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wait, 200 base attack and defense? i thought the max was 100, unless you're combining both neku and shiki


you're prolly right as I haven't touched the game in a week (FFT addiction)

So I'm almost at the end of Week 1 and I haven't been feeding my characters or buying them clothes. Am I doing it wrong?

it helps a fuckton past week 1

week 1 can be played on extreme with no upgrades at all with little fear of death iirc

it helps a fuckton past week 1

week 1 can be played on extreme with no upgrades at all with little fear of death iirc

i just have this problem where i go to the store and there are so many choices and i'm like uhhhh and then i notice the clerk acting all haughty and i'm like eff this and i walk out and then the clerk makes a snooty comment about window shoppers and i never want to go back

except the natural puppy store, the clerk there is nice and kinda cute and the name puts me in a happy mood where i like to spend money on things i don't need

i just have this problem where i go to the store and there are so many choices and i'm like uhhhh and then i notice the clerk acting all haughty and i'm like eff this and i walk out and then the clerk makes a snooty comment about window shoppers and i never want to go back

except the natural puppy store, the clerk there is nice and kinda cute and the name puts me in a happy mood where i like to spend money on things i don't need

ahahah that is pretty much the only reason i 100%ed every clerk

Pretty much what I was going to say.

I just love the presentation that the game gives.

What are everybody's current collection rates and stuff? I've beaten the game though and am working on the secret reports.

In 45 hours of gameplay (you can check by pressing L and R on the save screen) I've gotten:

ESP'er Rank of Conducter (not sure how that's determined)

ESP'er Points - 1573 (again, not sure what's being counted)

Noise Types - 77 types, 80.2%

Pin Mastery - 115 types, 37.8%

Item Collection - 421 types, 89.1%

and I haven't tried the Final Time Attack yet

like i said, extremely bored with nothing else to play

esper rank angel

esper point something around 5500

noise, pin, item 100% star

hella hours of play, something over 150

final time attack like 12 minutes or something

all secret reports, all noise beat at every difficulty, all noise beat at level 1 except for two pig noise where i fucked up and accidentally put it at lvl 50

but i finally stopped playing and started touch detective 2.5. what a cute game. i also tried playing pokemon mystery dungeon time version, but i don't really like the battle system as much as the original pokemon stuff. then someone recommended mystery dungeon: shiren the wanderer and i find out its the EXACT same thing as pokemon mystery dungeon, granted they are both from chunsoft, but wow, they are so similar. then i got guitar hero on tour. fun, expert was actually pretty hard [for me] even with 4 buttons. hard to find a way to hold the ds comfortably without straining or cramping my hand after half an hour.


viewtiful joe games are always fun, and you'll see why some people wanted him in smash bros. they get hard at points, but that's most of the fun!

wait, which one was the gamecube one? double trouble right? that was hard, the ds one, not so much


If you're referring to the buttons and d-pad, those aren't analog. :P Anyway, I remember the game giving you a fair amount of leeway with the touchscreen, so I never had any problems. It really doesn't take that much time to whip out the stylus from the back. If you're really in a pinch though, you can always use your fingernail (or thumbstrap if you have one).

The main trouble I'm having is switching between the analog controls and the touch screen stuff. I have to hold the stylus in my mouth while I'm doing everything else, so I can quickly use it when I need to.

I had to do that with Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, with those stupid seals you have to draw. I must have looked so dumb to anyone watching me.

  • 2 weeks later...

So, the Nintendo conference at E3 is over, and they didn't show a new DS model. Yay.

But they did announce a GTA game for the DS, so that's... sort of something. Not my sort of thing, though.

So unless Nintendo is holding back a new DS in case Sony does something absolutely amazing at their conference, I can't see new hardware happening anytime soon.

Maybe at TGS, or even next year if Nintendo does a Spaceworld. But considering it's been seven years since the last one, I can't see that happening either.

  • 4 weeks later...

Ooh, a DS thread bump!

I played my DS like crazy while on vacation, playing The World Ends with You, Final Fantasy III and Children of Mana. My thoughts:

TWEWY was amazing. Easily breaks into my top 3 DS games, behind Elite Beat Agents. I'm going to pick up the players guide sometime to help me finish the "game after the game." I highly recommend it to all hardcore gamers, yet I'd tell casual gamers to stay far away because it's too hard and too different for the average gamer. "NEO-TOKYO WTF?"

FFIII is just OK. I miss controlling characters with character. I was playing through with a guide (cuz I got one for free), and I never realized how unhelpful and inaccurate most guides are. I constantly said things like, "The map doesn't actually look like that," "This room doesn't connect to this room" and "Why does it not tell me that a dragoon takes off 5000+ damage off the boss while everyone else takes off 200?" Not very helpful, especially considering most people spent $17 on it.

Children of Mana was a pleasant surprise. It turned out to be kind of like Diablo II because you hacked and slashed your way to treasures. Many many many optional sidequests. Magic was pretty useless though. The biggest problem was the horrific storyline written by a third grader. "O P.S. I'm not really the bad guy. All that crap I was doing to you earlier should be discarded. Go kill the real bad guy." A fun rental, but not worth owning. I beat it (much to my relief) after about 18 hours, after I quit doing side quests and just charged through the main quests.

Still no word on Fire Emblem DS outside of Japan, right? I have very high expectations for it. If Fire Emblem DS improves Fire Emblem GBA in the same way that Advance Wars DS improved Advance Wars GBA, it should be an amazing game/series.

Meh, you can do much better than the R4 for the same or less money these days.

if youre just looking for a slot 1 solution than the r4 is cheap and ridiculously easy to use (my 11 year old sister has one and loves it)

also rofl @ piracy crackdowns

  • 1 month later...
Hotel Dusk, room 215 is pretty good. And now it's only 20 bucks at futureshop, worth the buy if you're into mystery stories and point and click adventures.

I'm still working on Apollo Justice, and also Metal Slug 7.

I also find it extremely funny that DS-Scene.net announced "Playmobil : Pirate Aboard" on Talk-Like-a-Prate Day!


Edit: I'm also excited for this, Japanese or not:

Haruhi Suzumiya DS

I'd tell casual gamers to stay far away because it's too hard and too different for the average gamer.

wait what

I thought I was an average gamer and I thought it was easy

I mean, I play on ultimate difficulty and full manual control with the top screen because anything less is too damn easy

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