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Oh man, I wish someone would have warned me that the Ace Attorney demo would have a massive cliffhanger. It sounded like it was the complete first case. Now I feel all ... unresolved. And it's still more than a month until I can find out what happens next.

Haha, it's really good.

Feb 19 ? Ok, I'll get an US copy.

(as for Doulifée I suppose >_>)

Wow, I'm going to have to rush to finish up Phoenix Wright T&T then! I'm still on the 2nd part of case 2.

(curse you Capcom for making these cases so in-depth and rewarding!)

Furthermore, FF3 is my favorite Final Fantasy. Awesome music. Great game. I'm glad they finally brought it stateside.

I second that for the European market. While I've found that there's a bit of a learning curve behind it, as well as pretty steep increases in monster levels in certain areas, it's a great game nonetheless.

Sure, it's not the best in the FF series by any means (I'll let 7 and 8 battle that one out) but it's still a solid game in its own respects. And after seeing the original Famicom box art, I'm glad they re-done that image with the traditional white FF background, á la the other games in the series since 7.


I thought having that caption on it wouldn't go down well, but anyway, text changed on it, a bit more "user-friendly".

A lot off-topic, but relevant none the less.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Whoever decided getting my mum Brain Training for Christmas is a right git. Because I can't get near the DS any more, she's hooked on the Sudoku on it :(

ninja.gifThat git being me

I second that for the European market. While I've found that there's a bit of a learning curve behind it, as well as pretty steep increases in monster levels in certain areas, it's a great game nonetheless.

Sure, it's not the best in the FF series by any means (I'll let 7 and 8 battle that one out) but it's still a solid game in its own respects. And after seeing the original Famicom box art, I'm glad they re-done that image with the traditional white FF background, á la the other games in the series since 7.

7 sucks just sayin

ff4 soon yay

Ok, I have never played Phoenix Wright, and I am sure it could be fun. But can someone please explain to me how Phoenix Wright is a pwn game?

I hate useless, ultimately non-descriptive terms. With that said...

Think of Phoenix Wright as a tribute to all of the text-adventure games you've ever played. I would go so far as to say that it is functionally this generation's "Monkey Island". It is intelligent, makes you think, and manages to be absolutely hilarious while doing so. Admittedly, the first case of each game babies you, but by the time you reach the end of game 1 case 2, you'll be hooked (or you'll know that you won't like it, but that won't happen, right?)

Anyone who has played the first (or second game) and hasn't finished the third must do so _now_, by the way. 3-5 is an amazing way to end Phoenix's trilogy.

Ok, I have never played Phoenix Wright, and I am sure it could be fun. But can someone please explain to me how Phoenix Wright is a pwn game?
Anyone who has played the first (or second game) and hasn't finished the third must do so _now_, by the way. 3-5 is an amazing way to end Phoenix's trilogy.

I own the first 2 games and I don't even own a DS (sadly) that's how awesome they are, and now I feel like playing Phoenix Wright...

Admittedly, the first case of each game babies you, but by the time you reach the end of game 1 case 2, you'll be hooked (or you'll know that you won't like it, but that won't happen, right?)

Game 1, case 2 was my least favorite in the series thus far. Kinda traumatizing IMO (well not really, but you know what I mean), and the characters were just annoying.


I just finished Trials & Tribulations this morning, and I can say with confidence that there was no better way to end Phoenix's series. It pretty much tied together every major case in the series to date in a very satisfying way. Totally awesome.

On a different note: Advance Wars next week!


I thought Trials and Tribulations ended a bit weakly since it cut to too many useless, silly characters and nobody really knows what happened to Godot and others. It just ended. Not much of a wrap up. And Apollo Justice seems to continue it a bit, so I doubt Phoenix's story has ended.

  • 2 weeks later...


Recently bought myself "Advance Wars: Days of Ruin" since I've skipped out on the other titles except the first one that came on the GBA.

I have to say it's an extreme jump from back then to now. Rather dark with some bits of "epic" feeling to them. Nothing like rushing in with bombers, biplanes, and Copters while finishing them off with mechs, battleships and carriers.

I also like how they have a map editor available for the start and have some options to play it against a friend even if he/she doesn't have a copy of AW:DoR via trading back and forth in person. I haven't tried to see if it has wi-fi just yet, but that's bound to get more interesting if it does.

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