screen control; I want new concepts introduced). Minish Cap burned me out on Zelda because I felt like I played the same damned game for the umpteenth time.

That's how it is for many other games as well.


A zelda game where you need to build up skill in your aquired items would be rather impressive.

Gain enough skill in such things as the boomerrang/bow/sword and they allow for the upgraded version..

ex.. Boomerang slow, mid range >> Magic Boomerang, fast, long range >> Gale Boomerang, fastest, long range, locks on

A zelda game where you need to build up skill in your aquired items would be rather impressive.

Gain enough skill in such things as the boomerrang/bow/sword and they allow for the upgraded version..

ex.. Boomerang slow, mid range >> Magic Boomerang, fast, long range >> Gale Boomerang, fastest, long range, locks on

How would you implement this so it can't be abused easily and it doesn't turn into a level grind, or is too focused on minigames?

A zelda game where you need to build up skill in your aquired items would be rather impressive.

Gain enough skill in such things as the boomerrang/bow/sword and they allow for the upgraded version..

ex.. Boomerang slow, mid range >> Magic Boomerang, fast, long range >> Gale Boomerang, fastest, long range, locks on

I recall reading that when Miyamoto created the original Zelda, one of his goals

was to make a game where a player's ability was not dictated by EXP systems.

I'm not saying that a Zelda game will never use such a system (times change),

but if one is made like that, it will be an interesting turn of events.

So maybe in March when Phantom Hourglass comes out Nintendo will surprise us again with a preorder bundle since hey, it'll be Zelda's 20th birthday as well.

More importantly, they better make this game feel different (other than the touch screen control; I want new concepts introduced). Minish Cap burned me out on Zelda because I felt like I played the same damned game for the umpteenth time.

What the hell do you want?



I mean, its zelda, if would not be zelda if there were no dungeons and items. What the hell do you want ? A flower aranging game?

I'm not paying money to play another Zelda game that progresses town-dungone-town-dungeon for the duration of the flimsy story. I've found the hookshot, and the boomerang, and pieces of heart, and the Triforce, and the Master Sword or some permutation thereof in every single Zelda game I've ever played. I'm just really sick of it.

So unless they've done something to change the classic formula, I think I'll end up passing.

A zelda game where you need to build up skill in your aquired items would be rather cliched.

How you use a weapon (skill) should be the deciding factor, not how many imaginary experience points you have invested in it.

However I'm definitively up for new and imaginitive Zelda adventures, Majora's Mask was a breath of fresh air in that regard.

So maybe in March when Phantom Hourglass comes out Nintendo will surprise us again with a preorder bundle since hey, it'll be Zelda's 20th birthday as well.

More importantly, they better make this game feel different (other than the touch screen control; I want new concepts introduced). Minish Cap burned me out on Zelda because I felt like I played the same damned game for the umpteenth time.

What the hell do you want?



I mean, its zelda, if would not be zelda if there were no dungeons and items. What the hell do you want ? A flower aranging game?


So maybe in March when Phantom Hourglass comes out Nintendo will surprise us again with a preorder bundle since hey, it'll be Zelda's 20th birthday as well.

More importantly, they better make this game feel different (other than the touch screen control; I want new concepts introduced). Minish Cap burned me out on Zelda because I felt like I played the same damned game for the umpteenth time.

What the hell do you want?



I mean, its zelda, if would not be zelda if there were no dungeons and items. What the hell do you want ? A flower aranging game?


*dials phone*

Me: Hey sup Mr Miyamoto

Miyamoto: Sup d00d

Me: People want Pikmin DS

Miyamoto: Sure thing, sounds good

Me: Awesome, see it on the shelves in 12 months?

Miyamoto: Make it 18.

Me: Done.

The Belmont spirit is so annoying. What Up+Y move do you use on him? What I've done is equip the flame whip (longest range of all my weapons) and use offensive stance as my Up+Y. The only effective attack strategy I've found is to jump at him, whip in the air, such that the very tip hits him when you land, and immediately use L to backdash when you land. But I'm only hitting for 60 some damage wach hit and when he catches me it's 100-200 a hit of my 473 hp. Even so, I have lasted quite a while into the fight, well beyond when he starts throwing holy water. You see, my Charlotte has all the cool offensive stuff but you can only use Jonathan for this fight... so if there's anything I can do to bring him down faster, I'm already lasting pretty damn long myself.

EDIT: I beat him, and have beaten the game too.


So I got my (preordered) Castlevania in a couple days ago and I beat it in five hours.

Also, I read Drack's post and I have NO IDEA what he's talking about.

Also also, the game gave me a "Game Over" screen at the end.

Also also also, there is at least one area I can't get to that the map indicates that I can.

Am I missing something? :shock:


You got the fake ending. Did you really think that was the final boss? There's much more to the game than what you got to. Castlevania DoS pulled the same stunt after the Dario battle.

To pass that part without getting the fake ending

Cast sanctuary on them. It's quite difficult given its longass casting time. I recommend standing at the right wall to do it.

Also I got past where I was stuck on last post. This is getting interesting.

You got the fake ending. Did you really think that was the final boss? There's much more to the game than what you got to. Castlevania DoS pulled the same stunt after the Dario battle.

To pass that part without getting the fake ending

Cast sanctuary on them. It's quite difficult given its longass casting time. I recommend standing at the right wall to do it.

Also I got past where I was stuck on last post. This is getting interesting.

I was sorely disappointed, actually, and confused. I just assumed. Maybe it was because I had been playing it all day.

Also, this is the first Castlevania game I've ever played, so I wasn't aware of anything DoS has done.

Thanks! :)

Now I just have to find the Sanctuary spell. :P

I was gonna respond to that other post heh. You just have to do enough damage, there wasn't anything special about it, weapon or otherwise. You could've waited until later to do that fight though.

I haven't faced Dracula again because his second form raped me (oh and Dracula is the end boss of like every Castlevania Kitsuta, although Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow treated things differently). I did however go forth trying to collect all the items from every enemy. So far I've collected most of them. I also have been trying to master certain subskills for the quests, but that has been taking so long. I'm fairly certain that I found all of the secret passages in the game though, thanks to a trademark item gotten from the typical guy that has it.

Oh and Final Guard sucks ass, I hate collecting its items :( .

You got the fake ending. Did you really think that was the final boss? There's much more to the game than what you got to. Castlevania DoS pulled the same stunt after the Dario battle.

A trick also employed in:

Symphony of the Night

Harmony of Dissonance

Aria of Sorrow.

The presence of secret endgames in CV games is starting to become fairly predictable.

Although to their credit, each game pulled off the idea in fairly interesting ways.

So maybe in March when Phantom Hourglass comes out Nintendo will surprise us again with a preorder bundle since hey, it'll be Zelda's 20th birthday as well.

More importantly, they better make this game feel different (other than the touch screen control; I want new concepts introduced). Minish Cap burned me out on Zelda because I felt like I played the same damned game for the umpteenth time.

What the hell do you want?



I mean, its zelda, if would not be zelda if there were no dungeons and items. What the hell do you want ? A flower aranging game?


Viva Pinata ...


Nintendo sent me a questionnaire about Yoshi's Island DS, and I wrote a rather lengthy reason why I was Somewhat Dissatisfied with it.

I've though a lot about it, and it really seems Yoshi's Island DS lacks the magic that Yoshi's Island for the SNES had. Artoon's decision to put the sequel on Yoshi's Island once again forced me to compare the game its prequel constantly. Small changes in jump mechanics left me displeased. The music is subpar in terms of composition compared to the prequel. What I loved about Yoshi's Island for the SNES was that it looked like a kids cartoon, but felt like a mature game. The "kiddy" sound effects crippled that feel in Yoshi’s Island DS. Some bosses were good, but many weren't. If I were to give advice for a sequel, I would tell Artoon to take Yoshi to a completely new island and make a majority of the content new elements never seen before in a Yoshi game. That will make the series feel new and magical again.

Hopefully my advice will be noted.

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