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I hear that FF3 is WiFi enabled.

Hmmmmm... I wonder...

Yea I read that too. What could they do? The only wifi-type game square-enix is making if FF:CC.

Sorry to disrupt the conversation here, but I'm wondering if I should get a DS Lite or get an original DS. What are the differences? Are there cons to getting the DS Lite? (Besides price) It would be nice if there were more than one color for the Lite... all the vendors I've seen with it only have it in polar white.

The DS lite's gba cartridge bay isn't deep enough, so gba carts stick out of the system. It's not horrible, but that might bother me a bit. If you're looking to save cash, there's nothing wrong with the original. I love mine, take it everywhere (something that did not happen with previous gb/gba incarnations)

Sorry to disrupt the conversation here, but I'm wondering if I should get a DS Lite or get an original DS. What are the differences? Are there cons to getting the DS Lite? (Besides price) It would be nice if there were more than one color for the Lite... all the vendors I've seen with it only have it in polar white.

The DS lite's gba cartridge bay isn't deep enough, so gba carts stick out of the system. It's not horrible, but that might bother me a bit. If you're looking to save cash, there's nothing wrong with the original. I love mine, take it everywhere (something that did not happen with previous gb/gba incarnations)

I'm only getting a Lite when I can get it in ultra-secksy Black

And then, maybe not - Who knows what new redesign Nintendo might be trying to drop on us by then?


I didn't want to make a new topic... so this is where I'll rant.

So, upon reflection of the New Super Mario Bros., I come to you sad, and disappointed. Why is this? I'll gladly tell you.

Every single Mario game, up until now, has changed the way we play platformers. Super Mario 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (YI) and 64 are the greatest platformers ever made, bar-none. The Super Mario Bros. series is *THE* standard for 2D platforming. Furthermore, Mario has, on many occasions, been dubbed the "KING OF PLATFORMING!" Isn't that saying a lot?

New SMB, IMO, is a step back. And right now, everyone's just buying into the hype. I sure as hell did. All those GODDAMNED news and reviews sites are fucking liars. No one gives their opinion like me. I've been to gamerankings, I know how people like to suck on Nintendo's dick. Well, this time, for me, it ain't going to happen.

New SMB, is basically SMB1, with a pinch of SMB3 thrown in for good measure. It's much more old-school than its predecessors, which isn't a bad thing, but hey, I'm not going to sit here and wait for 10 more years for them to come out with a game that resembles Super Mario 2 with a pinch of Mario World or whatever... it's just more of the same. There's not really any innovation or genre pushing features in the whole freakin' game.

I guess I'll just have to wait until YI2 comes out to get my full platforming gaming fix on. This game, in all its little magical tricks that it does, with its great graphics and cool powerups, falls just short of greatness. The reason for this is 2 things: 1.) it is not challenging in the slightest, not even when it's at its hardest, and 2.) it's over before it even gets started. You can skip through this game in 2 days, I sure as hell did. Yeah I'm taking my time now getting all those star coins, but what the hell? I've played all the stages, they're all easy and short and a VERY few amount of them feature really good gameplay. The wall jumps weren't taken advantage of and the powerups weren't either. The Mega Mushroom is just fanservice, and the blue shell isn't even really useful. And you get 1-ups up the yin-yang! Jesus, you think they could have cut back on the chances for 1-ups? I mean c'mon folks, even Super Mario 3 didn't give you this many chances...

Man, this game is really NOT as good as everyone says it is, but it's selling through the roof just due to the sole fact that it's a new Mario game. Period. It has nothing to do with being good. If this game was released on the N64 8 years ago it would have been awesome, but now, not really. It deserves a 6, at best.


NSMB really wasn't all I expected it to be. Level design seems bland, needs more powerups then omg gient muxroom and omg shell!1!!

If it were at least hard and it didn't give you 10 million 1-ups every single stage, it might've been better. Right now, it's just feeding on the mario fame.

Personal score after my hype died out: 7/10

Thank you.


I didn't really go into playing NSMB with an expectation of having the genre redefined for me. The title told me (long before the game was out) that it wasn't going to happen. As far as genre redefinition, I'm sure Super Mario Galaxy will have plenty of that. I specifically bought NSMB for that classic, side-scrolling, 2D feel. And I'm not disappointed in the least.

Is it easy? Yeah. But it's not alone. Honestly it seems the days of challenging (but not insane) games are behind us anyway. If a game does come along that isn't mindnumbingly easy, it's Ninja Gaiden. Any middle ground that once existed is gone. Also, I have the distinct impression that this game is really only easy for those of us who've been addicted to the series since it's inception. Of course, I guess that is precisely the group it's pitched at. ;)

All-in-all it's going to be different for everyone. I listened to Gamespot's video review. They mentioned that some levels were short, they mentioned it was a bit easy. I wasn't sold until I played the demo at Walmart. Then I was hooked. And hey, if nothing else, it certainly gives me a break from being snaked to death on Mario Kart. :P


Any of you play Super Mario World lately? I have. I have 100+ lives easily. This game isn't hard or long, but it is good. Only three power-ups, mushroom, fireflower, cape. Sure, you have Yoshi, but most of the time he is more of a bother than an asset. The novelty goes away pretty quickly when you can't use your fireballs while you're on him.

I think anybody that complains about NSMBs may need to stop to consider that SMW was fun without all the power-ups of SMB3, or the playable characters of SMB2. I'm playing SMW on my DS lite, just got to Chocolate Island. Don't have the money for NSMB just yet, but when I do I'll get it.

Any of you play Super Mario World lately? I have. I have 100+ lives easily. This game isn't hard or long, but it is good. Only three power-ups, mushroom, fireflower, cape. Sure, you have Yoshi, but most of the time he is more of a bother than an asset. The novelty goes away pretty quickly when you can't use your fireballs while you're on him.

I think anybody that complains about NSMBs may need to stop to consider that SMW was fun without all the power-ups of SMB3, or the playable characters of SMB2. I'm playing SMW on my DS lite, just got to Chocolate Island. Don't have the money for NSMB just yet, but when I do I'll get it.

I had over 500 lives and every Yoshi Coin ever before my little sister accidentally erased the file. I haven't bothered putting the effort back in.

I think anybody that complains about NSMBs may need to stop to consider that SMW was fun without all the power-ups of SMB3, or the playable characters of SMB2. I'm playing SMW on my DS lite, just got to Chocolate Island. Don't have the money for NSMB just yet, but when I do I'll get it.

Thanks for reminding me that I need to pick up SMW for my DS (well, GBA, but yeah). I loved that game. Probably my favorite of the series. NSMB is really fun too, and I've started to find levels that are giving me a good amount of challenge. A welcome addition to the series IMO.

Anyway, more on topic. Elite Beat Agents needs to hit the shelves a little quicker. The hype I've heard for the past several months about Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan is starting to drive me crazy. For quite some time I've wanted to try out any DDR style game. I secretly thought the games looked like a blast. I was planning on getting DDR Mario Mix but I heard a lot of negatives about it, EBA looks like a great little rhythm game.

I didn't want to make a new topic... so this is where I'll rant.

So, upon reflection of the New Super Mario Bros., I come to you sad, and disappointed. Why is this? I'll gladly tell you.

Every single Mario game, up until now, has changed the way we play platformers. Super Mario 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (YI) and 64 are the greatest platformers ever made, bar-none. The Super Mario Bros. series is *THE* standard for 2D platforming. Furthermore, Mario has, on many occasions, been dubbed the "KING OF PLATFORMING!" Isn't that saying a lot?

New SMB, IMO, is a step back. And right now, everyone's just buying into the hype. I sure as hell did. All those GODDAMNED news and reviews sites are fucking liars. No one gives their opinion like me. I've been to gamerankings, I know how people like to suck on Nintendo's dick. Well, this time, for me, it ain't going to happen.

New SMB, is basically SMB1, with a pinch of SMB3 thrown in for good measure. It's much more old-school than its predecessors, which isn't a bad thing, but hey, I'm not going to sit here and wait for 10 more years for them to come out with a game that resembles Super Mario 2 with a pinch of Mario World or whatever... it's just more of the same. There's not really any innovation or genre pushing features in the whole freakin' game.

I guess I'll just have to wait until YI2 comes out to get my full platforming gaming fix on. This game, in all its little magical tricks that it does, with its great graphics and cool powerups, falls just short of greatness. The reason for this is 2 things: 1.) it is not challenging in the slightest, not even when it's at its hardest, and 2.) it's over before it even gets started. You can skip through this game in 2 days, I sure as hell did. Yeah I'm taking my time now getting all those star coins, but what the hell? I've played all the stages, they're all easy and short and a VERY few amount of them feature really good gameplay. The wall jumps weren't taken advantage of and the powerups weren't either. The Mega Mushroom is just fanservice, and the blue shell isn't even really useful. And you get 1-ups up the yin-yang! Jesus, you think they could have cut back on the chances for 1-ups? I mean c'mon folks, even Super Mario 3 didn't give you this many chances...

Man, this game is really NOT as good as everyone says it is, but it's selling through the roof just due to the sole fact that it's a new Mario game. Period. It has nothing to do with being good. If this game was released on the N64 8 years ago it would have been awesome, but now, not really. It deserves a 6, at best.

I, for one, am sick of "innovation," and I know I'm not alone. I guess people'd rather have classic series keep coming up with ricidulous gimmicks such as Mario's Fludd Cannon from SMS.

NSMB was not supposed to be innovative. It was meant to be a throwback to the old days. You play it for the nostalgia, not the innovation.

Seriously, Mario Galaxy looks, IMHO, way too far-fetched. No resemblance whatsoever to Mario's roots.

I'd take a nice, simple, 2D game anyday over some gimmicked out 3D suckfest.

Seriously, Mario Galaxy looks, IMHO, way too far-fetched. No resemblance whatsoever to Mario's roots.

I'd take a nice, simple, 2D game anyday over some gimmicked out 3D suckfest.

You're really going to miss out then. Mario Galaxy was the best Wii title I played at E3. It's going to be a really fun game.


I have not seen much of Mario Galaxy, but I was dissapointed in how the game is set. I wanted a brand new mario game for Wii set in the lush enviroments of the Mushroom Kingdom. The true, classic stroy. Princess is captured, and Mario is to the rescue. Also I heard there are robots as enemies? That isn't Mario at all.

Anyway, DS. I recently bought NSMB and I love it. It's so awesome. Some levels are really short though thats the only stupid thing.

Current DS games I own:

New Super Mario Bros


Mario 64 DS

Mario Kart (my friend code 158979 503275)

Metroid Prime Hunters (I have no idea how to see my friend code on this game)

Jump Superstars


Star Wars Episode III

Project Rub

DragonBall Z Supersonic Warrios2

Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory

Goldeneye Rogue Agent

The Sims 2

The Metroid Prime Demo

There, If any of you have Mario Kart and Metroid Prime and can play online, care to give me your friend codes?

I am really looking forward to Final Fantasy III and Zelda The phantom hour glass. And I hope Nintendo decides to create a Super Smash Bros game for DS with Wi-Fi that would totally own.


There, If any of you have Mario Kart and Metroid Prime and can play online, care to give me your friend codes?

I added you on Mario Kart. My FC is 193333-056952.

Oh, and to see your FC on MPH,

Multiplayer > Nintendo Wi-Fi > Edit Friends and Rivals > Add Friend

I have not seen much of Mario Galaxy, but I was dissapointed in how the game is set. I wanted a brand new mario game for Wii set in the lush enviroments of the Mushroom Kingdom. The true, classic stroy. Princess is captured, and Mario is to the rescue. Also I heard there are robots as enemies? That isn't Mario at all.

Anyway, DS. I recently bought NSMB and I love it. It's so awesome. Some levels are really short though thats the only stupid thing.

Current DS games I own:

New Super Mario Bros


Mario 64 DS

Mario Kart (my friend code 158979 503275)

Metroid Prime Hunters (I have no idea how to see my friend code on this game)

Jump Superstars


Star Wars Episode III

Project Rub

DragonBall Z Supersonic Warrios2

Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory

Goldeneye Rogue Agent

The Sims 2

The Metroid Prime Demo

There, If any of you have Mario Kart and Metroid Prime and can play online, care to give me your friend codes?

I am really looking forward to Final Fantasy III and Zelda The phantom hour glass. And I hope Nintendo decides to create a Super Smash Bros game for DS with Wi-Fi that would totally own.

Exactly how I feel. Mario Galaxy has lost the Mario feeling. Personally, I think SM64 is where the series began to go astray, even though SM64 was a great game. Sunshine went even further off track, and now Galaxy is looking very VERY un-Mario-ish.

Phantom Hourglass appears to be similar to NSMB in that it combines the new with the old, 3D with retro.

The only complaint I have about NSMB is Baby Bowser. He is a new generation character. What ever happened to Bowser's other 8 kids?


I agree with you.

Mario 64, I mean, I got so excited when I first played it. A big 3D castle. I was like awesome! And then next thing you know you are jumping through paintings?

And Super Mario Sunshine, what the hell! Since when did Mario ever use a water machine to "clean up".

Also, the baby bowser is something that should of been different in NSMB. They should of as you said have the kooper kids.

I agree with you.

Mario 64, I mean, I got so excited when I first played it. A big 3D castle. I was like awesome! And then next thing you know you are jumping through paintings?

And Super Mario Sunshine, what the hell! Since when did Mario ever use a water machine to "clean up".

Also, the baby bowser is something that should of been different in NSMB. They should of as you said have the kooper kids.

I think I first realized that Mario 64 was leaving the Mario tradition behind when I reflected upon how few enemies were defeated by jumping on their heads. That was always how Mario worked, and in SM64, it was such a pain to jump on a Goomba's head; way easier to punch them.

3d jumps didn't seem the same.


Yeah thats so true. And punching? Mario never punched things in classic mario games. We need to see more like NSMB. I also loved Yoshi's Island and apparently a sequal is coming out for DS, but I hope it has the same platforming elements.


I'm itching for a new DS game. I've pretty much narrowed it down to Metroid Prime: Hunters or Animal Crossing. They've both got advantages and drawbacks, but I can't really decide.

Can somebody give me a couple good reasons to choose one over the other?


Personally I love Metroid. Playing online is good fun and the adventure is awesome. I don't really like Animals Crossing as it's boring...and a really slow game to play.

I think I first realized that Mario 64 was leaving the Mario tradition behind when I reflected upon how few enemies were defeated by jumping on their heads. That was always how Mario worked, and in SM64, it was such a pain to jump on a Goomba's head; way easier to punch them.

3d jumps didn't seem the same.

I think you just have bad aim. :lol:

Also, the baby bowser is something that should of been different in NSMB. They should of as you said have the kooper kids.

That's really the only thing I really wish was different. Baby Bowser is cool and all... but he's no Ludwig von Koopa, or Lemmy Koopa.

I think I first realized that Mario 64 was leaving the Mario tradition behind when I reflected upon how few enemies were defeated by jumping on their heads. That was always how Mario worked, and in SM64, it was such a pain to jump on a Goomba's head; way easier to punch them.

3d jumps didn't seem the same.

Be that as it may, Mario 64 was the game that forever defined the genre of 3D Action/Adventure. Whether it was leaving the Mario tradition or not. :)

In a way you can almost watch Nintendo learn how to make the transition from 2D to 3D over time. Mario 64 was a decent transition. LoZ:OoT was a slightly better transtion, and so on... all the way up until Metroid Prime (which, ironically Nintendo didn't develop) which IMO signified the greatest transition from a 2D series to a 3D one.

And for the record, I loved Mario 64 to death too. The first time I picked up that controller and moved him around the castle grounds was probably one of the happiest video game moments of my childhood. But Super Mario Sunshine, I just couldn't get into that at all.

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